October 2021 archive

Numbers on the War of Terror

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. = 5. Related United States Counterterrorism Operations, 2018-2020 6. More on the cost and meddling of the US empire Last updated on 2021-12-29 by w3admin

Remembering Israel’s Brutal Massacre of Palestinian Civilians in Kafr Qasem

Last updated on 2021-10-30 by w3admin

How Africa Was Erased From the History of the Modern World

= Blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. = This is a review of an article revising the general Western point of view of Africa when it is claimed that Africa had at the most a marginal significance for European and American economic development. However the author shows that …

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