The population of Gaza is at risk of dying in a genocide

The Isra-lic psychopaths declared in October 2023 they would starve the people of Gazza, and they are doing it. The western colonial powers make it happen, their complicity will be their downfall.
(A psychopath is a person consistently exhibiting antisocial, impulsive, manipulative, and sometimes aggressive behaviour).

tempxp == 2024-10-28 16:13 ==


The entire population of Gaza is at risk of dying in a genocide that has been announced and executed under our watch.

– – responding to: – –

The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying.

What Israeli forces are doing in besieged North Gaza cannot be allowed to continue. Hospitals have been hit and health workers have been detained. Shelters have been emptied and burned down. First responders have been prevented from rescuing people from under the rubble. Families have been separated and men and boys are being taken away by the truckload.

Hundreds of Palestinians have reportedly been killed. Tens of thousands have been forced to flee yet again.

The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying.

Such blatant disregard for basic humanity and for the laws of war must stop.

— Joyce Msuya, Acting UN Humanitarian Chief
OCHA Oct 26, 2024


– – responding to the OP – –

Oct 27
I am getting countless desperate calls for help from Gaza as the occupation has imposed a new siege and food prices are skyrocketing. A bag of flour now costs $50, a tomato $5, a onion $6 …

Smotrich: “It may be ‘justified’ to starve 2 million Gazans, but world won’t let us, but we are doing it anyway.”

Far-right minister expresses support for resettling Gaza, says October 7 wouldn’t have happened had it not been for 2005 disengagement from Strip.
Source: 5 August 2024


tempxp == 2024-10-28 16:25 ==

Oct 27
If you believe Israel is a terrorist state, like this tweet.
Oct 21
Gaza Exodus: Where Israeli forces first made all Gazans🇵🇸 homeless by bombing their homes, then kept displacing them from refugee camps, as the world watched and did nothing.

This tragic story will be told for thousands of years.



Oct 21
The Gaza Holocaust. Live footage of 12 months of child murder, international law violations and displacment. What is the end game of the Jews after all these horrific crimes they inflicted on these people?

That is the question: “What is their end game?”
I think Israeli leaders are possessed by some DEM0NIC force, and aren’t thinking rationally.

Exactly. Unfortunately, people with the pathology of demonic psychopathy tend to self-destruct. I am just concerned that this irrationality will end up destroying the world.

Yes, biblical proportions, it will be one of the big stories of history. I pray for a Palestinian state & a good ending eventually, but it is stomach churning watching this, powerless to change it. It also marks a time, I hope, where international institutions forced 2 change.

100% Palestinians will eventually get their own state.

Israel’s modus operandi – of massacring any group they disagree with – is not sustainable in the long run.

More powerful states than Israel have fallen in the past.



Lowkey EXPOSES Tommy Robinson’s Links to Israel


I know it’s bleak but there is an inescapable fact that, through my work, I have long been trying to explain: the war in the Levant has no borders, because Zionism has no borders.

So when you, in Britain or France or Germany, are having mosques shut down and Muslim homes are raided and academics are fired and journalists are arrested by ‘counter-terror’ police, that is being done directly on behalf of the State of Israel. And yes, as you say, it has been going on for at least 23 years.

cont. LINK (not yet existing) 2024-10-28 18:22



“Ich habe nicht das Vernichtungslager Auschwitz, das KZ Ravensbrück und den Todesmarsch überlebt, um von sogenannten Antideutschen und Konsorten als “Antisemitin” diffamiert zu werden.”

– Esther Bejarano


“I did not survive the Auschwitz extermination camp, the Ravensbrück concentration camp and the death march to be defamed as an ‘anti-Semite’ by so-called anti-Germans and the like.”

– Esther Bejarano

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Summary of October 7, 2023 and thereafter

english : svenska : deutsch : français : عربي : español : swahili – not linked

(You may not like it or you may not believe it, but it is based on evidence).

  1. October 7, 2023 was a military operation of the Palestinian resistance to break the stranglehold on the open-air concentration camp of Gaza and also to show to the world and the Isra-lic occupiers that Palestinians need their basic human and political rights.

  2. The Palestinian resistance knew that they would not be able to defeat the occupying powers.

  3. The aim was not to kill or harm civilians. Although this has happened, and it is internationally and morally forbidden to harm civilians the aim was to crush the surrounding military Isra-li posts

  4. The military leaders in the Secret Service knew in advance that Hamas was preparing a major assault. Isra-l had foreknowledge and there is plenty of evidence.

  5. Any information given by the Isra-lic apartheid racist entity cannot be believed. At first, they said 1500 people were killed then they reduced it to 1200. It has also been revealed in Isra-lic media that many of the dead were military personnel. A large part, however, were killed by their own Isra-lic military, not by the Palestinian resistance (on October 7). There is much evidence for the fact that the IOF (Isra-lic Occupation Forces) employed the Hannibal directive on this day (killing their own to avoid them to be taken as hostages).

What happened after that

  1. On October 9, 2023, the Isra-lic military command declared that they would not allow to enter into the Gazza strip any of the following: water, food, medical supplies, petrol. Their genocidal leader N. in a reference to the most violent parts of the Bible declared that their fight is a fight against ‘Amalek’ (and that Palestinians are ‘animals’); where their falsified scriptures state that everyone and everything has to be destroyed: ”men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.” (Joshua, 6:21).

  2. This was the day when leaders of the ‘liberal’ and ‘democratic’ West should’ve unanimously raised and rejected the Zionists kind of genocidal intent. On this day they should have stopped all support to the racist apartheid entity of Isra-l: military, intelligence, and political support however, the opposite happened.

  3. For the West Isra-l is an important colonial outpost.
    This is why the so-called ‘democratic’ and ‘human rights’ propagating Western elites and governments declared to wholeheartedly support the rogue Apartheid entity in West Asia (i.e. Isra-l). They should have sanctioned it first for their openly declared genocidal intent (no water etc.) and then for their many warcrimes.

  4. The last year has shown us that colonialism – here in the form of Zionism – is alive and kicking. The lives and dignity of the downtrodden, who by the way are not white but brown, are of zero importance for the leaders and the ruling classes of the so-called ‘human rights democracies’ of the West.

  5. We are now in a new era. This is the message which the Palestinian resistance has sent to the world. After the Second World War, when there was a general agreement about human rights and non-aggression against other countries which was enshrined into human rights and international law, this era has come to an end.

israel-attacked-ship-liberty-june-8-1967 israel-attacked-US-ship-liberty-june-8-1967


Sammanfattning av 7 oktober 2023 och därefter.

(Du kanske inte gillar det eller du kanske inte tror det, men det är baserat på bevis).

  1. Den 7 oktober 2023 var en militär operation av det palestinska motståndet för att bryta strupgreppet på det öppna koncentrationslägret i Gaza och även för att visa för världen och de israeliska ockupanterna att palestinierna behöver sina grundläggande mänskliga och politiska rättigheter.

  2. Det palestinska motståndet visste att de inte skulle kunna besegra ockupationsmakterna.

  3. Syftet var inte att döda eller skada civila. Även om detta har hänt, och det är internationellt och moraliskt förbjudet att skada civila, var målet att krossa de omgivande militära Isra-li-posterna

  4. De militära ledarna i Secret Service visste i förväg att Hamas förberedde ett stort anfall. Isra-l hade förkunskaper och det finns gott om bevis.

  5. All information som ges av den israeliska apartheidrasistiska enheten kan inte tros. Först sa de att 1500 människor dödades och sedan minskade de till 1200. Det har också avslöjats i israeliska medier att många av de döda var militär personal. En stor del dödades dock av sin egen israeliska militär, inte av det palestinska motståndet (den 7 oktober). Det finns många bevis för att IOF (Isra-lic Occupation Forces) använde Hannibal-direktivet denna dag (döda sina egna för att undvika att de tas som gisslan).

Vad hände efter det

  1. Den 9 oktober 2023 förklarade den israeliska militärledningen att de inte skulle tillåta att gå in i Gazzaremsan något av följande: vatten, mat, medicinska förnödenheter, bensin. Deras folkmordsledare N. förklarade i en hänvisning till de mest våldsamma delarna av Bibeln att deras kamp är en kamp mot ‘Amalek’ (och att palestinier är ‘djur’); där deras förfalskade skrifter säger att allt och allt måste förstöras: “män och kvinnor, unga och gamla, boskap, får och åsnor.” (Josua, 6:21).

  2. Det här var dagen då ledare för det ‘liberala’ och ‘demokratiska’ västvärlden enhälligt borde ha tagit upp och förkastat sionisternas typ av folkmordsuppsåt. Den här dagen borde de ha stoppat allt stöd till den rasistiska apartheidenheten i Isra-l: militär, underrättelsetjänst och politiskt stöd, men det motsatta hände.

  3. För Västra Isra-l är en viktig kolonial utpost.
    Det är därför de så kallade “demokratiska” och “mänskliga rättigheterna” som propagerar för västerländska eliter och regeringar förklarade sig helhjärtat stödja den oseriösa Apartheid-enheten i Västasien (dvs. Isra-l). De borde ha sanktionerat det först för sin öppet deklarerade folkmordsuppsåt (inget vatten etc.) och sedan för sina många krigsförbrytelser.

  4. Det senaste året har visat oss att kolonialismen – här i form av sionismen – är levande och kickar. De undertrycktes liv och värdighet, som för övrigt inte är vita utan bruna, är av noll betydelse för ledarna och de härskande klasserna i de så kallade ‘mänskliga rättighetsdemokratierna’ i väst.

  5. Vi är nu inne i en ny era. Detta är budskapet som det palestinska motståndet har skickat till världen. Efter andra världskriget, när det fanns en allmän överenskommelse om mänskliga rättigheter och icke-aggression mot andra länder som var inskriven i mänskliga rättigheter och internationell lag, har denna era kommit till ett slut.

settlers-brutally-attacked-palestinian-farmers-again 2021


Zusammenfassung vom 7. Oktober 2023 und danach.

(Es mag Ihnen nicht gefallen oder Sie glauben es nicht, aber es basiert auf Beweisen).

  1. Der 7. Oktober 2023 war eine Militäroperation des palästinensischen Widerstands, um den Würgegriff um das Freiluft-Konzentrationslager Gaza zu brechen und auch der Welt und den israelischen Besatzern zu zeigen, dass die Palästinenser ihre grundlegenden Menschenrechte und politischen Rechte brauchen.

  2. Der palästinensische Widerstand wusste, dass er die Besatzungsmächte nicht besiegen konnte.

  3. Das Ziel war nicht, Zivilisten zu töten oder zu verletzen. Obwohl dies geschehen ist und es international und moralisch verboten ist, Zivilisten zu verletzen, war das Ziel, die umliegenden israelischen Militärposten zu zerstören.

  4. Die militärischen Führer des Geheimdienstes wussten im Voraus, dass die Hamas einen Großangriff vorbereitete. Israel hatte Vorwissen und es gibt reichlich Beweise.

  5. Keine der von der israelischen Apartheid-Rassismus-Einheit gegebenen Informationen kann geglaubt werden. Zuerst hieß es, 1500 Menschen seien getötet worden, dann reduzierten sie die Zahl auf 1200. In den israelischen Medien wurde auch enthüllt, dass viele der Toten Militärangehörige waren. Ein großer Teil wurde jedoch von ihrem eigenen israelischen Militär getötet, nicht vom palästinensischen Widerstand (am 7. Oktober). Es gibt viele Beweise dafür, dass die IOF (israelische Besatzungstruppen) an diesem Tag die Hannibal-Anweisung anwandten (ihre eigenen Leute zu töten, um zu verhindern, dass sie als Geiseln genommen werden).

Was danach geschah

  1. Am 9. Oktober 2023 erklärte das israelische Militärkommando, dass es den Zugang zu den folgenden Dingen in den Gazza-Streifen nicht zulassen würde: Wasser, Lebensmittel, medizinische Vorräte, Benzin. Ihr Völkermörderführer N. erklärte unter Bezugnahme auf die gewalttätigsten Teile der Bibel, dass ihr Kampf ein Kampf gegen „Amalek“ sei (und dass Palästinenser „Tiere“ seien); wo ihre verfälschten Schriften besagen, dass alles und jeder vernichtet werden muss: „Männer und Frauen, Junge und Alte, Rinder, Schafe und Esel.“ (Josua 6:21).

  2. Dies war der Tag, an dem die Führer des „liberalen“ und „demokratischen“ Westens die zionistische Völkermordabsicht einstimmig hätten ansprechen und ablehnen sollen. An diesem Tag hätten sie jegliche Unterstützung für das rassistische Apartheidsystem Israel einstellen sollen: militärische, geheimdienstliche und politische Unterstützung. Doch das Gegenteil geschah.

  3. Für den Westen ist Israel ein wichtiger kolonialer Außenposten.
    Aus diesem Grund erklärten die sogenannten „demokratischen“ und „Menschenrechte“ propagierenden westlichen Eliten und Regierungen, das abtrünnige Apartheidsystem in Westasien (d. h. Israel) uneingeschränkt zu unterstützen. Sie hätten es zuerst für seine offen erklärten Völkermordabsichten (kein Wasser usw.) und dann für seine zahlreichen Kriegsverbrechen sanktionieren sollen.

  4. Das letzte Jahr hat uns gezeigt, dass der Kolonialismus – hier in Form des Zionismus – lebendig und munter ist. Das Leben und die Würde der Unterdrückten, die übrigens nicht weiß, sondern braun sind, sind für die Führer und die herrschenden Klassen der sogenannten „Menschenrechtsdemokratien“ des Westens von keinerlei Bedeutung.

  5. Wir befinden uns jetzt in einer neuen Ära. Dies ist die Botschaft, die der palästinensische Widerstand an die Welt gesendet hat. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, als es eine allgemeine Übereinkunft über Menschenrechte und Nichtangriffspolitik gegenüber anderen Ländern gab, die in den Menschenrechten und im Völkerrecht verankert war, ist diese Ära zu Ende gegangen.

The Murderous Logistics of Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign in Northern Gaza

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, a Western outpost in resources rich West-Asia, based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a sectarian deviation from orthodox Judaism.

Isra-lic Zionist Jews have constructed a system of racial supremacism around which their state is oriented, like many other colonialists have done in the past. It is a crime and surely the final nail in the coffin of Western moral legitimacy. Its consequences are uncertain.

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's current war against Palestinians

[Why Isra-l and not Israel?]
The ”EL” in Israel, which means God (G-d), is not becoming a genocidal, colonial settler regime, they have nothing to do with God, and God has already turned away from them.


Résumé du 7 octobre 2023 et des années suivantes.

(Vous n’aimerez peut-être pas ça ou vous ne le croirez pas, mais c’est basé sur des preuves).

  1. Le 7 octobre 2023 était une opération militaire de la résistance palestinienne pour briser l’emprise sur le camp de concentration à ciel ouvert de Gaza et aussi pour montrer au monde et aux occupants israéliens que les Palestiniens ont besoin de leurs droits humains et politiques fondamentaux.

  2. La résistance palestinienne savait qu’elle ne serait pas en mesure de vaincre les puissances occupantes.

  3. L’objectif n’était pas de tuer ou de blesser des civils. Bien que cela se soit produit, et qu’il soit internationalement et moralement interdit de blesser des civils, l’objectif était d’écraser les postes militaires israéliens environnants.

  4. Les chefs militaires des services secrets savaient à l’avance que le Hamas préparait une attaque majeure. Israël en avait connaissance à l’avance et il existe de nombreuses preuves.

  5. Toute information donnée par l’entité raciste de l’apartheid israélien ne peut être crue. Au début, ils ont dit que 1500 personnes avaient été tuées, puis ils ont réduit ce chiffre à 1200. Il a également été révélé dans les médias israéliens que de nombreux morts étaient des militaires. Une grande partie, cependant, a été tuée par leur propre armée israélienne, et non par la résistance palestinienne (le 7 octobre). Il existe de nombreuses preuves du fait que les FOI (forces d’occupation israéliennes) ont appliqué la directive Hannibal ce jour-là (tuer les leurs pour éviter qu’ils ne soient pris en otages).

Que s’est-il passé après cela

  1. Le 9 octobre 2023, le commandement militaire israélien a déclaré qu’il n’autoriserait l’entrée dans la bande de Gaza d’aucun des éléments suivants : eau, nourriture, fournitures médicales, essence. Leur chef génocidaire N., en référence aux passages les plus violents de la Bible, a déclaré que leur combat est un combat contre « Amalek » (et que les Palestiniens sont des « animaux ») ; où leurs écritures falsifiées déclarent que tout et tous doivent être détruits : « hommes et femmes, jeunes et vieux, bétail, moutons et ânes » (Josué, 6:21).

  2. C’était le jour où les dirigeants de l’Occident « libéral » et « démocratique » auraient dû unanimement soulever et rejeter l’intention génocidaire des sionistes. Ce jour-là, ils auraient dû cesser tout soutien à l’entité raciste d’apartheid d’Israël : soutien militaire, de renseignement et politique, mais c’est le contraire qui s’est produit.

  3. Pour l’Occident, Israël est un avant-poste colonial important.
    C’est pourquoi les élites et les gouvernements occidentaux soi-disant « démocratiques » et « propagateurs des droits de l’homme » ont déclaré soutenir sans réserve l’entité voyou de l’apartheid en Asie occidentale (c’est-à-dire Israël). Ils auraient dû d’abord la sanctionner pour son intention génocidaire ouvertement déclarée (pas d’eau, etc.) puis pour ses nombreux crimes de guerre.

  4. L’année dernière nous a montré que le colonialisme – ici sous la forme du sionisme – est toujours vivant et en pleine forme. La vie et la dignité des opprimés, qui ne sont pas blancs mais bruns, n’ont aucune importance pour les dirigeants et les classes dirigeantes des soi-disant « démocraties des droits de l’homme » de l’Occident.

  5. Nous sommes désormais dans une nouvelle ère. Tel est le message que la résistance palestinienne a envoyé au monde. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, lorsqu’il y avait un accord général sur les droits de l’homme et la non-agression contre d’autres pays, qui était consacré par les droits de l’homme et le droit international, cette ère a pris fin.

continuous_-systemic-violence-meted-out-by-settlers (image ca. 2021)


ملخص السابع من أكتوبر 2023 وما بعده.

(قد لا يعجبك أو قد لا تصدقه، لكنه مبني على أدلة).

  1. السابع من أكتوبر 2023 كان عملية عسكرية للمقاومة الفلسطينية لكسر الخناق على معسكر الاعتقال المفتوح في غزة وأيضًا لإظهار للعالم والمحتلين الإسرائيليين أن الفلسطينيين بحاجة إلى حقوقهم الإنسانية والسياسية الأساسية.

  2. كانت المقاومة الفلسطينية تعلم أنها لن تكون قادرة على هزيمة قوى الاحتلال.

  3. لم يكن الهدف قتل أو إيذاء المدنيين. على الرغم من حدوث ذلك، ومن المحرم دوليًا وأخلاقيًا إيذاء المدنيين، كان الهدف سحق المواقع العسكرية الإسرائيلية المحيطة.

  4. كان القادة العسكريون في جهاز الخدمة السرية يعرفون مسبقًا أن حماس تستعد لهجوم كبير. كانت إسرائيل لديها معرفة مسبقة وهناك الكثير من الأدلة.

  5. لا يمكن تصديق أي معلومات تقدمها كيان الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي. في البداية قالوا إن عدد القتلى 1500 ثم خفضوا الرقم إلى 1200. كما كشفت وسائل الإعلام الإسرائيلية أن العديد من القتلى كانوا عسكريين. ومع ذلك، قُتل جزء كبير منهم على يد جيشهم الإسرائيلي، وليس على يد المقاومة الفلسطينية (في 7 أكتوبر). هناك أدلة كثيرة على أن قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي استخدمت توجيه هانيبال في هذا اليوم (قتل أفرادها لتجنب أخذهم كرهائن).

ماذا حدث بعد ذلك

  1. في 9 أكتوبر 2023، أعلنت القيادة العسكرية الإسرائيلية أنها لن تسمح بدخول أي من المواد التالية إلى قطاع غزة: الماء، والغذاء، والإمدادات الطبية، والبنزين. أعلن زعيمهم الإبادي الجماعي ن. في إشارة إلى أكثر أجزاء الكتاب المقدس عنفًا أن قتالهم هو قتال ضد “عماليق” (وأن الفلسطينيين “حيوانات”)؛ حيث تنص كتبهم المقدسة المزيفة على أنه يجب تدمير الجميع وكل شيء: “الرجال والنساء والشباب والشيوخ والبقر والغنم والحمير” (يشوع 6: 21).

  2. كان هذا هو اليوم الذي كان ينبغي فيه لقادة الغرب “الليبرالي” و"الديمقراطي" أن يرفعوا بالإجماع ويرفضوا نوع النية الإبادة الجماعية الصهيونية. في هذا اليوم كان ينبغي لهم أن يوقفوا كل الدعم لكيان الفصل العنصري الإسرائيلي: الدعم العسكري والاستخباراتي والسياسي، لكن ما حدث هو العكس.

  3. بالنسبة للغرب، إسرائيل هي موقع استعماري مهم. لهذا السبب أعلنت النخب والحكومات الغربية التي تروج لما يسمى “الديمقراطية” و"حقوق الإنسان" دعمها الكامل لكيان الفصل العنصري المارق في غرب آسيا (أي إسرائيل). كان ينبغي لهم أن يعاقبوا إسرائيل أولاً بسبب نواياها الإبادة الجماعية المعلنة (عدم وجود مياه وما إلى ذلك) ثم بسبب جرائم الحرب العديدة التي ارتكبوها.

  4. لقد أظهر لنا العام الماضي أن الاستعمار – هنا في شكل الصهيونية – لا يزال حياً وينبض بالحياة. إن حياة وكرامة المظلومين، الذين ليسوا من ذوي البشرة البيضاء بل من ذوي البشرة السمراء، لا أهمية لها على الإطلاق بالنسبة لقادة وطبقات ما يسمى “ديمقراطيات حقوق الإنسان” في الغرب.

  5. نحن الآن في عصر جديد. هذه هي الرسالة التي أرسلتها المقاومة الفلسطينية إلى العالم. بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية، عندما كان هناك اتفاق عام حول حقوق الإنسان وعدم الاعتداء على البلدان الأخرى والذي تم ترسيخه في حقوق الإنسان والقانون الدولي، انتهى هذا العصر.

Kids killed on beach playing football by Isra-l gunboat
Kids killed on beach playing football by Isra-l gunboat → 2014 Gaza war beach bombing incidents wikipedia


Resumen del 7 de octubre de 2023 y después.

(Puede que no te guste o que no lo creas, pero está basado en evidencias).

  1. El 7 de octubre de 2023 fue una operación militar de la resistencia palestina para romper el dominio sobre el campo de concentración al aire libre de Gaza y también para mostrar al mundo y a los ocupantes israelíes que los palestinos necesitan sus derechos humanos y políticos básicos.

  2. La resistencia palestina sabía que no sería capaz de derrotar a las potencias ocupantes.

  3. El objetivo no era matar o dañar a civiles. Aunque esto ha sucedido, y está prohibido internacional y moralmente dañar a civiles, el objetivo era aplastar los puestos militares israelíes circundantes.

  4. Los líderes militares del Servicio Secreto sabían de antemano que Hamás estaba preparando un gran asalto. Israel lo sabía de antemano y hay muchas pruebas.

  5. No se puede creer ninguna información proporcionada por la entidad racista del apartheid israelí. En un principio, dijeron que habían muerto 1.500 personas, pero luego redujeron la cifra a 1.200. También se ha revelado en los medios de comunicación israelíes que muchos de los muertos eran militares. Sin embargo, una gran parte fueron asesinados por su propio ejército israelí, no por la resistencia palestina (el 7 de octubre). Hay muchas pruebas de que las IOF (Fuerzas de Ocupación Israelíes) emplearon la directiva de Aníbal ese día (matar a los suyos para evitar que los tomaran como rehenes).

¿Qué pasó después?

  1. El 9 de octubre de 2023, el mando militar israelí declaró que no permitiría la entrada a la franja de Gaza de nada de lo siguiente: agua, comida, suministros médicos, gasolina. Su líder genocida N., en referencia a las partes más violentas de la Biblia, declaró que su lucha es una lucha contra ‘Amalec’ (y que los palestinos son ‘animales’); donde sus escrituras falsificadas establecen que todos y todo tiene que ser destruido: “hombres y mujeres, jóvenes y viejos, vacas, ovejas y asnos”. (Josué, 6:21).

  2. Este fue el día en que los líderes del Occidente “liberal” y “democrático” deberían haber planteado y rechazado unánimemente el tipo de intención genocida de los sionistas. En este día deberían haber dejado de apoyar a la entidad racista del apartheid de Israel: apoyo militar, de inteligencia y político; sin embargo, ocurrió lo contrario.

  3. Para Occidente, Israel es un importante puesto de avanzada colonial. Es por eso que las llamadas élites y gobiernos occidentales que propagan los “derechos humanos” y la “democracia” declararon su apoyo incondicional a la entidad rebelde del apartheid en Asia occidental (es decir, Israel). Deberían haberla sancionado primero por su intención genocida declarada abiertamente (sin agua, etc.) y luego por sus muchos crímenes de guerra.

  4. El año pasado nos ha demostrado que el colonialismo -aquí en forma de sionismo- sigue vivo y coleando. Las vidas y la dignidad de los oprimidos, que por cierto no son blancos sino morenos, no tienen ninguna importancia para los líderes y las clases dominantes de las llamadas “democracias de derechos humanos” de Occidente.

  5. Estamos ahora en una nueva era. Éste es el mensaje que la resistencia palestina ha enviado al mundo. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando hubo un acuerdo general sobre los derechos humanos y la no agresión contra otros países, consagrado en los derechos humanos y el derecho internacional, esta era ha llegado a su fin.

Gaza-church-attacked 2023


Muhtasari wa tarehe 7 Oktoba 2023 na baada ya hapo.

(Unaweza usiipende au usiamini, lakini inategemea ushahidi).

  1. Oktoba 7, 2023 ilikuwa operesheni ya kijeshi ya muqawama wa Wapalestina kuvunja ngome ya kambi ya wazi ya Gaza na pia kuwaonyesha walimwengu na wavamizi wa Israel kwamba Wapalestina wanahitaji haki zao za kimsingi za kibinadamu na kisiasa.

  2. Muqawama wa Wapalestina ulijua kwamba hawataweza kuyashinda madola yanayoikalia kimabavu.

  3. Lengo halikuwa kuua au kuwadhuru raia. Ingawa hii imetokea, na ni marufuku kimataifa na kimaadili kuwadhuru raia, lengo lilikuwa kukandamiza vituo vya kijeshi vya Isra-li.

  4. Viongozi wa kijeshi katika Huduma ya Siri walijua mapema kwamba Hamas ilikuwa ikitayarisha mashambulizi makubwa. Isra-l ilikuwa na utambuzi na kuna ushahidi mwingi.

  5. Taarifa zozote zinazotolewa na chama cha ubaguzi wa rangi wa kiisra-lic haziwezi kuaminiwa. Mwanzoni, walisema watu 1500 waliuawa kisha wakapunguza hadi 1200. Imefichuliwa pia katika vyombo vya habari vya Israel kwamba wengi wa waliokufa walikuwa wanajeshi. Sehemu kubwa, hata hivyo, waliuawa na jeshi lao la Waisraeli, sio na upinzani wa Wapalestina (tarehe 7 Oktoba). Kuna ushahidi mwingi kwa ukweli kwamba IOF (Vikosi vya Utawala vya Kiisraeli) walitumia maagizo ya Hannibal siku hii (kuwaua wao wenyewe ili kuwaepusha kuchukuliwa kama mateka).

Nini kilitokea baada ya hapo

  1. Mnamo Oktoba 9, 2023, amri ya kijeshi ya Israeli ilitangaza kwamba hawataruhusu kuingia kwenye ukanda wa Gazza yoyote kati ya yafuatayo: maji, chakula, vifaa vya matibabu, petroli. Kiongozi wao wa mauaji ya halaiki N. katika kurejelea sehemu zenye jeuri zaidi za Biblia alitangaza kwamba vita vyao ni vita dhidi ya ‘Amaleki’ (na kwamba Wapalestina ni ‘wanyama’); ambapo maandiko yao ya uwongo yanasema kwamba kila mtu na kila kitu lazima kiharibiwe: “wanaume na wanawake, vijana kwa wazee, ng’ombe, kondoo na punda.” (Yoshua, 6:21).

  2. Hii ilikuwa siku ambapo viongozi wa nchi za Magharibi ‘ya kiliberali’ na ‘ya kidemokrasia’ walipaswa kwa kauli moja kuinua na kukataa aina ya nia ya mauaji ya kimbari ya Wazayuni. Katika siku hii walipaswa kusitisha uungwaji mkono wote kwa chombo cha ubaguzi wa rangi cha Isra-l: kijeshi, akili, na uungwaji mkono wa kisiasa hata hivyo, kinyume chake kilifanyika.

  3. Kwa Isra-l Magharibi ni kituo muhimu cha kikoloni.
    Hii ndiyo sababu kile kinachoitwa ‘kidemokrasia’ na ‘haki za binadamu’ zinazoeneza wasomi wa Magharibi na serikali zilitangaza kuunga mkono kwa moyo wote chombo mbovu cha Ubaguzi wa rangi katika Asia Magharibi (yaani Isra-l). Walipaswa kuidhinisha kwanza kwa dhamira yao ya mauaji ya halaiki iliyotangazwa wazi (bila maji n.k.) na kisha kwa uhalifu wao mwingi wa kivita.

  4. Mwaka jana umetuonyesha kuwa ukoloni – hapa kwa namna ya Uzayuni – uko hai na unapiga teke. Maisha na utu wa watu waliokandamizwa, ambao kwa njia, sio weupe lakini kahawia, hauna umuhimu wowote kwa viongozi na tabaka tawala za kile kinachoitwa ‘demokrasia ya haki za binadamu’ ya Magharibi.

  5. Sasa tuko katika enzi mpya. Huu ndio ujumbe ambao muqawama wa Palestina umetuma kwa walimwengu. Baada ya Vita vya Pili vya Dunia, kulipokuwepo makubaliano ya jumla kuhusu haki za binadamu na kutovamia nchi nyingine ambayo yaliwekwa katika haki za binadamu na sheria za kimataifa, zama hizi zimefikia kikomo.

Latest 84 texts on

latest update 2025-02-27 1446 AH

- The Torture Inflicted on Palestinian Health Workers by Isra-l
- 911 With Strange Connections
- An Extraordinary Hadith, Explained by Sh Hasan Spiker
- Jews Against Zionism
- Living Islam - Islamic Tradition
- 503 Allah! The Throne verse - Quran
- I've heard from reliable Zionist sources
- 025 The Muslim Sense of Belonging
- The Involvement of the Pious Salaf in Kalam
- The Deliberate Isra-l Act of Shooting Children in the Head Regularly in Gaza
- US doctors say they witnessed crimes beyond comprehension – Gaza
- Deutsche Medien mitschuldig am Völkermord an den Palästinensern
- Isra-l murders the best and the innocent
- 024 Getting a clear look at Isra-l
- 023 You Will Not Erase Us! No Matter How Many of Us You Kill
- Who is Prophet Muhammad?
- 019 Ignorant, Brainwashed, Journalists - Too Many
- 022 The Caliphate Delusion
- 021 Omarkn's Timeline on
- Participation in non Muslim-majority Societies
- How is the world letting this go on!
- 018_In the Coldness of The Systematic Post-Morality
- To You Who Remain Silent
- The population of Gaza is at risk of dying in a genocide
- Summary of October 7, 2023 and thereafter
- If you still don't know what Zionism is…
- Israel threatens to kill six more Palestinian journalists
- Acquiring Knowledge
- Glimpses(1) Timelessness and Emergent Creation
- The West has created a Frankenstein monster
- The Five Bifurcations of Western Thought and Religion
- Observations on the world we live in
- Om Islam i landet Sverige
- The Isra-lic Occupation is illegal and must end immediately
- Gaza - One Day in September 2024
- 015_La ilaha illallah - No god, except the One God
- How Israel Walked Into the Trap of Hamas
- Capital and oppression
- German Redemption Theology (short)
- On The Adab of Marriage
- On the Isra-lic Hannibal Directive Killing Its Own People!
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter (2)
- Why UAE is Killing Muslims in Sudan (with U.S. support)
- Life in Palestine before the Nakba (1948)
- Christians in Palestine, harassed, and spit upon by Jewish supremacists, 2024
- Lunatic Jewish Rabbis With Increasing Influence Over Isra-lic Society
- 013_Those who professes "unshakeable" support for Israel
- 012_Zionism Is a Perversion of Judaism
- 011_Alas for Gaza Our Loss of Moral Certitude
- Israel is a terrorist organization.
- 010_Beautiful Ahadith to act on immediately
- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible.s punishment for people.s wickedness
- Israel's systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
- The time of Germany lecturing others is over.
- A New Definition of Extremism
- Time for sanctions on Israel!
- Systematic attacks on hungry people in Gaza by IOF
- Misinterpreting Quranic Verses
- The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax
- When I Was an IDF Soldier
- Does the EU stand for democracy, human rights values? NO
- Our goal is to stop the genocide, Al Ansar (Houthis)
- The Western/ Israel scandal to stop UNRWA!
- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
- Rape Allegations from Israel Hasbara
- Regarding the US Empire, And Why We Care
- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- Israel war crimes
- It's not about Self-Defense!
- Recommended external Pages - relevant for the Ummah

Israel threatens to kill six more Palestinian journalists

Isra-l threatens to kill six more Palestinian journalists
⇢ in order to cover up their digusting war crimes.


Always remember that while Isra-l is on a killing spree, they are being fully supported by Western human rights democracies! So what could go wrong?!

Isra-lic blood thirsty forces have been planning this in their criminal minds very diligently:

Two weeks before the election in the United States is for them the perfect time to increase the cruelty and their massacres of innocent Palestinian people. (Now northern Gaza 20241024).

This is the way they do it and how they always do it: When international media attention is turned to the United States and after having killed over 150 Palestinian journalists, they succumb to their Satanic blood thirsty, cultish practice of massacring people day and night.

This is how it is and Allah will certainly bring them to account no doubt about it.

tempxp == 2024-10-24 10:08 ==

The Israeli military wants to exterminate the few remaining journalists that are documenting its crimes so that it can continue to intensify its genocide.

The Israeli military has set a world record for the number of journalists it has targeted and killed over the past year and is now announcing its intention to increase this number.

Remember the Israeli military’s first response when they killed Shireen Abu Akleh was that the journalists were “armed with cameras”. They can make any claims they want and use them as pretext to murder witnesses to their crimes.

Immediately after meeting with Blinken, Israel is doing a full court PR press to lay the ground work for the murder of several journalists. Every journalist around the world should be horrified.

The Israeli military is announcing its intention to murder several journalist for Aljazeera still doing the brave work of covering the genocide in Gaza as Tony Blinken prepares to head to Doha.

The Israeli military likely seeks to intensify its genocide over the next two weeks before the US election and wants to exterminate the remaining journalists documenting these crimes.

– – responding to: – –


This chapter 1b is from the Isra-l occupation army, word for word and including their picture of six Palestinian journalists.

_ All these are lies, as usual and it will be shown in the following chapters. Generally speaking how can anyone take the word from a serial killer for granted ?_

Israel Defense Forces @IDF

EXPOSED: 6 Al Jazeera journalists have been exposed as Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists.

The IDF has disclosed intelligence information and numerous documents found in Gaza confirming military affiliation of six Al Jazeera journalists in Gaza with Hamas and the Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations, including personnel tables, lists of terrorist training courses, phone directories, and salary documents for terrorists.

These documents serve as proof of the integration of Hamas terrorists within the Qatari Al Jazeera media network.

Most of the journalists that the IDF has exposed as operatives in Hamas’ military wing spearhead the propaganda for Hamas at Al Jazeera, especially in northern Gaza.

The western press hasn’t said a damn thing

6 Al Jazeera journalists are not Hamas terrorists


– – responding to the above – –

Humanity United @Humanityclouded
More journalists have been killed in Gaza than in any other war in history. And here is you wanting to silent the last few remaining in an attempt conceal your war crimes. At this rate Hitler was far more humane

phoenixrebel @firebird_rebel
You lost us as soon as you said IDF intelligence. was it the calendar guy ?

Fear Speech @FearSpeech
EXPOSED: Your entire state has been exposed as a terrorist entity for the war crimes you committed over the past year in front of the international community


Why should we believe you? You lied to Colin Powell.
When Col Larry Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff told us:

“The Israelis are patent liars…they are inveterate liars.”

– – responding to the above – –

Dorothee Burney @BurneyDorothee
Oct 16
Interesting, because as I remember, Colin Powell was the liar.

Lou Rage @lifepeptides
Yea. He says the Jews [i.e. the Zionist Jews, the Mossad] gave him, Wilkerson, the data and intel only about 5-7 days prior to the UN meeting.

[ □ comment: Thereafter the United States attacked Iraq, killed hundreds of thousands of people the country was destroyed, the emergence of Isis and large numbers of refugees to Europe.]


– – responding to the above – –

Committee to Protect Journalists
The Committee to Protect Journalists is aware of accusations made by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) against several journalists in Gaza accusing them of being members of militant groups. Israel has repeatedly made similar unproven claims without producing credible evidence. After killing Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al Ghoul in July, the IDF previously produced a similar document, which contained contradictory information, showing that Al Ghoul, born in 1997, received a Hamas military ranking in 2007 – when he would have been 10 years old.
Last edited
5:45 PM · Oct 23, 2024

Israel has ended the lives of more than 139 Palestinian journalists in Gaza, with threats to target even more, while also preventing international journalists from entering the strip. This action appears to have one clear purpose: not only to hide evidence of potential crimes against humanity, but to eliminate the official documentation of these events, allowing them to remain obscured.

How (Isra-l) they do it
Israel is targeting and murdering journalists

And not like, “oh this person has a camera, shoot them.”

Israel is identifying the homes of journalists and is bombing their homes in the middle of the night as they sleep, massacring them and their spouses and children.
Sep 30, 2024
+Israel does not want its genocide reported.



Drop Site’s @jeremyscahill and @sharifkouddous deliver an urgent appeal to protect Palestinian journalists, in light of the IDF releasing what amounts to a hit list targeting six Al-Jazeera reporters. Drop Site urges all journalists to speak out against the threats to our Palestinian colleagues. 2024-10-23

That mob movie you saw is nothing on what this state power is doing. It is picking off journalists one by one who have the audacity to report on Israeli crimes.

The western press hasn’t said a damn thing.

If a single Israeli journalist was targeted in their home in the middle of the night & killed by Palestinians, there would be CNN specialists diving into their career.

Palestinian and Lebanese journalists are being murdered in cold blood, and “the free press” has nothing to say.

Sharif also discusses his latest story on Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign in northern Gaza, out today and produced in collaboration with Palestinian journalist @AbubakerAbedW

The Murderous Logistics of Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign in Northern Gaza


Blutbad in Jabalia — gerade haben mich diese Bilder aus Gaza erreicht #GazaGenocide‌


Dozens of Palestinians in Jabalia were abducted and taken to Israeli torture camps.

Latest 84 texts on

latest update 2025-02-27 1446 AH

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- 911 With Strange Connections
- An Extraordinary Hadith, Explained by Sh Hasan Spiker
- Jews Against Zionism
- Living Islam - Islamic Tradition
- 503 Allah! The Throne verse - Quran
- I've heard from reliable Zionist sources
- 025 The Muslim Sense of Belonging
- The Involvement of the Pious Salaf in Kalam
- The Deliberate Isra-l Act of Shooting Children in the Head Regularly in Gaza
- US doctors say they witnessed crimes beyond comprehension – Gaza
- Deutsche Medien mitschuldig am Völkermord an den Palästinensern
- Isra-l murders the best and the innocent
- 024 Getting a clear look at Isra-l
- 023 You Will Not Erase Us! No Matter How Many of Us You Kill
- Who is Prophet Muhammad?
- 019 Ignorant, Brainwashed, Journalists - Too Many
- 022 The Caliphate Delusion
- 021 Omarkn's Timeline on
- Participation in non Muslim-majority Societies
- How is the world letting this go on!
- 018_In the Coldness of The Systematic Post-Morality
- To You Who Remain Silent
- The population of Gaza is at risk of dying in a genocide
- Summary of October 7, 2023 and thereafter
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- Israel threatens to kill six more Palestinian journalists
- Acquiring Knowledge
- Glimpses(1) Timelessness and Emergent Creation
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- The Five Bifurcations of Western Thought and Religion
- Observations on the world we live in
- Om Islam i landet Sverige
- The Isra-lic Occupation is illegal and must end immediately
- Gaza - One Day in September 2024
- 015_La ilaha illallah - No god, except the One God
- How Israel Walked Into the Trap of Hamas
- Capital and oppression
- German Redemption Theology (short)
- On The Adab of Marriage
- On the Isra-lic Hannibal Directive Killing Its Own People!
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter (2)
- Why UAE is Killing Muslims in Sudan (with U.S. support)
- Life in Palestine before the Nakba (1948)
- Christians in Palestine, harassed, and spit upon by Jewish supremacists, 2024
- Lunatic Jewish Rabbis With Increasing Influence Over Isra-lic Society
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- 012_Zionism Is a Perversion of Judaism
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- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible.s punishment for people.s wickedness
- Israel's systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
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- Misinterpreting Quranic Verses
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- When I Was an IDF Soldier
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- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
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- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- Israel war crimes
- It's not about Self-Defense!
- Recommended external Pages - relevant for the Ummah

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