Heating up the Genocidal Atrocity Lies of ”40 Beheaded Babies”


This Genocidal Atrocity Propaganda is used to motivate Isra-lic people and soldiers in particular to commit war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank and war crimes and a genocide in Gaza.
What follows is a short version on this issue, but there are links provided including from @DropSiteNews and @zei_squirrel, who – among several others – conducted extensive research and documentation on the hoax of ”40 Beheaded Babies” and the rape allegations.

The bloodthirsty Isra-lics, who pretend to be Jews, will not succeed.

{ حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ }

{Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.}

Part 1

No, @SenSchumer. Precisely zero “little babies” had their “heads chopped off.” And there is no forensic (DNA, autopsy, etc.) or photographic/video evidence, nor any victims or legal complainants over 16 months after October 7 to prove a single woman was raped by Palestinian fighters that day.

The UN Commission of Inquiry’s March 2025 report did conclude Israel has employed sexual violence, including rape and sexual torture, as a war strategy against Palestinians. It also found that Israel committed genocidal acts in Gaza by targeting reproductive health facilities to prevent births within the Palestinian population. (part 2)

    • responding to: – –


Chuck Schumer is doing the media rounds with his new deranged Zionist book masquerading as being about anti-Semitism, and he is repeating the genocidal atrocity propaganda 40 beheaded babies and rape hoaxes to launder the ongoing actual mass rape and beheading of Palestinian babies, children, girls, boys, women and men, about which he has not said a single word because he fully and gleefully supports the actual systematic mass rape and beheading of Palestinians.
Chuck Schumer is the leader of Senate Democrats, and he is repeating the long ago debunked genocidal Zionist hoax claim about 40 beheaded babies, and the entire media and political class just praises him as a brave heroic truth-teller. It’s utterly insane.

Part 2


UN Special Rapporteur Patten who conducted a report that accused there were “reasonable grounds to believe” that sexual violence occurred during Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, also said that she:

  1. Did not collect any evidence.
  2. Did not conduct an investigation.
  3. Did not meet with survivors of sexual violence but “received information” from sources.z

She met with Zaka volunteer Yossi Landau who fabricated the ‘pregnant woman and fetus killed story.’

For a fuller analysis of that report, read the thread linked below.



Nov 14, 2024

For the video clip:
“Israeli” settlers celebrated the burning alive…
A little reminder of when “Israeli” settlers celebrated the burning alive of the Palestinian baby Ali Dawabsheh back in 2015. They stabbed a photo of a murdered boy while dancing and singing some Psalm verses that they’re hungry and waiting for more!
@cheguwera #GazaMassacre #Gaza

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Part 3 – Evidence and Context

Mission report
Official visit of the Office of the SRSG-SVC to Israel and the occupied West Bank
29 January – 14 February 2024

threadreaderapp – @zei_squirrel’s posts re. 40 babies & rape allegations on 1 single page, from 2024

Hannibal Directive – @zei_squirrel (intentionally killing their own civilians)

How the media refused to correct this hoax [i.e. Isra-lic lies of oct 7, 2023] after Haaretz and others confirmed that only one baby died on October 7, both out of fear of the Zionist Israel lobby as well as their own shared genocidal beliefs:
fair.org: us m e d i a and factcheckers fail to note israels refutation

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