Category: 911 scheme

911 With Strange Connections How Bush and Cheney aided Israel in attacking the USA on 911. 2000 elections were rigged to put Cheney & Bush in power b/c they are accused pedophiles easy to blackmail. Source: — Use Yandex Search Engine for Anti Zionist searches (@Use_Yandex) February 26, 2025 m2

Since When Do Highrise Buildings on Fire Collapse in Seconds?

Highrise Buildings just don’t collapse from fire – they never have done so in history. Hit by a plane or not, it doesn’t matter. The WTC was designed from the outset, to withstand storms, earthquakes, including the impact of aeroplanes! [This post is kept as short as possible. Links to more in-depth articles are provided.]

Who Cares About The Five Dancing Israelis (Mossad) on 9/11?

= Blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. = 1. Intro It is one thing to blame Muslims in this ummah (world-community) for any wrong which they have done. Just like anyone else, they have to be convicted in a court of law and be punished. However, it is …

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