1. And That It Should Be an Early Marriage
Mustafa Sabri (d. 1373) on the Importance of Early Marriage:
"Among what helps in chastity is not making marriage difficult by setting a marriage age and delaying marriage until several years after both genders reach puberty. And who can guarantee for us that boys and girls will spend these long years, coinciding with the prime of their youth and the boiling of their blood, in celibacy and chastity?

And the fact that they are in the stage of learning which must occupy them does not excuse their parents in treating them with leniency and overlooking how they fulfill their sexual needs, nor is it an excuse for them themselves because they are adults and accountable.
And no one is permitted to commit immorality under the pretext that they are in the stage of learning and cannot marry.
The law of Islam imposes marriage on anyone who fears falling into immorality, and it does not permit immorality for anyone, even for the sake of learning, rather, it is the duty of Muslims to contemplate in order to discover a way to combine learning with marriage to preserve the chastity of learners.
It is not permissible for fītrah to allow the period of youthful fervor to pass in idleness and sterility, nor in engaging in an improper path that also ends in sterility.
But we saw that Westerners do not marry in the prime of their youth, so we imitated them without considering that their young people fulfill their sexual needs in ways that Islamic social ethics do not accept, such as mingling with girls, socializing with them, and exchanging love.
Perhaps we thought about it and imitated them in their indifference."
– Qawlī fī al-Mar’āh
Quoted by البيشاوري @Al_Peshawari
Comment1 When was getting married easy? I’ve only seen people complain about it being hard. Was it ever easy? Qing @Guggenhe1m
Marriage is definitely more difficult (for most young people) than at any time in human history.
Allah knows best and most!
OmarKN @OmarKN
(To be continued, inshaAllah)
Last updated on 2024-07-13 by w3admin