The Isra-lic psychopaths declared in October 2023 they would starve the people of Gazza, and they are doing it. The western colonial powers make it happen, their complicity will be their downfall.
(A psychopath is a person consistently exhibiting antisocial, impulsive, manipulative, and sometimes aggressive behaviour).
tempxp == 2024-10-28 16:13 ==
The entire population of Gaza is at risk of dying in a genocide that has been announced and executed under our watch.
– – responding to: – –
The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying.
What Israeli forces are doing in besieged North Gaza cannot be allowed to continue.
Hospitals have been hit and health workers have been detained. Shelters have been emptied and burned down. First responders have been prevented from rescuing people from under the rubble. Families have been separated and men and boys are being taken away by the truckload.
Hundreds of Palestinians have reportedly been killed. Tens of thousands have been forced to flee yet again.
The entire population of North Gaza is at risk of dying.
Such blatant disregard for basic humanity and for the laws of war must stop.
— Joyce Msuya, Acting UN Humanitarian Chief
Oct 26, 2024
– – responding to the OP – –
Oct 27
I am getting countless desperate calls for help from Gaza as the occupation has imposed a new siege and food prices are skyrocketing. A bag of flour now costs $50, a tomato $5, a onion $6 …
Smotrich: “It may be ‘justified’ to starve 2 million Gazans, but world won’t let us, but we are doing it anyway.”
Far-right minister expresses support for resettling Gaza, says October 7 wouldn’t have happened had it not been for 2005 disengagement from Strip.
Source: 5 August 2024

tempxp == 2024-10-28 16:25 ==
Oct 27
If you believe Israel is a terrorist state, like this tweet.
Oct 21
Gaza Exodus: Where Israeli forces first made all Gazans🇵🇸 homeless by bombing their homes, then kept displacing them from refugee camps, as the world watched and did nothing.
This tragic story will be told for thousands of years.

Gaza Exodus: Where Israeli forces first made all Gazans🇵🇸 homeless by bombing their homes, then kept displacing them from refugee camps, as the world watched and did nothing.
— Harun Kimani (@AllOddsmobile) October 21, 2024
This tragic story will be told for thousands of years.
Oct 21
The Gaza Holocaust. Live footage of 12 months of child murder, international law violations and displacment. What is the end game of the Jews after all these horrific crimes they inflicted on these people?
That is the question: “What is their end game?”
I think Israeli leaders are possessed by some DEM0NIC force, and aren’t thinking rationally.
Exactly. Unfortunately, people with the pathology of demonic psychopathy tend to self-destruct. I am just concerned that this irrationality will end up destroying the world.
Yes, biblical proportions, it will be one of the big stories of history. I pray for a Palestinian state & a good ending eventually, but it is stomach churning watching this, powerless to change it. It also marks a time, I hope, where international institutions forced 2 change.
100% Palestinians will eventually get their own state.
Israel’s modus operandi – of massacring any group they disagree with – is not sustainable in the long run.
More powerful states than Israel have fallen in the past.
Lowkey EXPOSES Tommy Robinson’s Links to Israel

Lowkey EXPOSES Tommy Robinson's Links to Israel
— Nadeem Ahmed (@Muqadaam) October 21, 2024
I know it’s bleak but there is an inescapable fact that, through my work, I have long been trying to explain: the war in the Levant has no borders, because Zionism has no borders.
So when you, in Britain or France or Germany, are having mosques shut down and Muslim homes are raided and academics are fired and journalists are arrested by ‘counter-terror’ police, that is being done directly on behalf of the State of Israel. And yes, as you say, it has been going on for at least 23 years.
cont. LINK (not yet existing) 2024-10-28 18:22
“Ich habe nicht das Vernichtungslager Auschwitz, das KZ Ravensbrück und den Todesmarsch überlebt, um von sogenannten Antideutschen und Konsorten als “Antisemitin” diffamiert zu werden.”
– Esther Bejarano
“I did not survive the Auschwitz extermination camp, the Ravensbrück concentration camp and the death march to be defamed as an ‘anti-Semite’ by so-called anti-Germans and the like.”
– Esther Bejarano
"Ich habe nicht das Vernichtungslager Auschwitz, das KZ Ravensbrück und den Todesmarsch überlebt, um von sogenannten Antideutschen und Konsorten als "Antisemitin" diffamiert zu werden."
— hasan (@antiimperialo) October 28, 2024
– Esther
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