They murder the rest, too, however they focus on inflicting maximum psychological pain, apart from the physical pain. This way they think they will be victorious and transgressors are never successful.
{ وَإِذْ وَاعَدْنَا مُوسَىٰ أَرْبَعِينَ لَيْلَةً ثُمَّ اتَّخَذْتُمُ الْعِجْلَ مِن بَعْدِهِ وَأَنتُمْ ظَالِمُونَ }
{And ˹remember˺ when We appointed forty nights for Moses, then you worshipped the calf in his absence, acting wrongfully/ you were transgressors.} 2-51
The True Man of Palestine, Khaled Nabhan (Allah’s mercy on him)
He overwhelmed Isra-l with beauty, compassion and love!
01 – The Man, Khaled Nabhan, video 2:20
02 – The Man, video 0:24
03 – The Man, video 0:22
04 – Killed whilst trying to help the injured
05 – Khaled Nabhan comforting a girl, video 1:23
06 – He was centering love for family, community, and animals, video 1:07
07 – Scenes of fun and play between grandfather and granddaughter, video 3:52
08 – Khaled Nabhan’s final message to the world, video 0:37
09 – Isra-lic modus operandi
10 – Refusing International Law by senior Labour figures
11 – Why it’s not just ’Netanyahu’, but Isra-lic society as a whole
12 – Some Comments, incl. Isra-lic massacres on Palestinians (1937-2023…)
13 – Nazi Germany vs. Zionist Isra-l, difference?

{Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will ˹all˺ return.} Sura 2-156
Khaled Nabhan with kitten
Why Isra-l and not Israel?
The meaning of Israel (Jacob) is 'the one who has struggled with God'.
So when the Zionists, who are mostly atheists and disbelievers or fanatic messianic bigots, took the name 'Israel' from the Torah - Bible (story of Jacob, 1 Mose 32:26) for their newly fabricated state (1948), they substituted the military ethnic cleansing project against the indigenous Palestinian people for the spiritual struggle of Jacob with God.
Therefore, similar to their theft of land, they illegally appropriated the name of 'EL' (which is 'God') in 'IsraEL' - for their genocidal, messianic settler regime.
Their fancy dresses and smart lies cannot mask the fact: they have turned against God and man: "For I know your rebellion and your stiff neck." Deuteronomy 35–27.
[The Racist's Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's war against the Palestinians
My aunt in the morning: “Ghada they killed the grandfather – Soul of the Soul.”
Me: “No.”
I can’t stop crying. He was an angel in human form, Allah yerhamo.
My aunt in the morning: "Ghada they killed the grandfather – Soul of the Soul."
— Ghada Sasa | غادة سعسع PhD(c) 🇵🇸 (@sasa_ghada) December 16, 2024
Me: "No."
I can't stop crying. He was an angel in human form, Allah yerhamo.
– – responding to the above – –
A man (Khaled Nabhan) who stood for his people, and his family, with so much steadfastness, courage, and grace; a symbol of Palestine, historical and eternal.
Humanity will remember him; we have to make sure our children know who that man was, who murdered him and his granddaughter and people, and for what.
Isra-l’s aim is to murder all Palestinians, and then all Arabs. Those it won’t kill will be slaves. Call me crazy all you want. I’m telling it like it is, knowing that place, and all its insanities like the palm of my hand.
Every second spent without resistance brings the Arab world closer to its collective grave. Nothing will remain.
This is Khaled Nabhan, whom Isra-l just murdered
One of the kindest & purest souls of our time
His only fault was existing in Gaza
They first murdered his granddaughter, “the soul of his soul”, then bombed his family’s home & now murdered him in broad daylight with impunity!
This is Khaled Nabhan, whom Isra-l just murdered
— Muhammad Shehada (@muhammadshehad2) December 16, 2024
One of the kindest & purest souls of our time
His only fault was existing in Gaza
They first murdered his granddaughter, "the soul of his soul", then bombed his family's home & now murdered him in broad daylight with impunity!
Khaled, whom Isra-l just murdered, was always radiating of kindness & warmth
After Isra-l killed his granddaughter, he spent a year spreading hope, helping those in need, handing out food to starving kids & kittens, & cherishing every moment he could have with his mom.
video 22sec2\ Khaled, whom Isra-l just murdered, was always radiating of kindness & warmth
— Muhammad Shehada (@muhammadshehad2) December 16, 2024
After Isra-l killed his granddaughter, he spent a year spreading hope, helping those in need, handing out food to starving kids & kittens, & cherishing every moment he could have with his mom.

Final moments of Palestinian grandfather Khaled Nabhan…
Killed whilst trying to help the injured…
Hero till his martyrdom!
Dec 16
Israel murdered Khaled Nabhan today precisely because he became an icon & garnered global attention.
They murdered him in broad daylight to send a message that no one is safe from their genocide, that they can do whatever they want with full impunity & expect global silence!
Dec 16
This video of uncle Khaled Nabhan comforting a girl whose leg was amputated after she was injured in an Israeli air strike in Gaza, always makes me cry.
He was such a gentle, beautiful soul. May Allah grant him Firdaws!
This video of uncle Khaled Nabhan comforting a girl whose leg was amputated after she was injured in an Israeli air strike in Gaza, always makes me cry.
— Fatima (@fatimazsaid) December 16, 2024
He was such a gentle, beautiful soul. May Allah grant him Firdaws
Messenger of Allah said (may Allah’s blessings & peace be upon him):
‘Everyone in the universe, in the heavens and on earth, prays for forgiveness for the scholar, even the fish in the sea.’

Uncle Khaled Nabhan’s life critiques Western dualism’s hierarchies like mind/body & human/nature, which sustain domination. Rooted in Islamic tawhid, he rejected this worldview, centering love for family, community, and animals to embody care and justice.
قتلته إسرائيل
— بلال البخاري (@BelalElbukhary) December 16, 2024
He overwhelmed Isra-l with beauty, compassion and love!
Through actions grounded in tawhid, Uncle Khaled saw creation as interconnected and inherently valuable. He rejected exploitation, treating animals, family, and community as indivisible, living the Quranic principle that all creatures are deserving care and respect.
His life harmonized Islamic knowledge with relational care, resisting oppressive hierarchies. Uncle Khaled’s legacy inspires us to reimagine relationships beyond colonial binaries, centering unity, mutual respect, and compassion as a blueprint for dismantling exploitative systems.
ريم #روح_الروح وجدُّها #خالد_نبهان في تقرير لشبكة CNN … مشاهد من المرح واللعب بين الجد والحفيدة حولها العدوان الإسرائيلي إلى مشاهد حزن وجرح عميق في قلب هذا الجد الذي أبهر العالم بصبره وإيمانه
Translated from Arabic
Reem #روح_الروح and her grandfather #خالد_نبهان in a CNN report. Scenes of fun and play between the grandfather and granddaughter were turned by the Israeli aggression into scenes of sadness and deep wound in the heart of this grandfather who amazed the world with his patience and faith.
3.52ريم #روح_الروح وجدُّها #خالد_نبهان في تقرير لشبكة CNN .. مشاهد من المرح واللعب بين الجد والحفيدة حولها العدوان الإسرائيلي إلى مشاهد حزن وجرح عميق في قلب هذا الجد الذي أبهر العالم بصبره وإيمانه 👇🏼
— وسيلة عولمي (@wassilaoulmi) November 29, 2023
Khaled Nabhan’s final message to the world.
Please listen.
Khaled Nabhan’s final message to the world.
— ADAM (@AdameMedia) December 19, 2024
Please listen.
I’m afraid of what is meant to follow the assassination of Khaled Nabhan. hear me out…
Isra-l’s modus operandi is to push the boundary to see what it can get away with.
(NB. Modus operandi is a term used by law enforcement authorities to describe the particular manner in which a crime is committed.)
For example, frustrated by international activists in Palestine, they decided to kill one or two to see what they could get away with. Rachel Corrie, Tom Hurndall, etc were thus killed in cold blood. However, there were lawsuits and various reverberations that were costly to them. In other words, there was sufficient outrage and resistance to make them rethink that strategy.
Their desire to bomb hospitals in Gaza also preceded in this way. Recall the first hospital they hit? They tested the waters by targeting the courtyard of the Al-Ahli hospital first. There was initial outrage tamped by their muddling of the narrative. This paved the way for the much bigger target: Al Shifa hospital, the largest and most advanced hospital in Gaza. They employed the same playbook in collusion with corporate media solidly in their pockets (BBC, CNN…all of them). It worked. The bombing of hospitals was normalized and no one batted an eye as Isra-l proceeded to bomb, gut, invade, and destroy one hospital after another, killing, kidnapping, torturing, and raping healthcare workers and patients alike.
This is how they made their way into Rafah, the supposed “red line,” and turned every so-called “safe zone” into an actual death camp.
This is how they’ve been assassinating journalists.
This is what happened with the assassination of the World Central Kitchen workers. Remember the first time? the second time they did it did not elicit any meaningful headlines or coverage at all.
There are a few personalities that have emerged from Gaza who’ve become much beloved and iconic symbols of love, light, endurance, dignity, family, community, and faith. Khaled Nabhan was one of them, and they just killed him.
Make no mistake that this was an intentional assassination to test our reactions; to see if they can get away with killing the next internationally known Palestinian with millions of followers. We all know who they are—those amazing people whose light on this earth shines too bright for the darkness of the Isra-lic soul. Dec 16, 2024
– – responding to the above – –
I agree. I post the outrage on every platform I can. I am not naïve enough to believe that it will be picked up by anyone other than those who are apart of the forceful resistance. I am a guy that if there is a 1% chance of success, I am after that one percent. I that is our only hope, then go where the hope is.
10 Related1
A compilation of how senior Labour figures refused to support the upholding of international law as Isra-l killed 10,000 Palestinians during the first month of bombing
A compilation of how senior Labour figures refused to support the upholding of international law as Isra-l killed 10,000 Palestinians during the first month of bombing👇
— Declassified UK (@declassifiedUK) April 8, 2024
– – responding to the above – –
2024, Nov 22
All of them guilty of flouting International Law, supplying weapons/parts to the IDF, sending spy planes over Gaza, and enabling a ruthless dictator to commit genocide. They must all be tried in The Hague.
11 Related2
Norman Finkelstein
On the relationship of Netanyahu and Isra-lic society in general, what is the difference between them?
“Isra-l is a lunatic state AND a lunatic society. And we should be as free about saying that as we would about Nazi Germany beginning around 1943.” [See below 08]
UNITED STATES and other western countries are FULLY INVOLVED in this genocide. Without the U.S. none of this would be possible.
Australian politician Max Chandler-Mather
“1sr@el kills, men, women and children and they don’t receive a single sanction. A single sanction to stop”
“1sr@el kiIIs, men women and children and they don’t receive a single sanction. A single sanction to stop”
— The Resonance (@Partisan_12) December 16, 2024
—Australian politician Max Chandler-Mather
12 Some Comments
Dec 15, 2024
Where are the so called Christian, Western countries with so called morals, with so called democracy . Why is the world silent . If this was Ukraine they would be in there immediately . This is racism and complicity in Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing. Unbelievable!

– – responding to the above – –
Dec 16, 2024
It’s indisputable, isr*el’s objective has never been to free the hostages or even destroy Hamas, it has been to arrive at the “final solution” to the problem of Palestinian resistance to colonization: obliterate all Palestinian life.
We no longer demand a ceasefire.
We demand an end to the state of Isra-l.
A state that produces such violence is one that should not exist.

List of some massacres of Palestinians by the Israeli Zionists robbing their lands.
13 Comparison: People of Nazi Germany vs. Zionist Isra-l
□ comment: What will we understand if we compare the situation of wartime Nazi Germany around 1943 and present situation 2023/ 2024 in wartime Isra-lic Zionist society?
The rest is a quote from Norman Finkelstein
Prime Minister Netanyahu is the longest-lasting prime minister in Israeli history.
It used to be David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister, but he’s been put in the shade, Ben-Gurion, by Netanyahu.
If you read the liberal commentators or commentators in the West, every few months, they’re predicting the end of Netanyahu’s rule.
It doesn’t happen, because Netanyahu, he is a reflection and a representation of Israeli society.
He’s an obnoxious, narcissistic Jewish supremacist who thinks that only Jews count in God’s grand design. Everybody else, the Goyim, as they’re called, they have no place in God’s grand design except where Israel decides to situate or place them.
So the first fact is, we have to bear in mind, he remains, even now, very popular in Israel. The claim is his standing up to Iran has increased his popularity, but there’s a general rule.
Number two, Israel is a democracy. Were it true that his policies were unpopular, another candidate would emerge. That’s the nature of a democracy. Have you heard of another candidate who has emerged by dissociating himself or denouncing Netanyahu’s policies? The answer is no.
Number three, it’s not just the Israeli state. If you look at the Israeli society, I’m not talking about the people– at the helm of the state, the Israeli society overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly supports the genocidal war in Gaza.
It’s over, it’s about 95% of the Jewish Israelis, 95. I have the statistics. Even I was, I have to say, I was a little astonished when I read the latest numbers. About 60% of Israeli Jews oppose any humanitarian aid to Gaza. But that’s the question of the aid.
I’m talking about the war. In polls on the issue of the war, on this issue of the war, only 1.8%– that was in October 2023 – 7%– that was in December 2023 – and 3.2%– that’s January 2023 – of Jewish Israelis believe the IDF – was using too much firepower in Gaza. Do you hear those percentages?
As of January, when already it’s reaching the ICJ, the International Court of Justice, on charges of genocide, only 3.2% of Jewish Israelis are Jews believe the Israeli Defense Forces was using too much firepower in Gaza.
So when people want to lay the blame for the insanity on Netanyahu, that is, I don’t say it gleefully. I’m simply reporting it objectively. That is a misrepresentation of the facts. If there is no political opposition to be seen against Netanyahu, or substantive, no leader to emerge, it’s because the whole population of Netanyahu is in the wrong – agrees with what Netanyahu is doing.
If he were simply doing it, as Western commentators like to say, because the longer the war goes on, the more time it will take for corruption charges to be lodged against him until he wants to stay out of jail. If any of that were true, the other Israeli generals and senior officials would simply mount a campaign on those grounds that he’s just trying to “protect” himself. They’re not saying that, because they all agree with his policies. We have to be honest about that. They all agree with his policies. That’s the problem.
It’s a lunatic state and a lunatic society, and we should be as free about saying that as we would say about Nazi Germany beginning around 1943.
Now, Nazi Germany, you could say there was extenuating circumstances. What do I mean by that? It was a totalitarian state. It did control all the media, and by 1943, the Germans are clearly beginning to lose the war, and places like Stalingrad… Leningrad, thousands, if not more than thousands, of German soldiers are freezing to death in the snow, the winter, the Russian winter, and also, on the domestic front, there is new restrictions which the German government, because it’s losing the war, are putting on consumption and things like that.
Okay, and the totalitarian German media, Nazi media, are saying it’s all the fault of the Judeo-Bolshevik conspiracy. It’s the Judeo-Bolshevik conspiracy. They are hearing it over and over and over again.
So you can understand, I’m not excusing it. I’m just saying factually you can understand that at some point they have gone crazy and they hate the Jews and the Jews are causing our soldiers to die in the eastern front and blah, blah, blah, a totalitarian state.
[However,] Israel probably has the highest usage of the web per capita of any country in the world. Now, you could say it’s true, the Israeli media are painting a very false picture of what’s going on in Gaza.
But you know, you’re a young man. You know that most young people don’t get their information from mainstream media anymore. They get it from the web. These families are perfectly aware of what’s going on.
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