Isra-lics torture Palestinians, since when was this allowed?

It was never allowed.
But supported and funded by Western ‘democracies’!

Isra-lics torture Palestinians, since when was this allowed?
Isra-lics are publicly boasting about that they have developed hundreds of methods to torment Palestinians

There is nothing on this earth that is more depraved and evil than the Zionist entity currently occupying historic Palestine. The only thing that comes close is the western governments who fund and support it. I don’t think Satan himself is even capable of such unspeakable acts.

This is what Western ‘democracies’ are supporting

This is just another form of torture. Israelis are publicly boasting about that they have developed hundreds of methods to torment Palestinians, civilians, women children. They have created hell on earth, for their own entertainment. Pure evil.

Related: Why Isra-l and not Israel?

From about 2015


Today, I visited one of my friends who was captured by the Israeli occupation army at the beginning of the war and was recently released. He told me things that the mind cannot comprehend, not even in the worst nightmares.

He said: “At first, they would take us for torture every two hours—torture of all kinds. The first time, they pulled out my nails, hung me by my neck with chains, tied me up like a dog, and dragged me. Then, in the winter, they would bring cold water and pour it over my naked body. All of that was bearable until they brought a trained dog after tying me up and ordered it to rape me. That was the worst thing in history.”

They like to call themselves
“the most moral army”, “democracy” and “a light to the nations”


There is nothing on this earth that is more depraved and evil than the Zionist entity currently occupying historic Palestine. The only thing that comes close is the western governments who fund and support it. I don’t think Satan himself is even capable of such unspeakable acts.

There is no difference between the present day occupiers of Israel led by Satanyahu and Satan, the leader of demons.


Released Palestinian Ramzi Abdo from Al-Bureij describes the israeli torture they endured – we all KNOW israelis are evil, but it’s still shocking


”We are in need of psychological treatment before physical treatment.”


“They use sticks to rape people. He told me about 25 cases he knew about.”

Mustafa Barghouti on how Israel has stepped up torture and sexual abuse on Palestinians

Full episode:



Must read: Absolutely devastating piece in @guardian detailing some of the torture inflicted on Palestinian health workers by Israel:

  • Abductions from the operating room
  • Being stripped and kept in the cold
  • Beatings to the point of being unable to walk
  • Teeth being broken
  • Rapes
  • Murders
  • Starvation
  • Sleep derivation
  • Being blindfolded and restrained for >100 days

Not one of these health workers has been charged with any crime.

One surgeon, Dr. Abu Ajwa was told by Israeli personnel that they wanted to make his hands not functional.

‘Since he was released from detention, Abu Ajwa has not managed to fix his broken teeth but has gone back to work in Gaza’s shattered healthcare system.

“As for the interrogator who was determined to make me lose sensation in my hands, I say: ‘no matter what you do … I am a doctor, and I will practice my profession. I will always continue, until my last breath, to be in the operating theatre.’”’

Feb 26, 2025
It is almost unbelievable that our public health institutions have been punishing doctors, nurses and other health workers for speaking out against these monstrous crimes, while simultaneously continuing investments and relationships with Israeli institutions.


The United States, United Kingdom and the supranational political and economic union, the European Union all openly support this ethnic cleansing project in Palestine. The West has descended into the abyss.
Jan 26, 2025

This is what Western ‘democracies’ are supporting.


Ofer Detention Camp is where my oldest brother is imprisoned and held under administrative detention without charges or trial—a cruelty in itself.

I recently received the devastating news that he has lost half of his weight and has been subjected to brutal torture.

This is the grim reality faced by countless Palestinian families, living with the unbearable torment of knowing their loved ones are held as hostages—dehumanized, brutalized, and stripped of dignity in Israeli prisons—while we are unable to do anything to ease their suffering.


The Israeli army has abducted five orthopedic surgeons from #Gaza, whose fate remains unknown:
Dr. Murad Al-Qouqa
Dr. Mohammed Obaid
Dr. Ghassan Abu Zahri
Dr. Mahmoud Abu Shahada

During this war, they also abducted Dr. Adnan Al-Barsh and killed him under torture in detention.
Nov 16, 2024


More & more doctors are revealed to have been tortured to death in the ‘israeli’ concentration camps. This should terrify everyone. This isn’t normal.[fn1] This isn’t something to read & then never think about again. It should forever be bone-chilling & utterly horrifying.
Sep 18, 2024

fn1 □ comment: These facts and many others prove that Isra-l is not normal.

This is a new detail of methods of torture Israel is using on Palestinian hostages. Note the use of technology.

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However, according to him, one of the most harrowing torture methods at Sde Teiman involved deceiving prisoners into believing they were being drowned or suffocated to death.

“They would place a detainee in a shroud connected to a hose with a small camera inside, bury him in a pit, and then monitor him through the camera,” he explained.

As soon as he was on the verge of complete suffocation, believing he was about to die, the guards would allow in a small amount of air to keep him alive."
Urinating on prisoners, burying them alive and beating the sick

Freed Palestinian prisoners in #Gaza recount how Israeli jailers ‘treated them like animals’ and ‘brutally tortured’ some to death.


Oh God. This is just too hard to read. Israel is torturing innocent Palestinians with the most cruel forms of torture, really sadistic and evil.

Many of these people did nothing wrong. Not even provoking Israel, just living their lives. Yet they are tortured too. Israel is evil.

And the western mass media are complicit in silencing what Israel is doing to the people they kidnap from Gaza and the West Bank. When will there be accountability and justice for Palestinians? When?

This testimony is shocking. Prolonged sadism, filming torture and bringing captives back from brink of suffocation to restart process. Like serial killers. Physical and psychological impact of this horrific. This should be headline news across world.


If Israel tortures one of Gaza’s most prominent doctors for 13 days straight, even though the world’s eyes are on this man, what is it doing to the thousands of other men, women and children it’s grabbed off Gaza’s streets?

– – responding to: – –

Lawyer finds Dr Hussam Abu Safiya enduring severe torture, abuse and inhuman mistreatment with 13-day-long interrogations lasting 8 to 10hrs.

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Last updated on 2025-03-11 by w3admin

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