The Time of Reckoning Is Getting Closer and Closer

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =

1. The Reckoning

ٱقْتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمْ وَهُمْ فِى غَفْلَةٍۢ مُّعْرِضُونَ ‏مَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن ذِكْرٍۢ مِّن رَّبِّهِم مُّحْدَثٍ إِلَّا ٱسْتَمَعُوهُ وَهُمْ يَلْعَبُونَ ‎

{iqtaraba li-n nāsi hisābuhum}
{Their reckoning (the time of their account) has drawn near to men (people, mankind), and in heedlessness are they turning aside (they turn away in heedlessness).}

[Other languages below]

2. Explanation – Tafsīr – of Verse 21-1

2.1 It Is Not a Free Ride

In this first verse of Sura al-Anbiyā (The Prophets), Allah – may His Majesty be exalted – announces ”that the time of the reckoning approaches; (cf 54-1). Reckoning (ḥisāb ) is a word used to signify the accounting of the Day of Judgement which is also called The Day of Reckoning (e.g. 38-16; 40-28).

Some theologians have said that the time that has passed since Allah created the world is greater than the time remaining until the world ends (Q, Z), a chronology based on the fact that the verb used in this verse for {draw nigh/ iqtaraba} ordinarily signifies that one is closer to one’s destination than to one’s origin (R).


2.2 How Close or Distant Is the Reckoning?

Some say that from Allah’s point of view the reckoning is close – not in a temporal sense because Allah knows all moments simultaneously – but rather is close concerning His Knowledge of the reckoning; human beings, however, think of it as something distant (M); see also 70-6–7, which speaks of the {impending punishment } (70-1) in these terms: {Truly they see it as far off, but We see it as nigh.}

In addition to the fact that the Quran points out that the world as such will come to an end, some commentators observe that it should be enough for anyone that one’s death is certain, regardless of the time of the destruction of the world; this is part of what is signified by {their reckoning draws nigh} (Q).

2.3 What Heedlessness?

To be {heedless} means that people only care about this world (Ṭ) and pay no attention to the matters of the Hereafter (Q).

It is said among the Sufis that some are heedless of the Hereafter because they are engrossed in worldly affairs, and there are the righteous believers who are mindful of the Hereafter, but there are also those who are heedless of the Hereafter because they are so engrossed in the remembrance of Allah that they give no thought to the Garden or the Fire (Aj).

These explanations of verse 21-1 in this chapter are quoted from TSQ.


3. Abbreviations of Commentators

Abbrev. Commentator
Aj Aḥmad ibn ´Ajībah
M Al-Māturīdī
Q Al-Qurṭtubī
R Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzi
Z Al-Zamakhsharī

4. Explanation – Tafsir From Other Sources

DY: Daryabadi
Their reckoning (1) has approached mankind, while they (2) are turning away unheedingly (3)
(1) The Day of Reckoning is drawing close and close every moment.
(2) that is, the infidels
(3) (from the consideration thereof): that is, so steeped are they in recklessness!

Y: Comment by Yusuf Ali
Every minute sees them nearer to their doom, and yet they are sadly heedless and even actively turn away from the Message that would save them.

5. This Verse in Other Languages


{Die Zeit ihrer Abrechnung nähert sich den Menschen, aber in ihrer Achtlosigkeit wenden sie sich davon ab.} MHH

MHH: Max Henning, überarbeitet von Murad W Hofmann

5. Related

Quranic Indications
The Lights of Revelation & the Secrets of Interpretation, Baydawi, GF Haddad
What The Quran Enjoins Us To Do & Warns Us 4 items
Quranic Definitions 3 items
Consensus c/f some issues related to Qur’ān, GF Haddad
Ibn `Arabi on Uncreatedness of Quran Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Uncreatedness of the Quran Shaykh Gibril F Haddad

-lmod: 20211108 23:10 CET (UTC=23:10 -1h)

Since When Do Highrise Buildings on Fire Collapse in Seconds?

Highrise Buildings just don’t collapse from fire – they never have done so in history.

Hit by a plane or not, it doesn’t matter. The WTC was designed from the outset, to withstand storms, earthquakes, including the impact of aeroplanes!

”Because the only loads present on 9/11 after the impact of the aeroplanes were gravity and fire, many engineers were surprised that the Twin Towers completely collapsed. The towers had been designed specifically to withstand the impact of a jetliner, as the head structural engineer, John Skilling, explained in an interview with the Seattle Times” in 1993.
More: 15 years later: on the physics of high-rise building collapses

The paper ”15 years later” was written by:
– Steven Jones, former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University
– Robert Korol, professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.
– Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer with over 25 years of structural design experience.

[This post is kept as short as possible. Links to more in-depth articles are provided.]

1. Explosions

When the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, occurred, most people were convinced that the highrise buildings were destroyed because of explosions. Many heard explosions. They said for example: ”We heard very loud explosions, blasts.” ”There was another major explosion.” (There is even audio.)

Thanks to Graeme MacQueen who analyzed many hours of tv-sequences, we now know that the number of witnesses to explosions is overwhelming!
Graeme MacQueen: What Journalists Actually Witnessed on 9/11 – YouTube
– or jump right in @2min 10

Only later, by repeated statements from so-called experts on tv, the word ‘pancaking WTC buildings’ was imprinted into the public mind. The promotion of the ’pancaking theory’ started on the same day of the event from the tv couch when the dust had not even settled! The propaganda machine was in the highest gears!

2. What Is Pancaking at a Building Collapse?

Normally “pancaking” is the informal word used to describe when buildings or bridges with multiple floors collapse due to earthquakes.


The image above is a prime example of the pancake theory, however, that is not the case when dealing with the WTC, nothing of the sort can be seen in the WTC2 or 3 or 7 rubble. Image from: The Pancake Theory

3. Office Fires or Something Else?

Now let’s compare two buildings in New York, WTC5 and WTC7.
Here you see the office fire of WTC7 a few hours before the collapse.

wtc7-office-fires from – A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7, p.11
This scientific research group came to the conclusion that WTC7 did not come down due to fires (as is claimed by NIST)! It was led by
– Dr J. Leroy Hulsey, Professor
– Dr Feng Xiao, Post-doctoral Researcher
– Zhili Quan, PhD Student
at University of Alaska Fairbanks (Institute of Northern Engineering & College of Engineering & Mines)

(See the video for WTC7 collapse here: Shortlink Proof WTC7)

WTC7 building, which collapsed in the afternoon of 9/11, without being hit by any flying object, with office fires burning only in a few stories, suddenly collapsed at 5:20 pm on that day in 7 seconds!

But fires have never brought down a highrise building! It has not happened in the history of modern steel highrise buildings, neither before nor after 9/11. So why did NIST insist on this flawed theory?!

This is about Normalizing the abnormal
Watch: Foreknowledge | World Trade Center Building 7

Compare the above images with those of another WTC building, WTC5, which was hit by debris and burned, and this is what it looked like after 8 hours of burning. The fires were more intense than the WTC7 fires, but the WTC5 did not collapse – how come?


WTC 5 is an example of how steel-framed high-rises typically perform in large fires. It burned for over eight hours on September 11, 2001, and did not suffer a total collapse.
15 years later: on the physics of high-rise building collapses

4. HOW Three WTC Buildings Collapsed

Now let’s turn our attention to the way those 3 WTC buildings collapsed.

4.1 WTC7

Velocity – elapsed time – measurements
Free-Fall Acceleration | World Trade Center Building 7

4.2 If Not Office Fires – Then What?

If it was not because of ’office fires’ as claimed for WTC7 or because of ’pancaking’ due to the weakening of the large steel beams supposedly induced by the crashed aeroplane’s petrol, so what was it then?

Remember the ‘pancaking’. Does this look like WTC stories are falling upon each other? Where is all this powder coming from?


Judge for yourself: How does it look?
We are not experts here, but there are many real architects, structural engineers, etc. who have analysed these events in great detail.

4.3 Comparison

Then compare those pictures (and there are many more, although much is being taken down from the internet!) with this video from Dubai, around 2019/20, when those buildings were ‘taken down.’ See how they were taken down.

Tallest building demolished using explosives – Guinness World Records – YouTube.
Controlled demolition of UAE building in 10 seconds that set a world record. (From around 2020)
Recommended: Free-Fall Acceleration | World Trade Center Building 7

5. More Proof of Explosives Used

In the Dubai video above, we can see (you may need to zoom in) those squibs, coming out of the building at several levels horizontally.

Compare this to the WTC:

High-velocity bursts of debris, or “squibs,” were ejected from point-like sources in WTC 1 and WTC 2, as many as 20 to 30 stories below the collapse front.

So what we see here, what does it mean for the official, by the US government peddled conspiracy theory, which brought humanity immense suffering, at least two wars, destroyed countries, destroyed lives – millions!
Explosive Features | Twin Towers
– Related: Shortlink Numbers War Terror

Then is this not worth investigating? Yes, very much so.

6. What We Need

We need a new, impartial, and thorough investigation into what happened on Sept.11, 2001.
More than 2,700 U.S. veterans call for a new investigation November 11, 2021

7. Related

Shortlink Strange Details 911
Shortlink No Coincidence
Shortlink Proof WTC7
Shortlink 5 Conspiracy Theories
Shortlink What is a Conspiracy Theory
911 links
Researchers Find Flaws in NIST’s WTC7 Theory

-lmod: 20211108 11:07 CET (UTC=11:07 -1h)

Metaphysics and the Intellect

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =

1. Basic Explanation of Metaphysics
Physics is the study of all that appertains to the domain of nature; metaphysics, on the other hand, is the study of what lies beyond nature. MXO5

2. Physics was for the Ancient Greeks by no means the kind of science, which has now been chosen for this name, except that it was a collective concept for the knowledge of the world in its entirety, or when referring to the microcosmos, for the knowledge of the individual – not just regarding the corporal, but also the spiritual or the subtle dimension. GD19


3. The metaphysical principle, which is the direct origin of the corporal-spiritual is called the pure intellect (intellectus purus – acc. to the scholastics of the Middle Ages in direct connection with Aristotle).

□ comment: In Islamic epistemology intellect is `aql, as understanding, ratio, reflection, + importantly that what goes beyond rational consideration and does not contradict it.
Intellect and revelation as sources of knowledge

And according to Master Eckehart who said: ”There is something in the soul, which is uncreated and cannot to be created[fn1] (increatum et increabile); if the whole soul had been such, it had been uncreated and not to be created; and this is the Intellect.”

Nowadays the word intellect is synonymous with ’understanding’, ratio, and this shift in meaning is an indication for the enormous gap, which separates our way of looking at things from pre-modern times. GD20

If we hold on to the meaning of intellect (intellectus as Eckehart uses it), one can say that for the spiritual elite of the Middle Ages ”the Beyond” was an intellectual endeavour of the highest degree. GD20u

Quotes on Oriental Metaphysics, R G

Quoted and slightly edited from Swedish ”Den glömda dimensionen” (The forgotten dimension), Kurt Almqvist – except for the comment. Booklist: MXO, GD

fn1: uncreated and not to be created: by no one, except by the One, Who creates and sustains everything in existence.

-lmod: 20211107 13:29 CET (UTC=13:29 -1h)
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