For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine

This is from Torah Judaism @TorahJudaism

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Muslims and Jews in brotherhood –

For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine alongside their neighbors. Rabbi Dov Cohen, who studied in the Hebron Yeshiva in the 1920s, writes in his memoirs:

“A strong friendship existed among all residents of the city… We used to attend Arab weddings… We were welcome guests at all their happy events… The Arabs, and even their sheikhs, used to attend Jewish weddings as a sign of friendship… The Yeshiva students, used to go down sometimes to the village to buy products, sometimes even after midnight. In those days we walked around freely, without security patrol and without any weapons in all the Arab villages. No one had any fear…

Every month on Erev Rosh Chodesh, the yeshiva would go pray at the Cave of Machpelah. We were welcomed there… It was well-known that when the yeshiva considered moving to a different location, the local Arab leaders stood up to prevent it.”

Tragically, Zionism in general and radical militant actions in particular, have transformed the peaceful atmosphere in the land to one of tension and instability.

Last updated on 2023-11-08 by w3admin

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