Jewish people commemorating Nakba 1948

1. Jews against Israel!

Jewish people taken to the streets commemorating #Nakba74 is the most healing thing for the child in Me. Abier@abierkhatib,

2. Like saying:

We are normal people who want to live in peace, like (most of) you!

These girls from the occupied #Palestine wish you a beautiful day. @WAFANewsEnglish, May 17, 2022

3a. German ‘Christian democrats’ would like to arrest Palestinian organizers even before they go and protest!

Insane. The German Christian democrats in Berlin want to arrest Palestinian organizers BEFORE protests and events for palestine as a “preventive measure” against antisemitism. They also went to BAN all BDS events in Berlin. Let me tell you why this is INSANE

Germany categorizes any support for the Palestinian people as antisemitic. Even saying “free palestine” can be grounds for antisemitism accusations. Some Palestinian journalists at Deutsche Welle were called antisemitic for saying #SaveSheikhJarrah then were fired.

Arresting anyone who you deem is antisemitic before a demo is fascist behavior. It denies humans their basic right to speech and assembly. CDU reps said this policy can “very likely” happen. Here is the source:
Berliner CDU fordert Unterbindungsgewahrsam für bekannte Antisemiten
Bei ihrer Klausur hat die Berliner CDU-Fraktion einen Zehn-Punkte-Plan für den Kampf gegen Antisemitismus beschlossen. @hebh_jamal, 2022-05-21


In Germany the slogan “Stop the guns, stop the war, intifada until victory” is deemed to be extremely antisemitic. (die Parole „Stoppt die Waffen, stoppt den Krieg, Intifada bis zum Sieg“).
□ comment: However, the struggle of the Palestinian people against being occupied by this ‘IOF’ military, harrassed by the extremist colonizers (“settlers”), not being robbed of their houses! etc. etc. is not against the Jews as Jews following Judaism, but it is against the state of Israel, which has usurped Judaism for its criminal purposes.

Palestinian activists in Berlin (@PalestinSpricht) told The New Arab they were ‘arrested and beaten’ by German police on Nakba Day. @The_NewArab 2022-05-17

@MajedAbusalama said the disproportionate response was part of a ‘wave of anti-Palestinian repression’ in the country.

3b. Related:

Palestinians in Germany fear new level of repression after Nakba Day crackdown
Claiming to fight antisemitism, Berlin police arrested 170 people for carrying flags and keffiyehs during a flash mob marking Palestinians’ mass expulsion.
By Hebh Jamal May 21, 2022

alttext A Berlin police officer approaches Palestinian protester during a Nakba Day flash mob, after banning all commemorations of the day in the city, May 15, 2022. (@thequestionislysh)

Eyewitnesses told +972 that police were targeting Arabs and people of color, even if they were not part of the flash mob. “One guy just had a Palestinian flag on him when the police came out of nowhere and told him he was not allowed to carry it,” said one bystander who preferred to remain anonymous. “The police told us that two people holding flags counts as a demonstration and warrants arrests.”

Another man was arrested for shouting “free Palestine,” while yet another was arrested for wearing a keffiyeh. “Their method seemed to be arresting anyone who might be pro-Palestinian or just looked Arab,” the eyewitness said.

In 2017, 500 neo-occupations were granted permission to march in commemoration of top occupation leader Rudolf Hess. At the time, Berlin police stated that they “generally try to balance protestors’ rights to free speech and free assembly.”


4. On Germany’s responsibility for the suffering of the Palestinians

“[Examining] Germany’s responsibility for the suffering of the Palestinians will show clearly that it was post-occupation FRG that enabled the world to absolve, not only W. Germany but Europe from the Holocaust, by supporting the dispossession of Palestinians”…
Paul Dva #SaveSheikhJarrah @zoolooy 2022-05-21

BLOOD MONEY : a messy history of German “reparations” for Israel
How shutting up the anti-fascists and war-weary helped weaponize Israel and saved the occupation arms industry, post-Hitler September 9th is traditionally “OdF–Day” (Opfer des Faschismus/Victims of Fasci…

Quote from above:
”The Germans like to regard these armaments for Israel as a kind of “late” justice on their part but fail to see that these weapons were then used with the same justifications as old Adolf, namely to persecute a civilian population resembling the Jews of Europe: unarmed, innocent Palestinians without a political lobby. The fact that the Germans are just as responsible for the Nakba as they are for the Holocaust is something they refuse to recognize to this very day.”

On Operation Gladio

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =


Watch the BBC’s forgotten series on Operation Gladio

This three-part TV series, which exposed NATO’s secret occupation armies, still has the ability to make your jaw drop 30 years later. ( This article was written by @AsaWinstanley, thank you!) 

On Tuesday I (Asa Winstanley) published a new article which is the first in a new series about Operation Gladio, NATO’s Cold War-era network of occupation terrorist armies.

Gladio is a wild topic. It’s hard to get your head around the sheer scale of it. One of the three main sources I’ve relied on to write these articles is a three part 1992 BBC documentary series by the late American film maker Allan Francovich.

You can watch it in full using the YouTube video here:

Operation Gladio [BBC Timewatch, 1992] State-Sponsored Terror

The whole series is 2 hours and 25 minutes long. It’s a stunning watch, something hard to tear your eyes away from.

The first 15 minutes in particular hits you over the head with revelation after revelation:

  • Gladio was an “invisible army” that secretly manipulated European countries. They used “internal subversion” to fight an ideological anti-communist war against the left, and even established governments.

  • The secret terrorist armies were trained in Britain and the US, under the authority of Western intelligence agencies.

  • These agencies often recruited fascists and occupations “for the simple reason that they fought the communists.”

  • Gladio were operative in France, Belgium, Italy and several other Western European countries.

  • This was often done without the knowledge of elected politicians, who were sometimes even the targets of Gladio operations.

2. More

The series includes a staggering array of interviews with first-hand participants in the secret army — from fascist terrorists and military intelligence spooks all the way up to senior CIA officers William Colby and Ray S. Cline. We meet all the major players, including Gladio fascist Vincenzo Vinciguerra and Licio Gelli, the head of an organization called (I kid you not) the P2 Masonic Lodge.*

* Italy’s shadowy masonic leader dies aged 96
Licio Gelli, a masonic leader implicated in some of the darkest scandals of Italy’s recent political history, has died in Tuscany aged 96.

I have not been able to find anywhere online that the film is available to buy. It’s frankly unthinkable to imagine the BBC of 2022 ever airing such a series, critical of British and American intelligence. There are several pirated copies online posted to YouTube and other such sites. I’ve included the one above simply because it’s all three parts in one video.

Unfortunately the online copies are of quite low quality. They all appear to be the same copy-of-a-copy, with a massive time stamp imposing itself over the top of the frame. Luckily the image quality is just about good enough to render the subtitles visible (essential in a series whose interviews take place in so many different languages). If any reader knows of the existence of a better quality copy, do let me know in the comments section.

Allan Francovich in 1982

His other films included 1980’s On Company Business, which exposed the dirty dealings of the CIA. It was partly financed by US public broadcasting, but “upset the CIA so much that political pressure was applied to PBS” and the channel only aired it once, despite having planned three showings.

He also made 1994’s The Maltese Double Cross, which debunked the official narrative about the Lockerbie bombing.

When he died, he had been working on a documentary about Olof Palme, the socialist prime minister of Sweden assassinated in 1986. [ □ comment: not a coincidence! ]

There is some speculation online that Francovich died in mysterious or suspicious circumstances, but I could find no hard information on this. His cause of death at the time was reported as a heart attack that hit him as he travelled via Houston airport.

3. Related

Book cover: NATO’s Secret Armies

NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe by Daniele Ganser

Amazon comment:

This fascinating new study shows how the CIA and the British secret service, in collaboration with the military alliance NATO and European military secret services, set up a network of clandestine anti-communist armies in Western Europe after World War II.

These secret soldiers were trained on remote islands in the Mediterranean and in unorthodox warfare centres in England and in the United States by the Green Berets and SAS Special Forces. The network was armed with explosives, machine guns and high-tech communication equipment hidden in underground bunkers and secret arms caches in forests and mountain meadows. In some countries the secret army linked up with right-wing terrorists [emphasis editor] who in a secret war engaged in political manipulation, harrassement of left wing parties, massacres, coup d’états and torture.

Codenamed ‘Gladio’ (‘the sword’), the Italian secret army was exposed in 1990 by Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to the Italian Senate, whereupon the press spoke of "The best kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II" (Observer, 18. November 1990) and observed that "The story seems straight from the pages of a political thriller." (The Times, November 19, 1990). Ever since, so-called ‘stay-behind’ armies of NATO have also been discovered in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Turkey. They were internationally coordinated by the Pentagon and NATO and had their last known meeting in the NATO-linked Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) in Brussels in October 1990.

4. YouTube

4a. Deutsch

Gladio: Die Schattenkrieger des BND | Frontal21, 03.12.2013
Zum ersten Mal berichtet ein Mitglied der geheimen BND-Partisanentruppe „Stay Behind" über seinen Auftrag im Kalten Krieg.

5. And Palestine is Still the Issue!

On The Alleged Plot to Kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =

By Dr. Yasir Qadhi @YasirQadhi, who wrote the following on Apr 9, 2022

1/ Sorry to interrupt your Ramaḍān worship, but this is an important news article that all of us need to be aware of. It involves the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
Why is this relevant now you ask? Read on…


2/ Two years ago, the FBI made a huge brouhaha about how they had uncovered and stopped a plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer – some Far Right militia group had been talking trash about the governor, and the FBI intercepted their conversations, then managed to infiltrate the group.

3/ Slowly, the FBI goaded these militiamen and enticed them, giving them ideas and providing them with the accessories to commit a crime, before arresting them and claiming that they had prevented an evil terrorist plot. Today, in a stunning twist, the jury ruled them innocent…

4/ The jury said that it was clear that these men were not capable of doing an actual offense had it not been for the FBI ensnaring them, and that it was all talk and no action. The court claimed the First Amendment protected their right to speak of acts of violence.

5/ A journalist writes: "The FBI has been doing [this] … to Muslim groups in the wake of 9/11. But because the targets in this case were conservative white men, those tactics touched a nerve with a swath of the population that had never seriously considered the issue before."

6/ Basically, for the first time, the tactics of the FBI backfired and the jury was able to differentiate a real terrorist from those propped up and created by the FBI. Sadly, this won’t change the verdict for hundreds of innocent Muslims in jail now.

7/ But we hope this verdict causes the @FBI to stop creating its own terrorists, of any persuasion, and get to the job of protecting us from bona fide criminals and terrorists.

More in this article:
A Stunning Surprise In The Michigan Kidnapping Case Calls The Government’s Domestic Terror Strategy Into Question
”But the most striking thing about the closely watched 15-day trial might be what the jury never got to see.”

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