Legal Actions Regarding War-Crimes and Genocide

Latest Updates on Legal Actions regarding War-Crimes, Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), especially Gaza

1. Activating the Genocide Convention

Craig Murray just wrote the piece “Activating the Genocide Convention” which states: “There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide — and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party — then the International Court of Justice [also called the World Court] is required to adjudicate [judge] on ‘the responsibility of a State for genocide.’”

Murray quotes from the Genocide Convention and cites evidence that Israel is conducting genocide and that the US and British governments are at minimum complicit in that. He then states: “The International Court of Justice is the most respected of international institutions; while the United States has repudiated its compulsory jurisdiction, the United Kingdom has not and the EU positively accepts it.

“If the International Court of Justice makes a determination of genocide, then the International Criminal Court does not have to determine that genocide has happened. This is important because unlike the august and independent ICJ, the ICC is very much a western government puppet institution which will wiggle out of action if it can. But a determination of the ICJ of genocide and of complicity in genocide would reduce the ICC’s task to determining which individuals bear the responsibility. That is a prospect which can indeed alter the calculations of politicians.

“It is also the fact that a reference for genocide would force the western media to address the issue and use the term, rather than just pump out propaganda about Hamas fighting bases in hospitals. …


Groups take UK government to court

Send an email to activate the Genocide Convention at the ICJ
Invoke Genocide Convention

The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled.

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, a Western outpost in resources rich West-Asia, based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a sectarian deviation from orthodox Judaism.

Isra-lic Zionist Jews have constructed a system of racial supremacism around which their state is oriented, like many other colonialists have done in the past. It is a crime and surely the final nail in the coffin of Western moral legitimacy. Its consequences are uncertain.

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's current war against Palestinians

[Why Isra-l and not Israel?]
The ”EL” in Israel, which means God (G-d), is not becoming a genocidal, colonial settler regime, they have nothing to do with God, and God has already turned away from them.

For peace in the region the Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled, and peace must be built on justice: Equal rights, there is only 1 race: the race of human beings.

The era after 70 CE – 1800 is “full of Muslims and Jews supporting each other, particularly in the face of Christian oppression.”
“The story of Jewish people in Muslim lands by far is those Jewish communities fleeing persecution in Europe to come and live among Muslims which was a relatively pluralist society – the Islamic Empire spanned 500 years [in Spain it lasted almost 800 years] and clearly isn’t a monolith but the Jewish Golden Age literally happened in Muslim Spain.
Source: Historical overview of Palestine in the context of Zionism, Paul Nabil video 5min

5. No state has a right to exist. Human beings have rights.

@PeterBeinart how he moved away from Zionism:

”You see this phrase again & again “does Israel have a right to exist?”

”The Israeli philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz said, absolutely not. No state has a right to exist. Human beings have rights.

”States are just instruments for the protection of human life and human flourishing and human dignity and their legitimacy is entirely based on how good a job they do in protecting the rights and dignity of life of the people."
_ZachFoster –

In the words of @PeterBeinart who says most of the “organized American Jewish Community” has abandoned Judaism and instead practice a different religion. He says:

“[in Judaism] … human beings [all of them, Palestinians included] are created in the image of God & so nothing should be elevated above human beings who are considered to have of infinite value.”

4. Just as the colonial system of Algeria was dismantled, or of Rhodesia, or RSA.

3. Zionism Is a Response to Judaism

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro
Zionism was not a response to anti-Semitism. It was a response to Judaism [and still is – see link 3]. It was a movement to ”normalize” the Jews. It was a social engineering project to take the Jews and change them from people like Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan and like Rabbi Soloveitchik, to people like Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon, [this new definition of] ”normal” people, people who love strength, people who love gold medals, Nobel Prizes, [telling the] Jews, you have an opportunity, finally, to be ”normal”. The goal was transformation.

Transformation, this was the Zionist goal, to transform the Jews into ”normal” people. Zionism is not merely antithetical to Judaism. It was [and still is] the antidote to Judaism.

Most of all, ‘we want to be vital and alive without the yoke of Torah and religion,’ and ‘without the lies and beliefs of religion.’[see link 4.] Jacob Klatskin explained the goal of Zionism was to deny any conception of Jewish identity based on spiritual criteria. The goal of Zionism was to dismantle Judaism and to create a new Jewish people.
Source: Has Zionism Hijacked Judaism. – Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro – YouTube
See also

  1. Antitradition And Countertradition – liv
  2. What Is Normal And What Normality? – liv
  3. 001_Zionism Has Nothing to Do with Judaism – liv
  4. WIN/Gallup International: Israel one of least religious countries – The Jerusalem Post

2. Do no wrong!

Do no wrong, don’t be injust, and you will not be wronged.
After 76 years of mostly dishing out injustice,
It’s high time to repent.
Your pride is your downfall,
Your pride is your enemy.
Your selflove is your delusion.
You’re imagining that you are better is your unmaking!

مَنْ لَا يَرْحَمُ لَا يُرْحَمُ

He who does not show mercy, will not be shown mercy either (by Allah).

(Hadith, Bukhari)

1. Zionism has to be abolished.

Shahoub Kavorkian
I see that the Zionist entity, is a settler colonial entity, started by displacing people, by causing major harms, by massacres that were documented by historians, by sociologists, by political scientists and international relations. I see Zionism that have used the law. and ruled by law and not the rule of law.

I’ve seen the Zionists causing major harm since 1948, since the Palestinian Nakba, in relation to what goes on. It’s not only my position.

The position of many scholars … see Zionism as a very racialized and racist ideology. That is about the life and livability of one group and the exclusion and the marginalization and death of the other group.

I think we can definitely live together without the Zionist ideology if we can talk more in terms and in concepts of justice, of equality, of freedom, fairness, of multiplicity of ideas, and not using one ideology to claim that we are here and the rest should be excluded.
Source: Top U.S. & World Headlines — March 15, 2024 – YouTube

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On the reality of political Zionism

General rule: Israelis are lying more than they breathe.


These are quotes from Scott Ritter.[^fn1]

Ladies and gentlemen, when America’s falling apart at the seams, homeless, you name it, we got problems. First order of business, I’m gonna pass money for Israel. What the hell?

And then October 7th came in. And this rage that’s been bottled up by people who felt so helpless because if …you felt a sense of hopelessness and helplessness as the Abrahams Accord took in that nobody was…

And so now what happens is nobody anticipated October 7th. So there wasn’t a front loading of the Israeli propaganda machine…
What really happened on Oct 7, 2023 (B)

Israel was already in tatters because of Netanyahu’s evisceration of basic law and trying to take control of the judiciary or moving it as an independent agency. And so they’re already on the defensive. You have a whole bunch of people going, "Well, Israel is really a democracy." But even the people that advocated for democracy going, Benjamin Netanyahu’s sort of destroyed this Israel.

So the PR machine is falling in on itself, starting to argue against itself. There’s a debate against themselves, etc. Boom. They don’t have a plan. The whole world, it’s…

They basically, they lost the script. It got out of control. The whole world’s in the street and they don’t know what to do.


And so this is where you find out the true nature of people. When you strip away the pretense, when you strip away the scripting, the acting, and it just comes down, they’re standing in front of you, a buck naked, and they have to make a decision, you find out who they are.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the reality of political Zionism, because that’s what modern Israel is. It’s not a democracy. It’s not a nation that wants to live in peace and harmony with its neighbors. It’s about the Israel that Benjamin Netanyahu has played a large role in creating.

The Israel that assassinated Yitzhak Rabin is the ugly face of political Zionism, where they treat Arabs as animals, they view everybody as subhuman, and they don’t care about the law. They will do everything necessary to achieve their objectives. This is the reality and it’s crude.

I mean, look at the UN ambassador, the Israeli UN ambassador, how he is disgracing the memory of the Holocaust by putting on that yellow star, by parading around, by doing this, it’s because they don’t know what to do.

They don’t have a plan, so the only thing they can do is be honest for the first time about who they truly are, and it’s pretty damn ugly.

Scott Ritter: Israel Will LOSE Its War on Gaza and the US is Powerless to Stop It

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