Israel threatens to kill six more Palestinian journalists

Isra-l threatens to kill six more Palestinian journalists
⇢ in order to cover up their digusting war crimes.


Always remember that while Isra-l is on a killing spree, they are being fully supported by Western human rights democracies! So what could go wrong?!

Isra-lic blood thirsty forces have been planning this in their criminal minds very diligently:

Two weeks before the election in the United States is for them the perfect time to increase the cruelty and their massacres of innocent Palestinian people. (Now northern Gaza 20241024).

This is the way they do it and how they always do it: When international media attention is turned to the United States and after having killed over 150 Palestinian journalists, they succumb to their Satanic blood thirsty, cultish practice of massacring people day and night.

This is how it is and Allah will certainly bring them to account no doubt about it.

tempxp == 2024-10-24 10:08 ==

The Israeli military wants to exterminate the few remaining journalists that are documenting its crimes so that it can continue to intensify its genocide.

The Israeli military has set a world record for the number of journalists it has targeted and killed over the past year and is now announcing its intention to increase this number.

Remember the Israeli military’s first response when they killed Shireen Abu Akleh was that the journalists were “armed with cameras”. They can make any claims they want and use them as pretext to murder witnesses to their crimes.

Immediately after meeting with Blinken, Israel is doing a full court PR press to lay the ground work for the murder of several journalists. Every journalist around the world should be horrified.

The Israeli military is announcing its intention to murder several journalist for Aljazeera still doing the brave work of covering the genocide in Gaza as Tony Blinken prepares to head to Doha.

The Israeli military likely seeks to intensify its genocide over the next two weeks before the US election and wants to exterminate the remaining journalists documenting these crimes.

– – responding to: – –


This chapter 1b is from the Isra-l occupation army, word for word and including their picture of six Palestinian journalists.

_ All these are lies, as usual and it will be shown in the following chapters. Generally speaking how can anyone take the word from a serial killer for granted ?_

Israel Defense Forces @IDF

EXPOSED: 6 Al Jazeera journalists have been exposed as Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists.

The IDF has disclosed intelligence information and numerous documents found in Gaza confirming military affiliation of six Al Jazeera journalists in Gaza with Hamas and the Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations, including personnel tables, lists of terrorist training courses, phone directories, and salary documents for terrorists.

These documents serve as proof of the integration of Hamas terrorists within the Qatari Al Jazeera media network.

Most of the journalists that the IDF has exposed as operatives in Hamas’ military wing spearhead the propaganda for Hamas at Al Jazeera, especially in northern Gaza.

The western press hasn’t said a damn thing

6 Al Jazeera journalists are not Hamas terrorists


– – responding to the above – –

Humanity United @Humanityclouded
More journalists have been killed in Gaza than in any other war in history. And here is you wanting to silent the last few remaining in an attempt conceal your war crimes. At this rate Hitler was far more humane

phoenixrebel @firebird_rebel
You lost us as soon as you said IDF intelligence. was it the calendar guy ?

Fear Speech @FearSpeech
EXPOSED: Your entire state has been exposed as a terrorist entity for the war crimes you committed over the past year in front of the international community


Why should we believe you? You lied to Colin Powell.
When Col Larry Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff told us:

“The Israelis are patent liars…they are inveterate liars.”

– – responding to the above – –

Dorothee Burney @BurneyDorothee
Oct 16
Interesting, because as I remember, Colin Powell was the liar.

Lou Rage @lifepeptides
Yea. He says the Jews [i.e. the Zionist Jews, the Mossad] gave him, Wilkerson, the data and intel only about 5-7 days prior to the UN meeting.

[ □ comment: Thereafter the United States attacked Iraq, killed hundreds of thousands of people the country was destroyed, the emergence of Isis and large numbers of refugees to Europe.]


– – responding to the above – –

Committee to Protect Journalists
The Committee to Protect Journalists is aware of accusations made by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) against several journalists in Gaza accusing them of being members of militant groups. Israel has repeatedly made similar unproven claims without producing credible evidence. After killing Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al Ghoul in July, the IDF previously produced a similar document, which contained contradictory information, showing that Al Ghoul, born in 1997, received a Hamas military ranking in 2007 – when he would have been 10 years old.
Last edited
5:45 PM · Oct 23, 2024

Israel has ended the lives of more than 139 Palestinian journalists in Gaza, with threats to target even more, while also preventing international journalists from entering the strip. This action appears to have one clear purpose: not only to hide evidence of potential crimes against humanity, but to eliminate the official documentation of these events, allowing them to remain obscured.

How (Isra-l) they do it
Israel is targeting and murdering journalists

And not like, “oh this person has a camera, shoot them.”

Israel is identifying the homes of journalists and is bombing their homes in the middle of the night as they sleep, massacring them and their spouses and children.
Sep 30, 2024
+Israel does not want its genocide reported.



Drop Site’s @jeremyscahill and @sharifkouddous deliver an urgent appeal to protect Palestinian journalists, in light of the IDF releasing what amounts to a hit list targeting six Al-Jazeera reporters. Drop Site urges all journalists to speak out against the threats to our Palestinian colleagues. 2024-10-23

That mob movie you saw is nothing on what this state power is doing. It is picking off journalists one by one who have the audacity to report on Israeli crimes.

The western press hasn’t said a damn thing.

If a single Israeli journalist was targeted in their home in the middle of the night & killed by Palestinians, there would be CNN specialists diving into their career.

Palestinian and Lebanese journalists are being murdered in cold blood, and “the free press” has nothing to say.

Sharif also discusses his latest story on Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign in northern Gaza, out today and produced in collaboration with Palestinian journalist @AbubakerAbedW

The Murderous Logistics of Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign in Northern Gaza


Blutbad in Jabalia — gerade haben mich diese Bilder aus Gaza erreicht #GazaGenocide‌


Dozens of Palestinians in Jabalia were abducted and taken to Israeli torture camps.

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Last updated on 2024-10-26 by w3admin

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