How we stay blind to the deceptions of worldly power

Quotes from the original article: ”How we stay blind to the story of power”, by Jonathan Cook [link].

1. The author emphasizes the ”urgent need for us to start understanding power. Power is the force that shapes almost everything about our lives and our deaths.”
This understanding is ”the only path to liberation we can take as individuals, as societies, and as a species.”

□ comment: Almost quite right, it shapes everything and Power is ultimately unlimited, existence-giving every moment, and bringing back to non-existence – what can be experienced in our lives is only an infinitesimal fraction of it.

2. Power is a loan, it is given for a certain period and will be taken back, or returned, just as life itself.
□ comment: Understanding power in this world is beneficial, as long as this understanding is not divorced from accepting the overall power of the All-Powerful, the power of the Real. Power is lent to mankind in different, well-proportioned measures, to the rich and the poor, to the young and old, to men and women.

Then there is everyone’s responsibility on how this little provision of power is used, and to what end, and not misused. (And what is misusage should be obvious by now).
Is it to increase our comfort of illusion in this life (for our egotism) or is it used as a good investment for what is better for mankind?


Is it difficult to agree on what is good and better for mankind? Are bridges, clean water, decent schools, clean hospitals better? Are places of worship better, are libraries better or worth it? Are super-sonic jets, laser-guns and drones worth it?

We don’t need a revolution, but a conscious, ongoing, urgent evolution to the high road, to what is better for us, our families and society in everything, when and if it is done solely to gain Allah’s good pleasure (riḍwān ).

Also to remind ourselves, that we cannot change anything, as long as we don’t change what is in ourselves, which necessitates that we, first of all, learn to know ourselves.

3. No interest by the media, and not by the careless
This is ”not surprising at all because the corporate media is the key tool – or seen another way, the central expression – of power.”

4. The main concern of (wordly) power, is the ”ability to conceal itself,” in order to control the populace.
– To disguise itself and its aims, ”power conceals itself is through stories, narratives,… (especially) ideologies.” ”Ideologies … prevent us from questioning:
– why some people were apparently born to rule, or
– have been allowed to enclose vast estates of what was once everyone’s land, or
– hoard masses of inherited wealth, or
– are celebrated for exploiting large numbers of workers, or
– get away with choking the planet to the point at which life itself asphyxiates.”

NB: Divine Power, does not conceal Itself (except for the unprepared or the disbeliever), but discloses Itself in the ongoing Selfdisclosure of God. There-is-no-might-or-power-except-with-ALLAH

□ comment: and while doing so, proponents of the ruling class (and those who want to grab it) also smear everyone who proposes divergent perspectives such as the Islamic worldview which presents an alternative to the mess we are in, to the injustices, persecutions and wars of terror, which are continuously haunting the world and the environmental destruction which is part of the late capitalistic process.
All those practices ”look pathologically insane, an irrefutable proof of our self-destructiveness as a species.”

– More: How we stay blind to the story of power, by Jonathan Cook
NB: Comments and images were not part of the original article.

Palestine will be free!

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =


2021-11-30 Settler violence is part of Israel’s official policy – Mondoweiss

“Continuous, systemic violence meted out by settlers is part of Israel’s official policy, driving massive takeover of Palestinian” lands, B’Tselem says in a groundbreaking report, but the Washington Post’s recent article on settler violence suggests that the Israeli government is taking it on vigorously.

Washington Post’s recent article on settler violence: It is a clear example of them lying through their printing machines, and so enabling zionistic crimes of pride and supremacy. Not #chosen people!


2021-11-21 Israel killed 77 Palestinian children in Gaza, West Bank in 2021: report

The Israeli army has killed at least 77 Palestinian children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip since the beginning of 2021, a non-government organization reported on Sunday. (Getty)


Six Palestinian prisoners of war had escaped from ‘high-security’ Gilboa Prison, this gives a picture of the total incompetence on the part of the Israel- occupation regime. 


Palestinian Muslims were in worship also on the tree-lined hilltop plateau containing the mosque, Islam’s third-holiest site. “With our soul and blood, we will redeem you, Aqsa”.


Changing the Jewish religion into a worldly, nationalistic endeavour

Elites buy us off and raid the common wealth

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =
= There is no power nor strength except by Allah. =

Quotes from the article
Elites buy us off with trivial protections – while they raid the common wealth, by Jonathan Cook [link]

The author tries ”to highlight how our social, cultural and political structures are rigged to reflect the interests of an economic elite and maintain their power. Because the forces that shape those structures are largely invisible – we mainly notice the people and buildings inside these structures – the way power operates can be difficult to describe and to understand.”

How power is ordered

”A wealth elite engineers our environment to perpetuate itself and sustain the power structures on which it depends.”

We too readily accept, ie resign to the status quo, to this

”engineered environment (which maintains) financial systems that tax nurses and teachers at a higher rate than they do transnational corporations; or that protect private, usually inherited, wealth parked offshore; or that reward corporations for “externalising” their costs – that is, offloading them in ways that destroy the environment and the future of our children.”


One reason for our resignation is because

”every day we face endless propaganda: in our schools, in our places of higher education, in the workplace, and most especially from the so-called “mainstream” – code for billionaire-owned or state-run – media.”

□ comment: There is almost no open culture of learning and researching the central issues of our life, the essential, existential questions, which need to be posed before they can be answered, if we don’t want to be the blind leading the blind, instead:

”We are sidetracked into, at best, debates about how we can improve the status quo, rather than whether the status quo works or, even more usefully, whether the status quo is dangerous and ecocidal.”

Functions of government

Our Sense of Fairness and Justice

When we grow up to adulthood ”our minds are battered each day into submission, so much so that fairly quickly our childhood exuberance, curiosity and wonder, and our sense of fairness and justice, is crushed into a soulless technocrat’s ideas of order, efficiency and pragmatism.”

The author claims that ”our intellectual and cultural life is entirely captured by the billionaire class.”

Ideological capture in a propaganda system

”The propaganda system tightly constrains our understanding of political and ideological realities to make them dependent on the economic priorities of the ultra-rich. We become unconscious lobbyists for the lawless and immoral activities of corporations and billionaires.”

An Example of Gatekeeper

The author, Jonathan Cook, highlights the example of an establishment journalist to function as a gatekeeper for the ruling elites against the anticipated anger and potential revolt from the general public. In this case, it is about control of who gets appointed to public bodies.

This person in this example ”is very much integrated into the establishment that runs the country for its own benefit. But he is also on the wing of it that is most anxious about the masses getting restless if the failures inherent in a system designed to uphold the establishment’s power become too apparent.”


A Definition of Gatekeeper

A gatekeeper ”personifies the only permitted struggles going in our political, cultural and economic spaces,” and his role is to divert debate from the underlying serious issues, ’stop here, don’t go further.’

Social, Educational, And Professional Background

What background do those people – gatekeepers – typically have?

”The vast majority have attended private schools and/or gone on to elite universities,” later they ”have then typically served in the status-quo adoring, advocacy-trained elite professions, as lawyers or journalists, or they have spent decades working in the various temples to late-stage capitalism, such as banks, investment firms and fund management companies.” In the political spectrum it has ”varied from a moderate, gently reformist identification with turbo-charged capitalism (neoliberalism) to complete, dog-eat-dog identification with neoliberalism. Riddell is on the more moderate wing of that already narrow spectrum.”

The way the appointments system, to certain important public institutions, such as the BBC, works:

”The appointments system has always been heavily rigged – as one would expect – to maintain class privilege. Cliques have no incentive to invite in outsiders, those who might disrupt the financial and ideological gravy train the elite has been growing fat on. The appointments system, by its very nature, is deeply conservative.”

Challenges to the System From the Right

”Any challenges to the status quo come not from the left – or so rarely from the left that they can be quickly snuffed out with corporate media-led propaganda-vilification campaigns, as happened with Jeremy Corbyn – but from the right. This is why the system has a consistent tendency to shift rightwards, even as reality moves leftwards, in the sense that the failure of financial institutions and the collapse of environmental support systems become ever harder to conceal or ignore.”

Stabilizing and Protecting the Political System

□ comment: In the British example as well as most if not all Western democracies, the idea is to protect the system from its worst representatives. This has to be seen in the case of France, how far to the right, to authoritarianism, will the elite class go, and even if they ’save the system’, it will not be the same. (Also example USA, written in 2021)

”It benefits the system that not too many overtly dog-eat-dog candidates get appointed to our most important, visible and cherished public bodies.”

Instead of functioning as real checks on government power, or as in the case of the Guardian ”as a check on the rest of the billionaire-owned corporate media,” and ”in reality, both are trying to stop real scrutiny of out-of-control power structures that are ultimately destroying economic health and environmental health on a global scale.”

In the case of Britain and the Johnson government, the problem is threatening the perceived – but not real, or long-term – stability of the political system by his excessiveness:

”Through his clownish incompetence, Johnson is threatening to expose the system’s corruption by making it even more corrupt – so corrupt, in fact, that its corruption can no longer be concealed from the public. Johnson is threatening to make a system designed to covertly maintain elite privilege explicitly do so. He threatens to discredit it, to bring it into disrepute.”

The General Public Is Sidelined

All the while the general public is ”sidelined into trivial debates about upholding rules,” when those who are supposed to act as neutral actors, or as ’independents’ are not all ”independent – they are selected, as were (the person as an example in the article) and the editor of the Guardian, precisely because they have spent a lifetime identifying with establishment priorities.”

End of the Article

”On one side are those who have grown so confident in the elite’s ability to rig the system to its advantage that they are contemptuous of those outside their own class and no longer care how bad the system looks.”

”And on the other side are those who fear that, if the system’s corruption becomes too gross, to offensive, the masses may turn on the elites and end their privileges just as revolutionaries sent the French elite to the guillotine nearly 250 years ago.”

”Appointments to public bodies are critically important. The leaders shape our cultural, intellectual and social lives. But let us not pretend that anything (the person mentioned in the article) or the Guardian are doing will bring pluralism to our public bodies or protect democracy. They will simply maintain the veil a little longer over the charade that is elite privilege masquerading as the pubic good.

Original Article

Elites buy us off with trivial protections – while they raid the common wealth, by Jonathan Cook

Recommended Article By the Same Author

How we stay blind to the story of power, by Jonathan Cook



The La Hawla (Arabic: لَا حَوْلَ‎) is an Islamic term referring to the Islamic statement لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ‎ (lā ḥawla wa-lā quwwata ʾillā bi-llāhi) which is usually translated as "There is no power nor strength except by Allah."
The word Ḥawqala is a portmanteau (or naḥt) of the words ḥawla and quwwata.

A longer version is لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ ٱلْعَلِيِّ ٱلْعَظِيمِ‎ (lā ḥawla wa-lā quwwata ʾillā bi-llāhi l-ʿaliyyi l-aẓīmi), meaning "There is no power nor strength or movement except by Allah the Lofty, the Great". Hawqala – Wikipedia

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