Warning: Impending Genocide in India

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =

4. The Erasure: California Panel Claims Indian Muslims Face Impending Genocide

MARCH 16, 2022
Dr. Khaled Beydoun of Wayne State University noted, “Gendered Islamophobia is distinct in the sense that the State engages in the policing of women’s bodies. That becomes the principle way in which the State engages in gendered Islamophobia — by saying how a woman can dress and cannot dress.
India is parading around the world claiming to be the largest democracy in the world, and we know that the cornerstone of any democracy is what?”

”When Taliban prevented women and girls from going to schools, and colleges, and universities, there was an uproar from the Western world,” said Dr. Salim. “Where are the feminists now? Where is the Western media? Why this silence when this is going on in India with Muslim women?”

Facebook has admitted its role in the genocide against the Rohingya in Myanmar, they’ve admitted their role in anti-Muslim violence in Sri Lanka. In the Indian context, they’ve hired people who are from the Hindu Right, and when the government has pushed back, they’ve sort of fallen in line. It’s the same with Twitter…. In the Indian context, because of the pressure of the government, again, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp are completely compromised. Facebook and Twitter both have blood on their hands.”

“The RSS is the world’s oldest, largest, and fastest-growing fascist movement…”
The Erasure: California Panel Claims Indian Muslims Face Impending Genocide

3. India’s ruling party says crime is down. Muslims say they’ve never felt less safe

March 5, 2022
Human rights groups accuse Uttar Pradesh police of staging these encounters. Last month, a group of international criminal and human rights lawyers asked the U.S. Treasury Department to impose sanctions on Adityanath and two top Indian police officials for alleged human rights abuses related to police killings.

In 2019, four United Nations human rights experts wrote to the Indian government, expressing concern about extrajudicial police killings in Uttar Pradesh and noting a “pattern” of “individuals allegedly being abducted or arrested before their killing, and their bodies bearing injuries indicative of torture.”
India’s ruling party says crime is down. Muslims say they’ve never felt less safe

2. Godhra, Where the Fall of India’s Democracy Began

March 3, 2022
The first to die would have been the weakest among them, the women and the children. The forensic examination of the dead, carried out three days later, confirmed this for it showed that whereas 20 of the dead were men, 26 were women, and 12 were children. In all, 38 of the 58 dead were of the wrong sex and age to have been kar sevaks.…

The number of kar sevaks killed may have been even smaller for, as the Concerned Citizens’ Tribunal headed by Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer pointed out, all but a fraction of these were physically fit young men who, having muscled their way on to the train, were more likely to be at the ends of the carriage than the middle, and would have been able to muscle their way out of the burning carriage with relative ease. …

Looking back at the events of February 27, 2002, it is difficult not to conclude that it was the day when India’s voyage to modern nationhood began to fail. For Godhra brought Narendra Modi to power in Gujarat, and started him on the road to becoming the prime minister of India. Modi consolidated his party’s power in Gujarat by sowing fear and suspicion between communities. He is now doing the same in India. And there is no one to stop him.
Godhra, Where the Fall of India’s Democracy Began

1. Reviled, harassed, abused: Narendra Modi’s most trenchant critic speaks out

Sun 27 Feb 2022
”A genocide could very well happen in India.”
Reviled, harassed, abused: Narendra Modi’s most trenchant critic speaks out | India | The Guardian

Last updated on 2022-03-22 by w3admin

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