The Time of Reckoning Is Getting Closer and Closer

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =

1. The Reckoning

ٱقْتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمْ وَهُمْ فِى غَفْلَةٍۢ مُّعْرِضُونَ ‏مَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن ذِكْرٍۢ مِّن رَّبِّهِم مُّحْدَثٍ إِلَّا ٱسْتَمَعُوهُ وَهُمْ يَلْعَبُونَ ‎

{iqtaraba li-n nāsi hisābuhum}
{Their reckoning (the time of their account) has drawn near to men (people, mankind), and in heedlessness are they turning aside (they turn away in heedlessness).}

[Other languages below]

2. Explanation – Tafsīr – of Verse 21-1

2.1 It Is Not a Free Ride

In this first verse of Sura al-Anbiyā (The Prophets), Allah – may His Majesty be exalted – announces ”that the time of the reckoning approaches; (cf 54-1). Reckoning (ḥisāb ) is a word used to signify the accounting of the Day of Judgement which is also called The Day of Reckoning (e.g. 38-16; 40-28).

Some theologians have said that the time that has passed since Allah created the world is greater than the time remaining until the world ends (Q, Z), a chronology based on the fact that the verb used in this verse for {draw nigh/ iqtaraba} ordinarily signifies that one is closer to one’s destination than to one’s origin (R).


2.2 How Close or Distant Is the Reckoning?

Some say that from Allah’s point of view the reckoning is close – not in a temporal sense because Allah knows all moments simultaneously – but rather is close concerning His Knowledge of the reckoning; human beings, however, think of it as something distant (M); see also 70-6–7, which speaks of the {impending punishment } (70-1) in these terms: {Truly they see it as far off, but We see it as nigh.}

In addition to the fact that the Quran points out that the world as such will come to an end, some commentators observe that it should be enough for anyone that one’s death is certain, regardless of the time of the destruction of the world; this is part of what is signified by {their reckoning draws nigh} (Q).

2.3 What Heedlessness?

To be {heedless} means that people only care about this world (Ṭ) and pay no attention to the matters of the Hereafter (Q).

It is said among the Sufis that some are heedless of the Hereafter because they are engrossed in worldly affairs, and there are the righteous believers who are mindful of the Hereafter, but there are also those who are heedless of the Hereafter because they are so engrossed in the remembrance of Allah that they give no thought to the Garden or the Fire (Aj).

These explanations of verse 21-1 in this chapter are quoted from TSQ.


3. Abbreviations of Commentators

Abbrev. Commentator
Aj Aḥmad ibn ´Ajībah
M Al-Māturīdī
Q Al-Qurṭtubī
R Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzi
Z Al-Zamakhsharī

4. Explanation – Tafsir From Other Sources

DY: Daryabadi
Their reckoning (1) has approached mankind, while they (2) are turning away unheedingly (3)
(1) The Day of Reckoning is drawing close and close every moment.
(2) that is, the infidels
(3) (from the consideration thereof): that is, so steeped are they in recklessness!

Y: Comment by Yusuf Ali
Every minute sees them nearer to their doom, and yet they are sadly heedless and even actively turn away from the Message that would save them.

5. This Verse in Other Languages


{Die Zeit ihrer Abrechnung nähert sich den Menschen, aber in ihrer Achtlosigkeit wenden sie sich davon ab.} MHH

MHH: Max Henning, überarbeitet von Murad W Hofmann

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-lmod: 20211108 23:10 CET (UTC=23:10 -1h)

Last updated on 2021-11-11 by w3admin

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