What it looks like to live under the Sharia

By Shahid Bolsen


Now, as far as the Taliban being what the application of the Sharia looks like, we already know what the application of the Sharia looks like because we are Muslim. So it looks like our lives.

It looks like the life of every Muslim because we all apply the Sharia in our lives as best we can. We don’t have to look at somw so-called Islamic government or so-called Islamic state to know what it looks like to live under the Sharia.

Because we live under the Sharia. We live under it every day, like a billion other Muslims in the world with or without state enforcement, by choice. Because it is the superior way to live your life.

It is the way of life that you’re terrified of, the way of life that you demonize, the way of life that you tell yourself is oppressive.

A billion people in the world choose to follow it. You don’t have to look at Afghanistan to see them.

They’re everywhere and they’re hard to miss. They’re the people who are not walking around in public half naked. They’re the people who are not getting drunk, who are not getting high, [and so on].

They’re the people who do their jobs conscientiously. The people who keep their word, who mind their own business and take care of their families. They are serious people. People who actually care about being fair and just and honest and charitable.

People who actually think about Judgment Day and being accountable [to Allah (God) (may His Majesty be exalted!)] for their actions and their behavior. They’re people who live by a level of self-discipline that you would think is impossible. So you can’t miss them. If you want to see people living under Sharia, we’re everywhere.

And us being everywhere makes the world that much more sane, that much more ethical, that much more principled, that much more moral. Wherever there are people living under the Sharia by their own choice, it does nothing but make that a better place to live, a safer place to live, a more decent and a more beautiful place to live.

And if that scares you, if you’re scared of a community of people because they are living morally, living decently, living principled lives, only a real villain would be scared of that. Only a villain would be disturbed by that. That would disturb an immoral person.

There is a reason why you don’t want to acknowledge the actual Islam lived everywhere by billion Muslims in the world who are more moral and more disciplined and more decent than you.

Source: Shahid Bolsen


Wie es aussieht, unter der Scharia zu leben (vs.1)

Was die Anwendung der Scharia bei den Taliban angeht, weiß ich bereits, wie die Anwendung der Scharia aussieht, weil ich Muslim bin. Es sieht also aus wie mein Leben.

Es sieht aus wie das Leben jedes Muslims, den ich kenne, weil wir alle die Scharia in unserem Leben anwenden, so gut wir können. Also nein, ich muss mir nicht die Taliban oder ISIS oder eine andere sogenannte islamische Regierung oder einen sogenannten islamischen Staat ansehen, um zu wissen, wie es aussieht, unter der Scharia zu leben.

Weil ich unter der Scharia lebe. Ich lebe jeden Tag darunter, wie eine Milliarde anderer Muslime auf der Welt, mit oder ohne staatliche Durchsetzung, freiwillig. Weil es die überlegene Art ist, sein Leben zu leben.

Die Lebensweise, vor der Sie Angst haben, die Lebensweise, die Sie dämonisieren, die Lebensweise, von der Sie sagen, dass sie bedrückend ist.

Eine Milliarde Menschen auf der Welt entscheiden sich dafür, ihm zu folgen. Man muss nicht nach Afghanistan schauen, um sie zu sehen.

Sie sind überall und kaum zu übersehen. Das sind die Menschen, die nicht halbnackt in der Öffentlichkeit herumlaufen. Es sind die Leute, die sich nicht betrinken, die nicht high werden, [und so weiter].

Es sind die Menschen, die ihre Arbeit gewissenhaft erledigen. Die Menschen, die ihr Wort halten, die sich um ihre eigenen Angelegenheiten kümmern und sich um ihre Familien kümmern. Sie sind ernsthafte Menschen. Menschen, denen es wirklich wichtig ist, fair und gerecht, ehrlich und wohltätig zu sein.

Menschen, die nachdenken, denken tatsächlich an den Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts und daran, dass sie [gegenüber Allah (Gott) (möge Seine Majestät gepriesen sein!)] für ihre Taten und ihr Verhalten Rechenschaft ablegen müssen. Es sind Menschen, die ein Maß an Selbstdisziplin leben, das man für unmöglich halten würde. Sie können sie also nicht verpassen. Wenn Sie Menschen sehen möchten, die unter der Scharia leben, sind wir überall.

Und dass wir überall sind, macht die Welt umso vernünftiger, umso ethischer, umso prinzipientreuer, umso moralischer. Wo auch immer Menschen aus freien Stücken unter der Scharia leben, führt dies zu nichts anderem als zu einem besseren Ort zum Leben, zu einem sichereren Ort zum Leben, zu einem menschenwürdigeren Ort zum Leben.

Und wenn Ihnen das Angst macht, wenn Sie Angst vor einer Gemeinschaft von Menschen haben, weil diese moralisch, anständig und prinzipiell leben, dann hätte nur ein echter Bösewicht Angst davor. Nur einen Bösewicht würde das stören. Das würde einen unmoralischen Menschen stören.

Es sagt mir nur, was Sie nicht überall um sich herum sehen möchten. Aber Sie wollen die Milliarden Muslime auf der Welt, die moralischer, disziplinierter und anständiger sind als Sie, nicht als den tatsächlichen Islam anerkennen, der überall auf der Welt gelebt wird. Danke schön.

Quelle: Shahid Bolsen


Hur det är att leva under Sharia (vs2)

För att veta är hur tillämpningen av Sharia ser ut, så vet vi redan hur tillämpningen av Sharia ser ut eftersom vi är muslimer. Så det ser ut som våra liv.

Det ser ut som varje muslims liv eftersom vi alla tillämpar Sharia i våra liv så gott vi kan. Vi behöver inte titta på någon så kallad islamisk regering eller så kallad islamisk stat för att veta hur det ser ut att leva under Sharia.

För att vi lever redan under Sharia. Vi lever under det varje dag, som över en miljard andra muslimer i världen med eller utan statligt verkställighet, men efter eget val. För det är det överlägsna sättet att leva sitt liv.

Det är det sätt att leva som du är livrädd för, det sätt att leva som du demoniserar, det sätt att leva som du inbillar dig är förtryckande.

De som följer Sharia finns överallt och de är svåra att missa. De är människorna som inte går runt offentligt halvnakna. De är människorna som inte blir fulla, som inte blir höga, och som inte är sexuellt frisläppa.

De är människorna som gör sina jobb samvetsgrant. Människorna som håller sitt ord, som bryr sig om sina egna saker och tar hand om sina familjer. De är seriösa människor. Människor som faktiskt bryr sig om att vara tjusta och rättvisa och ärliga och välgörande.

Människor som faktiskt tänker på Domedagen om att stå till svars inför till Allah (Gud) (må Hans Majestät upphöjas!) för sina handlingar och sitt beteende. De är människor som lever efter en nivå av självdisciplin som man skulle tro är omöjlig. Så du får inte missa dem. Om du vill se människor som lever under Sharia så finns vi överallt.

Och att vi är överallt gör världen så mycket mer sansad, så mycket mer etisk, så mycket mer principiell, så mycket mer moralisk. Varhelst det finns människor som lever under Sharia efter eget val, leder det till en bättre och säkrare plats att leva på, en mer anständig och vackrare plats.

Och om det skrämmer dig, om du är rädd för en gemenskap av människor som vill leva moraliskt och anständigt, som lever principiella liv, skulle bara en riktig skurk störas och vara rädd för det. Det skulle bara störa en omoralisk person.

Det finns en anledning till varför du inte vill erkänna den faktiska islam som levs idag överallt av miljarder muslimer i världen som är mer moraliska och mer disciplinerada och mer anständiga än vad du är.

Källa: Shahid Bolsen

The Sharia Rule Re: Other Places of Worship

1a. Muslims don’t destroy Jewish and Christian places of worship.

Sharia demands Muslims to protect places of worship of the People of the Book, those who follow Judaism and the Christians. (If it has happened it is because of uncontrolled rage, which is forbidden in Islam).

1b. Quranic evidence

{ وَلَوْلَا دَفْعُ اللّٰهِ النَّاسَ بَعْضَهُم بِبَعْضٍ لَّهُدِّمَتْ صَوَامِعُ وَبِيَعٌ وَصَلَوَاتٌ وَمَسَاجِدُ يُذْكَرُ فِيهَا اسْمُ اللّٰهِ كَثِيرًا }

{For had it not been for Allah’s repelling some men by means of others, cloisters and churches and oratories and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft mentioned, would assuredly have been pulled down.}

1c. From the Sunna of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ about the rules of war

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his household) said:

Whenever at war with a people, do not touch :

•	An old person  
•	A child  
•	One who is not a member of the people you are at war with  
•	Anyone in any place of worship  
•	One who surrenders  

Do not destroy :

•	Any place of worship  
•	Anyone's home. etc  
•	Don't poison the water wells  
•	Don't cut down trees

"The Messenger of God ﷺ conquered Khaybar by force and left (the Jews’) places of worship & did not destroy them. Also, the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ conquered many countries by force and did not destroy any of the churches in them." Ibn Al Qayyim (Ismail Royer @IslamRFI)
[link of original post]

One of things that sets muslim conquerers apart from European colonizers is that they, like the Prophet ﷺ, didn’t bring destruction upon the nations they conquered. @mmmml

1d. From the Torah/ Bible

"What is hateful to you, do not do to another."

"This is the whole Torah," seems to imply that if Israel opposes the destruction of others’ places of worship, this principle should apply to the Palestinians too.

2. Targeting of Church buildings by Israel Zionist ‘army’.

St. Porphyrios Church

Attacks on hospitals, bakeries, mosques or churches are warcrimes for which the responsible culprits will have to answer in court. And, of course also cutting off water, food, medicines…

On 20231019, an adjacent humanitarian building to the Saint Porphyrios Orthodox Church of Gaza was destroyed by Israeli bombing (there are dead and wounded). This is a medieval church from about 4th century after the time of Jesus (peace be upon him).

Israel has already destroyed many places of worship. Ask yourself why they would do this.

And when Gaza had 1 functioning bakery left, it was bombed, too. (≈ 2023-10-18) Ask yourself why they would do this!

CONFIRMED: Bombing of St. Porphyrios – Orderofsaintgeorge 20231019
The Patriarchate of Jerusalem Condemns Israeli Airstrikes Targeting Humanitarian Institutions in Gaza – 20231020
The Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem expresses its strongest condemnation of the Israeli airstrike that have struck its church compound in the city of Gaza. 2023-10-20

3. More info about the church

And experience should tell us – if we have some memory – that Israel is lying more than breathing. So it’s better to believe the Patriarchate of Jerusalem Condemning Israeli airstrikes targeting humanitarian institutions than to believe Zionist propaganda.

Thank God (may His Majesty be exalted!) they did not hit the main building which was built long before the Vikings even decided to mount their boats!

It probably was an adjacent building to the church, a ‘humanitarian institution’, and it’s just cruel to hit refugees – there is no excuse!

1 Example among 1000s: When an Israel sniper killed the Palestinian – American Journalist, the Murder of Shireen Abu Akleh – Wikipedia.

Anyone who thinks this is fake, while defending the most fascist government Israel had for decades, look we can’t help you, you need to REPENT and turn to God before it’s too late!

4. Finally remember:

The stated aim is to eradicate Hamas

The real goal is ethnic cleansing!

It’s not about Self-Defense!

The stated aim is to eradicate Hamas

The real goal is ethnic cleansing!

  • This is an excerpt from Lauren Booth (link below)

Anybody who has not looked into who the people of Palestine are in their struggle, you have no right to even comment about what is going on now, because you have no idea about the pain that the people have had to go through. SubhanAllah.

So to celebrities who don’t know this inside and out, to the people in the pubs, to the people in the West, or talking over the internet, or the trolls. Shush. This is not your time. Be quiet.

If I come into your home, beat your wife, kill your children and kick you out of your home. And years later, you kick the door in and try to get home. And you’re in the house saying, "This is my house." Who is defending what here?

There is no self-defense ideal.

When you’re squatting on people’s land, you are deliberately and continually killing people and starving them of their human rights. This is not self-defense. This is what they’ve wanted all along.

Netanyahu stood at the United Nations just a couple of weeks ago with a map that completely erased any Palestinian presence at all. This is their excuse to enact upon that.

But they had the plan anyway. This is what they’ve wanted to do.

If you see the disgusting words coming out from Israeli news media, from their Zionist politicians and from so-called supporters of Israel, you’ll see.

”Annihilate the Palestinians, kill their kids, take their land, make them suffer, push them into Egypt.”

Their agenda is very, very clear. That’s not self-defense.

Source/ Excerpt: @LaurenBoothOfficial British Activist’s Brilliant Response to Israel Supporters! @LaurenBoothOfficial – YouTube @4.25

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