Nobody Starts out as a Supporter of a Genocidal Bombing Campaign

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, a Western outpost in resources rich West-Asia, based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a sectarian deviation from orthodox Judaism.

Isra-lic Zionist Jews have constructed a system of racial supremacism around which their state is oriented, like many other colonialists have done in the past. It is a crime and surely the final nail in the coffin of Western moral legitimacy. Its consequences are uncertain.

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's current war against Palestinians

[Why Isra-l and not Israel?]
The ”EL” in Israel, which means God (G-d), is not becoming a genocidal, colonial settler regime, they have nothing to do with God, and God has already turned away from them.

Quoting Caitlin Johnstone @caitoz 2023-11-19

Nobody starts out as the sort of person who would support a genocidal bombing campaign that murders children by the thousands. It’s something you come into gradually over the years, one moral compromise at a time.

Again and again over the course of their lifetime, a supporter of Israel is given the choice to either kill off a piece of their conscience or abandon their support for Israel. They are presented with this choice any time they see Palestinians being treated in a way they’d never want themselves or their loved ones to be treated — whether it’s bombs, protesters shot by snipers, people being driven out of their homes, human rights organizations ruling one after the other that Israel is an apartheid state, tales of the racism and abuse suffered by Palestinians in the West Bank, or testimony about how horrific life in Gaza had been made for the people who live there, long before this latest round of killing began.

This information is unavoidable in modern times. You can avert your gaze, you can try to insulate yourself from it in an ideological echo chamber, but it will inevitably find its way into your field of perception once in a while. And every time you are confronted with it, you have to make a choice whether to compromise your personal sense of morality a bit further than it was already compromised, or abandon your support for Israel.

You carve off pieces of your own morality one at a time, mostly in order to avoid the psychological discomfort known as cognitive dissonance which necessarily goes along with any drastic change in worldview. Then before you know it you find yourself opposing a ceasefire to a murderous onslaught that has killed thousands of children.

Deep down you know you’re on the wrong path. You know this isn’t how you started out, isn’t how you’re meant to be living your life. But you drown out that small voice inside with the much louder voices of life in a modern industrialized society, many of whom are paid millions of dollars a year to tell you your worldview is the correct one.

This is why there’s such a massive generation gap on the Israel-Palestine issue; young people haven’t spent a long time gradually eroding their moral compass into a worthless trinket, and they don’t consume enough mass media to have been convinced that doing so would be worthwhile. They have not been sufficiently indoctrinated into depraved indifference toward the suffering of others.

In a recent statement rejecting right wing claims that its algorithms are stacked to favor Palestine and promote anti-Israel sentiment, TikTok says the real reason pro-Palestine sentiments are so popular on the platform is because young people just statistically oppose Israel a lot more than older generations.

TikTok writes the following:

“Support for Israel (as compared to sympathy for Palestine) has been lower among younger Americans for some time. This is evidenced by looking at Gallup polling data of millennials dating as far back as 2010, long before TikTok even existed. A March 2023 Gallup poll, before the war, shows young adults have rapidly shifting attitudes towards the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.”

In a leaked audio clip obtained by Tehran Times, Anti-Defamation League director Jonathan Greenblatt is heard bemoaning the loss of Gen-Z to pro-Palestinian sentiment.

“But I also wanna point out that we have a major, major, major generational problem,” Greenblatt complains to his cohorts. “All the polling that I’ve seen — ADL’s polling, ICC’s polling, independent polling — suggests this is not a left or right gap, folks. The issue in the United States’ support for Israel is not left and right, it is young and old.”

“We really have a Tik-Tok problem, a Gen-Z problem,” Greenblatt adds.

In reality, what Greenblatt and his associates have is a morality problem. They have a large group of people who have not been indoctrinated into accepting madness and amputating parts of their own conscience over the years, and so are able to look at the mass murder of civilians in Gaza with clear eyes.

And really that’s all you need to see the ongoing Gaza massacre for what it is: a look with clear eyes. Just one swift glance, unmolested by propaganda distortion or cognitive biases. That’s all it takes.

Israel’s problem is not that people are being propagandized into hating it, it’s that people are not being successfully propagandized into supporting it. Their problem is not malign influence but a lack thereof. Because the fact of the matter is there’s only so many ways you can spin the murder of thousands of children, and now all the media obfuscation in the world is not enough to pull the wool over fresh eyes that are ready to see.

4:06 AM · Nov 19, 2023 · 313.8K Views

Latest 84 texts on

latest update 2025-02-27 1446 AH

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- 911 With Strange Connections
- An Extraordinary Hadith, Explained by Sh Hasan Spiker
- Jews Against Zionism
- Living Islam - Islamic Tradition
- 503 Allah! The Throne verse - Quran
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- 025 The Muslim Sense of Belonging
- The Involvement of the Pious Salaf in Kalam
- The Deliberate Isra-l Act of Shooting Children in the Head Regularly in Gaza
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- 022 The Caliphate Delusion
- 021 Omarkn's Timeline on
- Participation in non Muslim-majority Societies
- How is the world letting this go on!
- 018_In the Coldness of The Systematic Post-Morality
- To You Who Remain Silent
- The population of Gaza is at risk of dying in a genocide
- Summary of October 7, 2023 and thereafter
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- Glimpses(1) Timelessness and Emergent Creation
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- The Five Bifurcations of Western Thought and Religion
- Observations on the world we live in
- Om Islam i landet Sverige
- The Isra-lic Occupation is illegal and must end immediately
- Gaza - One Day in September 2024
- 015_La ilaha illallah - No god, except the One God
- How Israel Walked Into the Trap of Hamas
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- On The Adab of Marriage
- On the Isra-lic Hannibal Directive Killing Its Own People!
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter (2)
- Why UAE is Killing Muslims in Sudan (with U.S. support)
- Life in Palestine before the Nakba (1948)
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- 013_Those who professes "unshakeable" support for Israel
- 012_Zionism Is a Perversion of Judaism
- 011_Alas for Gaza Our Loss of Moral Certitude
- Israel is a terrorist organization.
- 010_Beautiful Ahadith to act on immediately
- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible.s punishment for people.s wickedness
- Israel's systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
- The time of Germany lecturing others is over.
- A New Definition of Extremism
- Time for sanctions on Israel!
- Systematic attacks on hungry people in Gaza by IOF
- Misinterpreting Quranic Verses
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- Our goal is to stop the genocide, Al Ansar (Houthis)
- The Western/ Israel scandal to stop UNRWA!
- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
- Rape Allegations from Israel Hasbara
- Regarding the US Empire, And Why We Care
- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- Israel war crimes
- It's not about Self-Defense!
- Recommended external Pages - relevant for the Ummah

Rain is the property of the ‘Israel’ authorities

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, a Western outpost in resources rich West-Asia, based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a sectarian deviation from orthodox Judaism.

Isra-lic Zionist Jews have constructed a system of racial supremacism around which their state is oriented, like many other colonialists have done in the past. It is a crime and surely the final nail in the coffin of Western moral legitimacy. Its consequences are uncertain.

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's current war against Palestinians

[Why Isra-l and not Israel?]
The ”EL” in Israel, which means God (G-d), is not becoming a genocidal, colonial settler regime, they have nothing to do with God, and God has already turned away from them.

Rainwater is the property of ‘Israel’.

Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rainwater.

Source: a UN report: ‘according to Israeli military orders in effect in the area, rain is the property of the Israeli authorities and thus Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rain water for domestic or agricultural needs.’ [link below]

Source: David Miller @Tracking_Power 2023-11-19

Image text

  1. Similarly, in July 2009, Israeli military forces issued stop-work and/or demolition orders on cisterns being constructed in the village of Tuwani, even though the villagers of Tuwani faced a severe water shortage on account of the drought, increasingly stringent Israeli restrictions on movement necessary to gather tankered water, and attacks on water resources and infrastructure by Israeli settlers. If constructed, these cisterns would have significantly eased the water crisis for the people of Tuwani. However, according to Israeli military orders in effect in the area, rain is the property of the Israeli authorities and thus Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rain water for domestic or agricultural needs. In 2010, Israel approved the construction of a filling point in the village of Tuwani that alleviated the problem of water availability in the village even though the capacity of the filling point was significantly below the capacity requested by humanitarian agencies (less than 1/4th) in order to serve surrounding villages, which are considered as the cluster of communities most at risk of water scarcity in the West Bank.


‘As well as prohibiting nearly all construction of wells necessary for Palestinians to secure additional quantities of water to support population growth and socio-economic development, such policies have denied communities access to water and sanitation facilities, including water, toilets, sewage networks and cisterns for rainwater harvesting.’

Israel’s violations of human rights regarding water and sanitation in the OPT –


The systematic dehumanization of Palestinians is one of three core Israeli values, according to Israeli journalist, Gideon Levy. – Expat Vibes on X @expatvibes

The other two are

  • racism, ‘chosen people’ – can do whatever they want
  • playing the victim card, to be able to live in ‘peace

His whole speech 12min
Israel-Hamas War: Journalist Gideon Levy’s old speech on Israel’s occupation of Palestine goes viral – YouTube

Latest 84 texts on

latest update 2025-02-27 1446 AH

- The Torture Inflicted on Palestinian Health Workers by Isra-l
- 911 With Strange Connections
- An Extraordinary Hadith, Explained by Sh Hasan Spiker
- Jews Against Zionism
- Living Islam - Islamic Tradition
- 503 Allah! The Throne verse - Quran
- I've heard from reliable Zionist sources
- 025 The Muslim Sense of Belonging
- The Involvement of the Pious Salaf in Kalam
- The Deliberate Isra-l Act of Shooting Children in the Head Regularly in Gaza
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- Deutsche Medien mitschuldig am Völkermord an den Palästinensern
- Isra-l murders the best and the innocent
- 024 Getting a clear look at Isra-l
- 023 You Will Not Erase Us! No Matter How Many of Us You Kill
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- 019 Ignorant, Brainwashed, Journalists - Too Many
- 022 The Caliphate Delusion
- 021 Omarkn's Timeline on
- Participation in non Muslim-majority Societies
- How is the world letting this go on!
- 018_In the Coldness of The Systematic Post-Morality
- To You Who Remain Silent
- The population of Gaza is at risk of dying in a genocide
- Summary of October 7, 2023 and thereafter
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- Israel threatens to kill six more Palestinian journalists
- Acquiring Knowledge
- Glimpses(1) Timelessness and Emergent Creation
- The West has created a Frankenstein monster
- The Five Bifurcations of Western Thought and Religion
- Observations on the world we live in
- Om Islam i landet Sverige
- The Isra-lic Occupation is illegal and must end immediately
- Gaza - One Day in September 2024
- 015_La ilaha illallah - No god, except the One God
- How Israel Walked Into the Trap of Hamas
- Capital and oppression
- German Redemption Theology (short)
- On The Adab of Marriage
- On the Isra-lic Hannibal Directive Killing Its Own People!
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter (2)
- Why UAE is Killing Muslims in Sudan (with U.S. support)
- Life in Palestine before the Nakba (1948)
- Christians in Palestine, harassed, and spit upon by Jewish supremacists, 2024
- Lunatic Jewish Rabbis With Increasing Influence Over Isra-lic Society
- 013_Those who professes "unshakeable" support for Israel
- 012_Zionism Is a Perversion of Judaism
- 011_Alas for Gaza Our Loss of Moral Certitude
- Israel is a terrorist organization.
- 010_Beautiful Ahadith to act on immediately
- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible.s punishment for people.s wickedness
- Israel's systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
- The time of Germany lecturing others is over.
- A New Definition of Extremism
- Time for sanctions on Israel!
- Systematic attacks on hungry people in Gaza by IOF
- Misinterpreting Quranic Verses
- The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax
- When I Was an IDF Soldier
- Does the EU stand for democracy, human rights values? NO
- Our goal is to stop the genocide, Al Ansar (Houthis)
- The Western/ Israel scandal to stop UNRWA!
- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
- Rape Allegations from Israel Hasbara
- Regarding the US Empire, And Why We Care
- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- Israel war crimes
- It's not about Self-Defense!
- Recommended external Pages - relevant for the Ummah

How Zionist Israel forces pornography on Palestinian children

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, a Western outpost in resources rich West-Asia, based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a sectarian deviation from orthodox Judaism.

Isra-lic Zionist Jews have constructed a system of racial supremacism around which their state is oriented, like many other colonialists have done in the past. It is a crime and surely the final nail in the coffin of Western moral legitimacy. Its consequences are uncertain.

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's current war against Palestinians

[Why Isra-l and not Israel?]
The ”EL” in Israel, which means God (G-d), is not becoming a genocidal, colonial settler regime, they have nothing to do with God, and God has already turned away from them.

It’s almost unbelievable, but appears to be true.
And it fits into the Zionist enemy’s way of making life unbearable for the original population, the Palestinians.

In this case in Hebron (Al-Jaleel), where Palestinians are caged into a few remaining areas, undergoing constant harassment and humiliations. And because Palestinians are strong and resilient, and do not want to leave their homes, one interpretation of what the enemy occupier is doing here is to broadcast pornography on television at daytime – another tactic to push the original population, the Palestinian families out of town.

If they can’t bomb them, and they can’t, because there are Jewish families all around, then they will find other ways to destroy their lives. See how evil this enemy is, but the Day of Judgement is close by.

This is part of a thread by adlie (@adliehassan), who asks why a rabbi owns PornHub?


Why does a rabbi own PornHub?
So I did some digging. Oh the things that I have found. 🤯
I promise you, you will want to know why.
Get your barf bags ready, coz it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
This is a thread. Brace yourselves.

On this page we are only publish the part of evil influencing the minds of young Palestinians by the Zionist occupier. (You can read the whole thread from the link below.)

The Gaza slaughter is =ongoing= . Cease-Fire Now!

“I have six children at home; they have nowhere to go with what is going on here and can’t even watch TV,” Reema, a Palestinian mother, said.

“I think the Israelis want to mess with our young men’s heads.”

Why does a rabbi own PornHub?

Related – How Israeli Apartheid Destroyed My Hometown – YouTube  – Or search for ”how is life in Hebron?”

Latest 84 texts on

latest update 2025-02-27 1446 AH

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- 911 With Strange Connections
- An Extraordinary Hadith, Explained by Sh Hasan Spiker
- Jews Against Zionism
- Living Islam - Islamic Tradition
- 503 Allah! The Throne verse - Quran
- I've heard from reliable Zionist sources
- 025 The Muslim Sense of Belonging
- The Involvement of the Pious Salaf in Kalam
- The Deliberate Isra-l Act of Shooting Children in the Head Regularly in Gaza
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- Deutsche Medien mitschuldig am Völkermord an den Palästinensern
- Isra-l murders the best and the innocent
- 024 Getting a clear look at Isra-l
- 023 You Will Not Erase Us! No Matter How Many of Us You Kill
- Who is Prophet Muhammad?
- 019 Ignorant, Brainwashed, Journalists - Too Many
- 022 The Caliphate Delusion
- 021 Omarkn's Timeline on
- Participation in non Muslim-majority Societies
- How is the world letting this go on!
- 018_In the Coldness of The Systematic Post-Morality
- To You Who Remain Silent
- The population of Gaza is at risk of dying in a genocide
- Summary of October 7, 2023 and thereafter
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- Israel threatens to kill six more Palestinian journalists
- Acquiring Knowledge
- Glimpses(1) Timelessness and Emergent Creation
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- The Five Bifurcations of Western Thought and Religion
- Observations on the world we live in
- Om Islam i landet Sverige
- The Isra-lic Occupation is illegal and must end immediately
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- 015_La ilaha illallah - No god, except the One God
- How Israel Walked Into the Trap of Hamas
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- On the Isra-lic Hannibal Directive Killing Its Own People!
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter (2)
- Why UAE is Killing Muslims in Sudan (with U.S. support)
- Life in Palestine before the Nakba (1948)
- Christians in Palestine, harassed, and spit upon by Jewish supremacists, 2024
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- 013_Those who professes "unshakeable" support for Israel
- 012_Zionism Is a Perversion of Judaism
- 011_Alas for Gaza Our Loss of Moral Certitude
- Israel is a terrorist organization.
- 010_Beautiful Ahadith to act on immediately
- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible.s punishment for people.s wickedness
- Israel's systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
- The time of Germany lecturing others is over.
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- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- Israel war crimes
- It's not about Self-Defense!
- Recommended external Pages - relevant for the Ummah

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