Gaza 2023: How many more of us have to die?

Doctor Ahmed Moghrabi:

مَنْ لَا يَرْحَمُ لَا يُرْحَمُ

He who does not show mercy, will not be shown mercy either (by Allah).

(Hadith, Bukhari)

How many more of us have to die?
How many more of us have to die?
How many more of us have to die? We are not a target!

Dr. Ahmed from Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza describes the scene in Gaza as painfully distressing. He shares his message for the world on Christmas, urging awareness and action.
Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده @RamAbdu #GazaGenocide

The Zionist regime is an evil regime that is committing the most savage war crimes!

NB: Atrocities were committed against Isra-l civilians on October 7, by the Palestinian resistance.

However, October 7 should never have happened. The reason that it did happen is because of the Zionist lobby in the USA and Western states who deny the Palestinian any rights and dignity, robbing them of the future and treating them as third class citizens if even that. after what has happened in Gaza the mask has fallen off.

All of the Isra-lic propaganda lies have been debunked! (Remember the 40 beheaded babies lie?!)
It has become clear, that at least half of the 1200 dead where killed by the IOF (Isra-lic Offensive Forces).

For evidence, see: What really happened on Oct 7, 2023:
Part APart BPart C, )

How can anyone believe the lies of a psychopathic entity, committing a (plausible) genocide in front of our eyes?

That said, the worst, unimaginable atrocities are committed to this day by Isra-l itself, since October 9, 2023. The number of victims in Gaza and the West Bank has risen into the 300,000s.
Isra-lic bloodlust must be stopped. Zionist Isra-l has to be dismantled!

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Zionist Jewish supremacy and its roots in the Talmud

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, a Western outpost in resources rich West-Asia, based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a sectarian deviation from orthodox Judaism.

Isra-lic Zionist Jews have constructed a system of racial supremacism around which their state is oriented, like many other colonialists have done in the past. It is a crime and surely the final nail in the coffin of Western moral legitimacy. Its consequences are uncertain.

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's current war against Palestinians

[Why Isra-l and not Israel?]
The ”EL” in Israel, which means God (G-d), is not becoming a genocidal, colonial settler regime, they have nothing to do with God, and God has already turned away from them.

Keith Woods:

Ron Unz is a Jewish political analyst who has written extensively on Jewish Supremacy.

I asked him why, despite his background, he was drawn to research and speak out on this controversial topic.

On the rise of Jewish power and Zionist Jewish supremacy and its roots in the Talmud. @KeithWoodsYT

The books that Ron Unz is talking about:

Jewish History, Jewis Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
by Israel Shahak 2002

The author was born in a Warsaw ghetto and was a survivor of Belsen. He arrived in Israel in 1945. Brought up under Jewish Orthodoxy abd Hebrew culture, he has consistently opposed the expansion of the borders of Israel from 1967. In this book, Shahak argues that the potential for the right wing Jewish religious movements within Israel to seize power represents a serious threat to the peace of both the state of Israel and the Zionist movement and of the whole of the Middle East. Written from a humanitarian viewpoint by a Jewish scholar, this is a highly controversial criticism of Israel. Amazon content

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Groups take UK government to court

Groups take UK government to court over arms exports to Israel | ICJP

Legal action has been taken

Quotes from Groups take UK government to court over arms exports to Israel


Today (≈2023-12-08), we announce that together with our partners, we will be filing a case against the UK government at the English High Court of Justice. This comes after we have written to the Secretary of State for international trade, asking her to suspend all weapons export licenses to Israel. Under the government’s strategic licensing criteria, weapons may not be exported where there is a clear risk that they may be used in violations of international law.

The UK must demonstrate its compliance with its obligations and responsibilities under international law in all situations. There is no place for double standards, selectivity, and hypocrisy in respecting and adhering to the rules of international law.
(The Ramallah-based Al-Haq, Global Legal Action Network GLAN, and the International Center of Justice for Palestinians ICJP. )
Ahmed Abofoul (Al-Haq)


We will be filing a case against the UK government at the English High Court, asking the court to order the government to suspend all licenses for the sale of arms to Israel. UK law provides that where there’s a clear risk of UK weapons being used in international law violations, the government must suspend arms licenses. …
(We have written several letters to the UK government, ) however, they have confirmed to media outlets and an open parliament that they have no plans to stop arms exports to Israel.

We’ve heard warnings that we may be witnessing a second Nakba, the forcible displacement of the Gaza population and genocide. We’ve heard representatives of the Israeli state openly indicating their intention to commit and continue to commit these actions.

Let us be clear, the law demands that as soon as there is a clear risk of UK weapons being used in war crimes, the government is required to suspend arms licenses. As soon as there’s a serious risk that genocide might occur, the government is required to take action to prevent that.

It’s overwhelmingly clear on the evidence that we have that we’ve long passed this threshold of risk. It’s utterly untenable and irrational for the government to conclude that no such risk exists and continue to allow arms sales to Israel.
Siobhán Allen


The UK has duties under the Genocide Convention to take all reasonable measures to prevent genocide from taking place. A number of different organizations have now said that there’s a plausible and credible case based on powerful factual evidence that Israel is attempting to commit, if not actively committing, the crime of genocide in the OPT and specifically against the Palestinian population in Gaza.

As a state party to the Genocide Convention, the UK must refrain from not only taking an active part in the crime of genocide, but must prevent the commission of genocide by others using all means reasonably available and within its power. And this obligation arises as soon as the state is aware that there is a real risk that genocide might occur. The UK is now on notice.

But not only is the UK government failing to prevent genocide, but it is likely to be actively complicit by continuing to supply weapons to Israel in its ongoing assault on the people of Gaza.

For decades, Israel has benefited from complete impunity from the international community.

And I think that we can see this current situation as a result of this lack of impunity, this total impunity and the lack of accountability that the international community has placed on Israel.

And we call on the government to take action immediately to suspend all its licenses and to hold Israel accountable for its obligations under international law.
Ilora Choudhury ICJP

4. Related

Legal Actions Regarding War-Crimes and Genocide


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