The Official Story Of October Seventh

Disclaimer: Muslims never had a problem with Jews, they do have a problem with Zionism, racism, colonialism.

NB Islam and Muslims never had a problem with Christians or Jews as 'People of the Book', the problem however stems from Zionism, racism and neo-colonialism from before 1948 after.

1. Available info-pages about Oct 7, 2023: o, A, B, C

Part o, is this page here.
Part A First page about Oct 7
Part B & C have more info, with C continuously updated, inshaAllah.

– 1. Introduction of original article by Caitlin J.
– 2. Video re. was the attack “unprovoked”?
– 3. German version of the article
– 4. Swedish version of the article

(NB: Why we write Isra-l: ”El” means God and we don’t accept the Name of ‘God’ in a country, also according to the divine command:
”Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”)

1. Isra-l offensive forces did not respond for nine hours

Quoting Caitlin Johnstone @caitoz
The official story is that on October 7, 2023, thousands of evil Hamas terrorists broke out of their walled-in enclave and killed approximately 1,200 Israelis for no reason other than because they were evil and wanted to kill Jews. Nothing was done by the Israeli government to provoke this attack, and nothing of any relevance happened prior to this date.

The attack was as undefended as could possibly be; Israeli defense forces did not respond for nine hours despite having received ample warning that an attack was coming for months, from both their own intelligence services and from Egyptian intelligence. No attempt was made to warn the Nova music… [continue for complete article The Official Story Of October Seventh, Article with supporting links]

The Official Story Of October Seventh, Article with supporting links
The Official Story Of October Seventh, On twitter/ X without supporting links
The Official Story Of October Seventh, Listen to a reading of this article
What really happened on Oct 7, 2023

2. Unprovoked?

Regarding the narration that the attacks by Hamas militants were unprovoked

Watch on YouTube Gaza Concentration Camp

They write:
Our YouTube channel has recently (~ 2023-11-07) been completely demonetized, so please support our work by becoming a member of our Patreon for as little as $5 per month.

3. German version – Deutsch

Die offizielle Geschichte vom siebten Oktober

(Übersetzt von Jochen_Mitschka @jochen_mitschka)
Die offizielle Geschichte besagt, dass am 7. Oktober 2023 Tausende böser Hamas-Terroristen aus ihrer ummauerten Enklave ausbrachen und etwa 1.200 Israelis töteten, ohne einen anderen Grund als den, dass sie böse waren und Juden töten wollten. Nichts wurde von der israelischen Regierung unternommen, um diesen Angriff zu provozieren, und nichts von Bedeutung geschah vor diesem Datum.

Der Angriff war so unverteidigt wie nur möglich; die israelischen Verteidigungskräfte reagierten neun Stunden lang nicht, obwohl sie seit Monaten sowohl von ihren eigenen Geheimdiensten als auch vom ägyptischen Geheimdienst hinreichend vor einem Angriff gewarnt worden waren. Es wurde kein Versuch unternommen, das Nova-Musikfestival vor einem bevorstehenden Angriff zu warnen, obwohl die israelischen Sicherheitskräfte bereits am Vortag wussten, dass ein Angriff bevorstand, der Hunderte von Toten und gefangenen Geiseln zur Folge hatte. Der Angriff stieß auf so wenig Widerstand, dass die Hamas Berichten zufolge selbst überrascht war, wie viele Israelis sie gefangen nehmen und töten konnte. Ihre Überraschung war vielleicht darauf zurückzuführen, dass sie zwei Jahre lang unter freiem Himmel, weniger als eine Meile von der Grenze entfernt, für einen Angriff aus der Luft, zu Wasser und zu Lande mit motorisierten Gleitschirmen, Drohnen und Motorbooten trainiert hatte. Das alles ist völlig normal und überhaupt nicht verdächtig.

Überhaupt nicht verdächtig ist auch die Tatsache, dass 100 Prozent der 1.200 israelischen Todesopfer am 7. Oktober der Hamas zugeschrieben werden, obwohl israelische Medien und Augenzeugen berichten, dass die IDF wahllos in Gebiete voller Israelis geschossen haben. Die verbrannten Leichen, die Sie auf den Fotos der Verwüstung vom 7. Oktober sehen, wurden mit absoluter Sicherheit von der Hamas verbrannt, obwohl die israelische Regierung zugegeben hat, dass sie zuvor Hunderte von toten Hamas-Kämpfern fälschlicherweise als Israelis identifiziert hatte, weil sie durch das Feuer der IDF so stark verbrannt waren, dass ihre Leichen nicht mehr zu erkennen waren. Mehr: What really happened on Oct 7, 2023

(Die offizielle Geschichte vom 7. Oktober enthielt früher auch Erzählungen über enthauptete Babys, in Öfen gekochte Babys und aus den Gebärmüttern schwangerer Mütter gerissene Babys, und man war ein böser Judenhasser, wenn man daran zweifelte, aber diese Erzählungen wurden inzwischen zurückgenommen und sind nicht mehr Teil der offiziellen Geschichte, so dass der Glaube daran jetzt freiwillig ist).

Die Ermordung von 1.200 Israelis war so böse und ungeheuerlich, dass sie die Tötung von mehr als 16.000 Palästinensern im Gazastreifen, darunter mehr als 7.000 Kinder, gerechtfertigt hat. Wahrscheinlich werden noch weit mehr Menschen getötet werden, denn das Leben von Israelis ist viel, viel mehr wert als das Leben von Palästinensern. Nur ein rassistischer occupation würde glauben, dass das Leben von Palästinensern etwas zählt.

Israel trägt ohnehin keine Schuld an den Morden in Gaza, weil die Hamas Zivilisten als menschliche Schutzschilde benutzt. Es ist antisemitisch zu fragen, wie Israel es geschafft hat, so viele menschliche Schutzschilde zu töten, während erstaunlich wenige Hamas-Kämpfer getötet wurden und der Hamas-Führung dabei kein nennenswerter Schaden zugefügt wurde.

Jetzt, da 1,7 Millionen Menschen aus dem Gazastreifen vertrieben wurden und in Richtung der ägyptischen Grenze gedrängt werden, ist es völlig in Ordnung und normal zu sehen, dass offizielle Agenden von israelischen Beamten und Vordenkern vorangetrieben werden, um die Bevölkerung des Gazastreifens ‘auszudünnen’ und sie in andere Länder umzusiedeln. Nur ein böser Terroristenanhänger würde dies als ethnische Säuberung bezeichnen; man sollte es eher als einen permanenten Urlaub betrachten.

Wenn Sie irgendeinen Teil dieser offiziellen Geschichte in Frage stellen, sind Sie ein böses, judenhassendes Monster, das den Terrorismus liebt und sich wünscht, Hitler hätte gewonnen. Man sollte Sie zensieren, aus Ihrem Job feuern, von der Universität werfen und aus der Gesellschaft verschwinden lassen, weil Sie Völkermord unterstützen und wollen, dass gute Menschen sterben.

Haben Sie das Gefühl, dass Sie verrückt werden? Das ist gut. Das bedeutet, dass es funktioniert. Das bedeutet, dass die offizielle Geschichte in Ihrem Kopf Wurzeln schlägt. Lassen Sie sie in sich aufblühen und erblühen. Hören Sie auf zu kämpfen. Entspannen Sie sich. Je mehr du kämpfst, desto mehr wird es wehtun. Lassen Sie Ihren Geist einfach leer werden und gehorchen Sie. Es wird vorbei sein, bevor du es merkst."

4. Swedish – Svenska

Den officiella berättelsen om den sjunde oktober

Den officiella historien är att den 7 oktober 2023 bröt tusentals onda Hamas-terrorister ut ur sin inmurade enklav och dödade cirka 1 200 israeler utan någon annan anledning än för att de var onda och ville döda judar. Ingenting gjordes av den israeliska regeringen för att provocera fram denna attack, och ingenting av någon relevans hände före detta datum.

Attacken var så oförsvarad som möjligt; Israeliska försvarsstyrkor svarade inte på nio timmar trots att de fått i månader rikliga varningar om att en attack skulle komma, både från deras egna underrättelsetjänster och från egyptisk underrättelsetjänst. Inget försök gjordes att varna deltagarna på Nova musikfestivalen för en förestående attack trots att israeliska säkerhetsstyrkor var medvetna dagen innan om att en attack skulle komma, vilket resulterade i hundratals döda och tillfångatagna gisslan. Attacken möttes av så lite motstånd att Hamas själva enligt uppgift blev förvånade över hur många israeler de kunde fånga och döda, deras förvåning kanske berodde på det faktum att de hade tillbringat två år med träning direkt i det fria mindre än en mil från gränsen för en luft-, sjö- och landattack med hjälp av motoriserade skärmflygare, drönare och motorbåtar. Allt detta är helt normalt och inte alls misstänksamt.

Inte alls misstänksamt är det faktum att 100 procent av de 1 200 israeliska dödsfallen den 7 oktober tillskrivs Hamas trots att israeliska medier och ögonvittnen rapporterade att IDF sköt urskillningslöst mot områden fulla av israeler. De brända kropparna du ser på bilder från förödelsen den 7 oktober brändes med absolut säkerhet av Hamas, trots den israeliska regeringens erkännande att den hade tidigare felidentifierat hundratals döda Hamas-krigare som israeler eftersom de hade blivit så illa brända av IDF:s eld att deras lik var oigenkännliga. more: What really happened on Oct 7, 2023

(Den officiella berättelsen från den 7 oktober inkluderade också tidigare berättelser om halshuggna spädbarn, spädbarn kastade i ugnar och spädbarn som slitits ur livmodern på gravida mödrar, och du blev en ond judehatande förintelseförnekare om du tvivlade på dem, men dessa berättelserna har i efterhand tagits tillbaka och är inte längre en del av den officiella historien, så du må tro på dem om du vill.)

Mordet på 1 200 israeler var så ondskefullt och grymt att det har motiverat dödandet av mer än 16 000 palestinier i Gaza, inklusive mer än 7 000 barn. Det kommer sannolikt att motivera dödandet av många fler, eftersom israeliska liv är värda mycket, mycket mer än palestinska liv. Bara en rasistisk nazist skulle tro att palestinska liv betyder något.

Hur somhelst är Israel inte skyldig till något av morden i Gaza, eftersom Hamas använder civila som mänskliga sköldar. Det är antisemitiskt att fråga sig hur Israel har lyckats döda så många mänskliga sköldar samtidigt som de dödat förvånansvärt få Hamas-krigare och inte orsakat någon allvarlig skada för Hamas ledarskap i processen.

Nu när 1,7 miljoner Gazabor har fördrivits och har skjutsats mot den egyptiska gränsen, är det helt okej och normalt att bli varse om officiella agendor från israeliska tjänstemän och tänkare för att “tunna ut” Gazas befolkning och flytta dem till andra länder . Endast en ond terroristsupporter skulle kalla detta för etnisk rensning; man borde mer se det som en permanent semester.

Om du ifrågasätter någon del av den här officiella historien, är du ett ondskefullt judehatande monster som älskar terrorism och önskar att Hitler hade vunnit. Du borde censureras, sparkas från ditt jobb, sparkas från universitetet och försvinna från det väluppfostrade samhället, för du stödjer folkmord och du vill att goda människor ska dö.

Får detta känna dig att du håller på att bli galen? Bra. Det betyder att det fungerar. Det betyder att den officiella historien slår rot i ditt sinne. Låt den blomma och blomma inuti dig. Sluta kämpa. Koppla av. Ju mer du kämpar, desto mer gör det ont. Låt bara ditt sinne bli tomt och lyda. Det här kommer att vara över innan du vet ordet av det.

Latest 52 texts on

latest update 2024-04-11

- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- 008_Gaza: Starve or Leave! & Israel’s Moral Dilemma
- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 010_Beautiful Ahadith to act on immediately
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible's punishment for people's wickedness
- What do journalists do during a genocide?
- Quran Verse 21-25
- Debt Cancellation and Economic Parasites
- Israel’s systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
- They Want to Destroy TikTok - Guess why!
- The time of Germany lecturing others is over.
- A New Definition of Extremism
- Time for sanctions on Israel!
- The richest, most powerful countries in the western world…
- Systematic attacks on hungry people in Gaza by IOF
- What is NATO?
- Misinterpreting Quranic Verses
- The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax
- When I Was an IDF Soldier
- Does the EU stand for democracy, human rights values?
- Our goal is to stop the genocide, Al Ansar (Houthis)
- The Western/ Israel scandal to stop UNRWA!
- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
- Stop Asking Us About Hamas! When a Genocide Is Happening!!
- Each day … in Gaza – Isra-l at the ICJ
- Rape Allegations from Israel Hasbara
- Hasbara - State Propaganda from the Zionists
- Regarding the US Empire, And Why We Care
- What really happened on Oct 7, 2023
- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- We Demand Your Emancipation From the River to the Sea
- Gaza 2023: How many more of us have to die?
- Each day … in Gaza – Isra-l at the ICJ
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- Uncovering the Hypocrisy of US Empire Leaders
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- A genocide is under way in Palestine
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- The Racists Revenge until Extermination
- This is Palestine before the settler colonial occupation of Israel
- We are all Gaza – Dr. Mats Gilbert
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- Israel war crimes
- It’s not about Self-Defense!

Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, recently based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a virulent deviation from orthodox Judaism.
Supremacism: That a particular group, esp. one determined by race, religion… is superior and should therefore dominate society, and that everyone else is inferior, placed to serve the superior group. Related:

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Israel's current war against Palestinians

And Isra-l kills health workers, doctors, specialists, nurses, ambulance drivers!
Evil, godless, shooters of American weapons.

Well, you guessed it. They don’t want the world to know some serious things of what’s going on.
Except for stories about the Hamas resistance, much can be told – produced by the Isra-l ”hasbara” machine, independent inspections not allowed.

1. How come all those journalists were killed in 6 weeks?

There are of course those who cannot and will not believe these claims, and Allah knows best and most!

Source: 60 Journalists and Media Workers Killed in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (in 2023 / Motive Confirmed or Unconfirmed) Explore CPJ’s database of attacks on the press

2. Comparison

Comment by Muhammad Shehada

Israel killed more journalists in Gaza in 7 weeks than all 20 YEARS of the Vietnam war & all 6 years of World War II @muhammadshehad2

63 journalists killed in Vietnam by both sides
19 killed in World War II by all parties (
17 killed in Ukraine (until May, 2023,
70 killed in Gaza by Israel alone ⇢ in ≈ 6 weeks! ( have 60, but info lagging).

Not to forget the UN workers:

In about two months of war, Israel has killed more journalists and UN workers than Hamas commanders. That’s because its military doctrine consists of state terror by a TikTok army of cowering button pushers. @MaxBlumenthal

Remember: Victory over Hamas is the stated goal, Ethnic cleansing is the real goal!
(If you dont believe it then listen to what Isra-l leaders and “rabbis” have been saying. The extremists are in government now, 2023.

3. Why Israel is targeting journalists in Gaza

American journalist Abby Martin explains why Israel is targeting journalists in Gaza.

People around the world and even Americans and Europeans are more and more turning against this colonial genocidal project by the US empire and its tail, the Isra-l Zionist settler state.

4. Statement by Codepink

Gaza journalists risking their lives to report from within

“I no longer have any hope of survival … I am certain that I will die in the next few weeks or maybe days," said Bisan Owda, a 25 year old journalist from Gaza. Without her, we wouldn’t know what really happened at Al-Shifa hospital where Israeli airstrikes led to the suffocation of babies in incubators. Motaz, another young photojournalist who was raised in the Deir al-Balah refugee camp in Gaza, has been critical in reporting on the indiscriminate bombings of residential buildings in southern Gaza.

Palestinian journalists are risking their lives to tell the truth. What is the mainstream media doing? The New York Times is doing what it does best: propping up the war machine and throwing Palestinians under the bus. We saw it before the invasion of Iraq and we are seeing it now. The New York Times is a mouthpiece for the war machine!

Tell the New York Times ( ⇢ and your media in your country!) to Report accurately on Gaza!

Western media needs to get its act together because the Israeli military stated that their operations in southern Gaza will be “no less strength” than its offensive in the north. The temporary “ceasefire” is over and the death toll in Gaza has climbed to 16,000 people so far. Thanks to the journalists in Gaza, we’ve witnessed this nightmare with them.

The testimonies on the ground in Gaza since the temporary “ceasefire” ended have been heartbreaking. Another Palestinian journalist named Plestia shared the English translation of one of Motaz’s posts on her Instagram where he says, “the phase of risking your life to show what’s happening is over and the phase of trying to survive has started."

Despite having access to incredible first-hand sources like Bisan, Motaz, and Plestia, the New York Times (and your media?) has done nothing but parrot outright lies that green light the genocide. It’s time to demand more of our news outlets! Palestine deserves better.

For the sake of Bisan, Motaz, Plestia, and all Palestinians in Gaza: Tell the NYT to tell the truth about Palestine!
Although the situation in Gaza and the rest of Palestine is dire, and the news can be depressing, I have a bit of a reminder for you: Oppression is meant to make you feel hopeless, to crush your soul in a way that stops you from ever resisting, but we’re stronger than that. They want us to give up, but we refuse!

Towards Peace, Nour and the entire CODEPINK team

Latest 52 texts on

latest update 2024-04-11

- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- 008_Gaza: Starve or Leave! & Israel’s Moral Dilemma
- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 010_Beautiful Ahadith to act on immediately
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible's punishment for people's wickedness
- What do journalists do during a genocide?
- Quran Verse 21-25
- Debt Cancellation and Economic Parasites
- Israel’s systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
- They Want to Destroy TikTok - Guess why!
- The time of Germany lecturing others is over.
- A New Definition of Extremism
- Time for sanctions on Israel!
- The richest, most powerful countries in the western world…
- Systematic attacks on hungry people in Gaza by IOF
- What is NATO?
- Misinterpreting Quranic Verses
- The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax
- When I Was an IDF Soldier
- Does the EU stand for democracy, human rights values?
- Our goal is to stop the genocide, Al Ansar (Houthis)
- The Western/ Israel scandal to stop UNRWA!
- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
- Stop Asking Us About Hamas! When a Genocide Is Happening!!
- Each day … in Gaza – Isra-l at the ICJ
- Rape Allegations from Israel Hasbara
- Hasbara - State Propaganda from the Zionists
- Regarding the US Empire, And Why We Care
- What really happened on Oct 7, 2023
- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- We Demand Your Emancipation From the River to the Sea
- Gaza 2023: How many more of us have to die?
- Each day … in Gaza – Isra-l at the ICJ
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- Uncovering the Hypocrisy of US Empire Leaders
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- A genocide is under way in Palestine
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- The Racists Revenge until Extermination
- This is Palestine before the settler colonial occupation of Israel
- We are all Gaza – Dr. Mats Gilbert
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- Israel war crimes
- It’s not about Self-Defense!

Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter

At Living Islam – Islamic Tradition we don’t show horrific images of dead and wounded grown-ups or children, caused by the Zionist, messianic and deeply racist army of the Isra-l settler state.

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, recently based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a virulent deviation from orthodox Judaism.
Supremacism: That a particular group, esp. one determined by race, religion… is superior and should therefore dominate society, and that everyone else is inferior, placed to serve the superior group. Related:

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Israel's current war against Palestinians

The concept of unchilding

Shahoub Kavorkian<br> Unchilding is that, number one, our children are political capital in the hands of the state. The state looks at them and clearly defines them as non-children. They can be killed. They can be incarcerated. You can prevent them from studying, and you see, again, the culmination of that, of unchilding, you see it today (2023/2024) in Gaza.

But look at occupied East Jerusalem. Occupied East Jerusalem, the number of children that were arrested, that were incarcerated, the number of children in the West Bank, in Hebron, and so on. So childhood in Palestine requires a different political lens, childhood in Palestine, as other settler colonial context, and I need to remind the viewers that this is a settler colonial entity.

There’s a structure, and it’s not an event here and an event there. It’s built about [on] the indigenization of the settler and the eviction of the native, and it’s embedded in the logic of elimination, so the elimination of our kids in various whether by incarcerating them, and you see the necro-carceral machinery against them in every place, or by controlling their way of living, of moving, …
Source: Democracy Now, Top U.S. & World Headlines — March 15, 2024 – YouTube

Latest video at top

NB: On this page no violence or bloodshed

Isra-l’s stated aim is to eradicate Hamas
The real goal is ethnic cleansing!

By means of a partial or complete genocide!


Beautiful princess

Javeria Sultan @javeria_sultan1
Gaza | Beautiful princess hand was cut off in an attack, my heart was torn apart.💔

Is it noise which you hear is from drones Israel drones. 2024-03-12


Welcoming the month of Ramadan

Javeria Sultan @javeria_sultan1
Despite the harshness of life and the continued aggression of the occupation…The atmosphere of welcoming the month of Ramadan in the displacement camps in the Gaza Strip #رمضان



208 school buses

Mohamad Safa @mhdksafa It would take 208 school buses “72 children per bus” to carry the Palestinian children killed by Israel in Gaza. 2024-03-06 pic m2 208-school-buses-72-children-per-bus.jpeg


Injured Children meet their little baby sister

Nour Naim| نُور @NourNaim88
🚨Heartbreaking: injured Children meet their little baby sister after the recent airstrike in Deir Al-Balah, #Gaza.
With their parents trapped under rubble, the children are left alone in the hospital.

Their eyes reveal more than words ever could ‼️



♬ original sound – omarkn80


when did you last eat?

Sarah Wilkinson @swilkinsonbc
Thin, exhausted, they asked her when did you last eat: yesterday she says but there is nothing to eat but donkey food #AirDropAidForGaza



I miss bread

Warfare Analysis @warfareanalysis
“I miss bread.”

And when the journalist asked her, “Does your father bring you bread?”

She said, “He is in heaven.”

And she began to cry.



Palestine demands freedom to LIVE

Pelham @Resist_05
Palestine wants the freedom to LIVE…🇵🇸 in dignity and justice.

Israel wants the freedom to KILL…🇮🇱



Three kids from Gaza

Jules El-Khatib @ju_khatib
Darf ich euch Malek, Sidra & Susan vorstellen? Drei Kinder, die ihr ganzes Leben noch vor sich hatten.
Ihre Leben wurden Sonntagnacht im angeblich sicheren Rafah durch israelische Bomben beendet.

Wer einen Waffenstillstand ablehnt, akzeptiert tausende weitere tote Kinder.

Malek, Sidra & Susan – three children


United Nations Geneva @UNGeneva
“All children living in the Gaza Strip have lost their childhood. They are traumatized and will forever live with a permanent impact on their mental health.”

– Ann Skelton, Chair of the UN Child Rights Committee #CRC ⬇️



Gaza in one Video

Tarek Baé @Tarek_Bae
Das ist Gaza in einem Video. Die tiefe Angst eines Kindes, die angeblich sichere Fluchtroute zu nutzen, über der die israelische Luftwaffe kreist, und der ungebrochene Versuch eines Sanitäters, das Mädchen zu trösten und ihr mit Herzlichkeit die Angst zu nehmen.




Kids hungry. European leaders are you proud now of what you accomplished? in your fight against ‘terrorism’

Mervat Aboouf @MervatAboo70044



Tiberius @ecomarxi
This is a list of 11,500 dead Palestinian children.

Every one needlessly murdered for Zionism and US Imperialism, hundreds before their first birthday.

It’s seven minutes long.

F*** Israel and fu*** the West. We will never forget.



Terrorism Against Children

Javeria Sultan @javeria_sultan1 Gaza| In what world is it ok to traumatize these children? This is terrorism against children



The Fact Finder @FactualNarrator
A girl Standing infront of Tent, looking and smiling at the helplessness of the World, despite being Developed and modern Nations around the world the people of Gaza are still suffering in this onging war of genocide, siege, famine and harsh cold in the Gaza Strip.


14-Year-Old Boy, Muhammad the Sole Caregiver

Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye
A 14-year-old boy, Muhammad Al-Yazji, has become the sole caregiver for his 6-month-old baby sister, Toleen after his mother was killed in an Israeli shelling of her parent’s house, and he lost contact with his father.

The boy now lives in a refugee tent with his sister in Rafah, where he has been taking care of her for the past 100 days.



She Lost Her Shoes in Her House



Displaced Palestinian children wait to receive food

January 28, 2024


Relief for children in Gaza!


crdts IG:ismail.jood

♬ Kun Anta (Slowed + Reverb) – HIMEL


When children will ask why their parent were killed and by whom.

Javeria Sultan:
This child calls out to his father in the picture not knowing that his father was killed in the war..😓💔🇵🇸#Gaza_now #hamas #israel


Remember, this is not about destroying Hamas!

It is about killing, killing, killing → ethnic cleansing and genocide!

Comment by @duaa_tuaima
Currently, one street separates us and the Zionist tank, with every step they take, we are preparing to die, we are not resilient, we have no other choice. 2023-12-09


Remember, this is not about destroying Hamas!

It is executing ethnic cleansing and genocide!

Comment by @duaa_tuaima
The child, Haya, the only survivor of her family, was traumatized. She did not speak, did not move, did not play, but thank to God, today after several visits, Haya laughs a lot, speaks and does not stay silent, thank you, Haya, because you gave our job a higher and more noble value than it is. ♥️♥️


Remember, this is not about destroying Hamas!

It is executing ethnic cleansing and genocide!

Comment by nraisyahyusoff
I was scrolling through the atrocities committed by the Z!on!st and was filled with anger and upon scrolling, came upon this video. All that rage went away, replaced by hope again. Truly, through Allah’s will, the Palest!n!ans bring goodness wherever He wills it–even far away, you bring light to the rest of the world. We will never stop talking about you, we will never forget, we will never forgive. 2023-12-15


Remember, this is not fighting Hamas!

It is ethnic cleansing, war-crimes, genocide!

♬ original sound – Gaza Press heroes

Can you believe, uncle, cold and hungry, no firewood
2023-11-25, this is during ceasefire


@66.oumtaha #fyp #viral #fouryou #explore #freepalestine #فلسطين🇵🇸 #gaza #اللهم_انصر_اخواننا_في_غزة_وفلسطين🇲🇦♥️🇵🇸 ♬ origineel geluid – OumTaha

Some comments:

When Palestine is free I’m going to visit and hopefully work with these beautiful people ❤️🇵🇸❤️

How can a child this young be so strong in the face of the future. Ya Allah protect them

the kids in Palestine are amazing so strong and beautiful.


Imagine that these innocent children are being killed by Isra-l missiles

2023-11-15, m2
@savegk2 تخيل أن هؤلاء الأطفال الأبرياء يقت$لون بالصو€اريخ😭 Imagine that these innocent children are being kill€ed by miss$iles💔 #غزة #فلسطين🇵🇸 #اكسبلور #🇵🇸 #freepalestine🇵🇸 #اطفال ♬ son original – Save Gaza kids 🇵🇸🕊️


Save Gaza kids, father with daughter
2023-10-30, m2

@savegk2 مافيش اجمل من ابناء غزة 🥺😍❤️ #palestinian #palestineفلسطين #trendingtiktok #فلسطين_حرة #غزة #فلسطين🇵🇸 #foru #islam #children #kids #baby #اطفال ♬ son original – Save Gaza kids 🇵🇸🕊️

These are the noble, treasured children of Gaza!

International comments

masya allah semoga palestina secepat nya merdeka

Taibi Yaakoub
ربي يخليهم لينا ويحفظهم

Hermosos, los niños más bellos del mundo, se los quiere ♥️🇵🇸

Nanii Suryani
Masya allah sehat selalu anak-anak Gaza dalam lindungan gusti allah

أنتم تستحقون السعادة يا أطفالي😢


Safe the children 🤲🏻🇵🇸❤️✌🏻safe gaza


@moxination Hala. #freepalestine🇵🇸❤️ #freepalestine #tiktok #fyp #boycottisrael #israel #stopthegenocide #ethniccleansing #boycottstarbucks #boycottmcdonalds #boycottdisney #canada #savegaza ♬ original sound – Mox

A comment poor baby girl pretending to be happy and strong. [ □ comment: But she is strong!]

Ya Hala, the world has failed you. We apologize for you having to grow up in hell. We pray you grow up to follow your dreams. 2023-12-08

Why Isra-l and not Israel?

The meaning of Israel (Jacob) is 'the one who has struggled with God'.

So when the Zionists, who are mostly atheists and disbelievers or fanatic messianic bigots, took the name 'Israel' from the Torah - Bible (story of Jacob, 1 Mose 32:26) for their newly fabricated state (1948), they substituted the military ethnic cleansing project against the indigenous Palestinian people for the spiritual struggle of Jacob with God.

Therefore, similar to their theft of land, they illegally appropriated the name of 'EL' (which is 'God') in 'IsraEL' - for their genocidal, messianic settler regime.
Their fancy dresses and smart lies cannot mask the fact: they have turned against God and man: "For I know your rebellion and your stiff neck." Deuteronomy 35–27.

[The Racist's Revenge until Extermination] The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's war against the Palestinians

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