Why Intelligent Design is the most plausible scientific theory?

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =

This post is to show some current discussions in the modern scientific community.

”The God-hypothesis provides the best explanation of this ensemble of evidence… But (the ’New Atheists’) are talking about a science of the late 19th century and we have had a dramatic shift that they haven’t kept up with.” Stephen Meyer

More scientists start to understand the following:
A little bit of science distances from God; a lot of science brings one back to Him.[fn4] — ( Un peu de science éloigne de Dieu, beaucoup de science y ramène. ) Louis Pasteur, renowned 19th century French microbiologist

Keywords from the annotation page

[ link]
Beginning  Big-Bang Theory  boundary constraints  causality  chaotic  DNA  Einstein  evidence  finetuning  God  hypothesis  illusion  implications  intelligence  Intelligent Design  life  materialism  mathematics  mutation  Newton  Ontology  protein  Quantum Cosmology  Quantum Mechanics  Quantum Physics  random  red light  science  selection  singularity  theistic  transcendent  undirected  unguided  Universal Wave Function  universe  worldview


Why Intelligent Design is the most plausible scientific theory?

Read notes from 3 videos: Notes on Intelligent Design
Intelligent Design – what does it mean for us?

woman quote

The three video presentations by Stephen Meyer have been partly annotated (≈7%), often verbatim, supplied with the time stamps (mostly end-time). Those notes are for a better understanding of the scientific ideas and theories.


Video 1 – The Return of the God Hypothesis

Stephen Meyer: The Return of the God Hypothesis – YouTube

From Stephen Meyer’s webpage:

”Beginning in the late 19th century, many intellectuals began to insist that scientific knowledge conflicts with the traditional theistic belief — that science and belief in God are at odds.”[fn3]

”Philosopher of science Stephen Meyer challenges this view by examining three scientific discoveries with decidedly theistic implications. Building on the case for the intelligent design of life (he) demonstrates how discoveries in cosmology and physics coupled with those in biology help to establish the identity of the designing [transcendent] intelligence behind life and the universe.”

”Meyer argues that theism — with its affirmation of a transcendent, intelligent and active creator — best explains the evidence we have concerning biological and cosmological origins.”
Stephen C. Meyer | Philosopher of Science


Video 2 – Does Science Point To God?

Does Science Point To God? – Stephen Meyer at Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020 – YouTube

The most plausible scientific theory for the origin of the universe, of life and of ongoing existence.

This new cosmology is moving decidedly in an anti-materialistic direction.
Three video presentations by Stephen Meyer have been partly annotated on the page below, supplied with time stamps.
Notes on Intelligent Design

”Meyer argued that modern scientific method equally relied on "foundational assumptions" based on faith in naturalism (or materialism),[fn1] which "assumed all events to be exclusively the result of physical or natural causes".

”He proposed that "scientists and philosophers" could turn to Biblical presupposition to explain "the ultimate source of human reason, the existence of a real and uniformly ordered universe, and the ability present in a creative and ordered human intellect to know that universe."

Modern science is based on ”epistemological[2] presuppositions” and the problematic view to explain evolution simply on the ”assumption of naturalism” (or materialism)[fn1].
Stephen C. Meyer – Wikipedia


Video 3 – The Big Bang, Einstein, Hawking, & More

Stephen Meyer Discusses the Big Bang, Einstein, Hawking, & More – Science Uprising Expert Interviews – different chapters for the history of recent scientific development

A Quote from this video

In ordinary physics, boundaries are decided or determined by the physical system that is being described, but since there is no physical system that is being described, by the Wheeler–DeWitt equation yet, because it is being used to explain the origin of all physics, the origin of the universe, the physicists have to choose the boundary constraints [in their equations], and they choose those with an outcome in mind, they choose those in such a way to give a solution to that equation, that (such as the universal wave function) would include the universe like ours!

– More quotes: Notes on Intelligent Design


Naturalism and materialism are very much related:
Naturalism is the philosophical belief that everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted.
Materialism is the theory or belief that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications and is the theory or belief that consciousness and will are wholly due to material agency.

Epistemology relates to the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion. (So it answers the question: If I say I know XY, on what kind of knowledge do I base my judgement or assumption?

That scientific knowledge came into conflict with the traditional theistic belief is a trademark of modernity and postmodernity.

Many Quran verses remind man about the origin of the cosmos, such as this one:
{Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.} 3-190


Dr. Günter Bechly – Fossils vs. Darwin
I came to realize fundamental philosophical problems concerning time, causality, laws of nature, and the effectiveness of mathematics. I also realized the hard problem of consciousness, the problem of reason….
Gunter Bechly Explains What The Fossil Evidence Really Says – YouTube

When powerful leaders side with Zionist supremacists

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =
– There is no might, power, or movement except with ALLAH –


Not good at all.

1. US, Germany, Britain, Saud, UAE… their support is criminal complicity!

Not good when German leader Steinmeier welcomes Bennet, the Zionist settler state’s supremacist Prime Minister, elected only by ’the correct sort of citizens’ (ie Zionist Jews), someone who immigrated to Israel from San Francisco 1967, and who boasted ”‘I’ve Killed Lots Of Arabs In My Life And There’s No Problem With That’.”

germany-israel-2021 German leader Steinmeier welcomes Bennet

Day-in-day out Palestinian farmers, villagers, their children and women are harassed and humiliated by those who think they are chosen! (When God promised the Israelites 2000 years ago a land, he didn’t tell them to steal, lie and kill, but to uphold the covenant made with prophets Ibrahim, Musa, Dawood (peace upon all of them).

This is the result of allegiance with criminals…

Bennet’s ultra-Zionist government is responsible for all people under their jurisdiction, acc. to the Geneva Convention, which the Zionist settler regime think they can ignore, however, they have the responsibility to protect the people and not to attack them, not to destroy their olive trees, not to cut off their water-supplies, not to demolish their houses to leave them stranded (and much more)!

settlers-brutally-attacked-palestinian-farmers Harrowing photos from today’s olive harvest in the West Bank town of Surif (2021-11-12). Settlers arrived and brutally attacked Palestinian farmers and Israeli activists with stones and batons. Israeli soldiers stood nearby but — SURPRISE! — did nothing to stop the attack. Edo Konrad, @edokonrad

We will not accept the Israel story, it’s a lie – from the start. Pride-goeth-before-destruction

Another day, another horrific example of settler terrorism.

According to Israel propaganda we should not be worried about the violence and bloodshed incl. killings by the real settler terrorists, who are protected by the Israel state itself.

They want us to believe their unsubstantiated accusation of terorism! against 6 Palestinian NGOs, that document violations of Palestinians rights, and seek to convince the world to hold Israel accountable.


Almost every day shameful, and criminal acts of violence by the supremacist Israel state:

13-year-old Mohammed Daadas was shot and killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank. The Palestinian boy was hit during weekly protests against the expansion of illegal settlements. 7 November 2021


2. To make something clear

All this is not about the need of Israel people or Jews to have a home country ’for themselves’ (most of them live in other countries anyway), this is about throwing other people out of their homes so that more ‘Jewish’ persons from New York, or Moscow…, can take over (English: steal) Palestinian homes to increase the ‘Jewish’ population ratio and pretend to have a ‘democracy’ for ’the right sort of citizens’.
All this is illegal and immoral!

NB: True Jews don’t steal, they don’t invade other people’s homes and don’t establish a state in contravention of God’s law. Therefore Israel, as it is now (2021) will not prosper: it’s a house built on sand.
Youtube: Honest Israeli Jew -Miko Peled- tells the Real Truth about Israel

3. Advice

Whatever you believe and think, don’t let your heart become cold and hard toward the suffering of the downtrodden!
On The Science Of The Heart

4. Related

See what’s going on in Palestine:
Settler violence Archives – +972 Magazine
Free Palestine! All Pages on Palestine/ Zionism

-lmod: 20211124 13:54 CET (UTC=13:54 -1h)

How we stay blind to the deceptions of worldly power

Quotes from the original article: ”How we stay blind to the story of power”, by Jonathan Cook [link].

1. The author emphasizes the ”urgent need for us to start understanding power. Power is the force that shapes almost everything about our lives and our deaths.”
This understanding is ”the only path to liberation we can take as individuals, as societies, and as a species.”

□ comment: Almost quite right, it shapes everything and Power is ultimately unlimited, existence-giving every moment, and bringing back to non-existence – what can be experienced in our lives is only an infinitesimal fraction of it.

2. Power is a loan, it is given for a certain period and will be taken back, or returned, just as life itself.
□ comment: Understanding power in this world is beneficial, as long as this understanding is not divorced from accepting the overall power of the All-Powerful, the power of the Real. Power is lent to mankind in different, well-proportioned measures, to the rich and the poor, to the young and old, to men and women.

Then there is everyone’s responsibility on how this little provision of power is used, and to what end, and not misused. (And what is misusage should be obvious by now).
Is it to increase our comfort of illusion in this life (for our egotism) or is it used as a good investment for what is better for mankind?


Is it difficult to agree on what is good and better for mankind? Are bridges, clean water, decent schools, clean hospitals better? Are places of worship better, are libraries better or worth it? Are super-sonic jets, laser-guns and drones worth it?

We don’t need a revolution, but a conscious, ongoing, urgent evolution to the high road, to what is better for us, our families and society in everything, when and if it is done solely to gain Allah’s good pleasure (riḍwān ).

Also to remind ourselves, that we cannot change anything, as long as we don’t change what is in ourselves, which necessitates that we, first of all, learn to know ourselves.

3. No interest by the media, and not by the careless
This is ”not surprising at all because the corporate media is the key tool – or seen another way, the central expression – of power.”

4. The main concern of (wordly) power, is the ”ability to conceal itself,” in order to control the populace.
– To disguise itself and its aims, ”power conceals itself is through stories, narratives,… (especially) ideologies.” ”Ideologies … prevent us from questioning:
– why some people were apparently born to rule, or
– have been allowed to enclose vast estates of what was once everyone’s land, or
– hoard masses of inherited wealth, or
– are celebrated for exploiting large numbers of workers, or
– get away with choking the planet to the point at which life itself asphyxiates.”

NB: Divine Power, does not conceal Itself (except for the unprepared or the disbeliever), but discloses Itself in the ongoing Selfdisclosure of God. There-is-no-might-or-power-except-with-ALLAH

□ comment: and while doing so, proponents of the ruling class (and those who want to grab it) also smear everyone who proposes divergent perspectives such as the Islamic worldview which presents an alternative to the mess we are in, to the injustices, persecutions and wars of terror, which are continuously haunting the world and the environmental destruction which is part of the late capitalistic process.
All those practices ”look pathologically insane, an irrefutable proof of our self-destructiveness as a species.”

– More: How we stay blind to the story of power, by Jonathan Cook
NB: Comments and images were not part of the original article.

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