The time of Germany lecturing others is over. ”The Global South is rising”, they don’t shut up any more, when ”the West and Jewish leaderships have chosen cruelty and selfishness over egalitarianism and solidarity.”
”We are living through a fascinating global political correction.” Alon Mizrahi
The Zionist regime is an evil regime that is committing the most savage war crimes!
NB: Atrocities were committed against Isra-l civilians on October 7, by the Palestinian resistance.
However, October 7 should never have happened. The reason that it did happen is because of the Zionist lobby in the USA and Western states who deny the Palestinian any rights and dignity, robbing them of the future and treating them as third class citizens if even that. after what has happened in Gaza the mask has fallen off.
All of the Isra-lic propaganda lies have been debunked! (Remember the 40 beheaded babies lie?!)
It has become clear, that at least half of the 1200 dead where killed by the IOF (Isra-lic Offensive Forces).
For evidence, see: What really happened on Oct 7, 2023:
Part A, Part B, Part C, )
How can anyone believe the lies of a psychopathic entity, committing a (plausible) genocide in front of our eyes?
That said, the worst, unimaginable atrocities are committed to this day by Isra-l itself, since October 9, 2023. The number of victims in Gaza and the West Bank has risen into the 300,000s.
Isra-lic bloodlust must be stopped. Zionist Isra-l has to be dismantled!

Arnaud Bertrand
This is an immensely satisfying must-watch: extraordinary rebuke of Scholz by Malaysia’s Prime Minister (Anwar Ibrahim), while standing right next to him.
(Via @narrative_hole)
"You cannot find a solution by being so one-sided, in terms of looking only at one particular issue and erase 60 years of atrocities.
The solution is not just releasing the hostages. What about the settlements? What about the behavior of the settlers now? It continues daily!
What about the dispossession? Their land, their right, their dignity, their men, their women, their children? Are these of no concern? Where have we thrown away our humanity? Why this hypocrisy?"
This is an immensely satisfying must-watch: extraordinary rebuke of Scholtz by Malaysia's Prime Minister, while standing right next to
— Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand) March 14, 2024
"You cannot find a solution by being so one-sided, in terms of looking only at one particular issue and erase 60…
Video via ”What the media hides”
Malaysian PM slams Scholz after his vanilla speech about Israel and Hamas
@narrative_hole 2024-03-14
– – responding to the above OP – –
Alon Mizrahi | without equality there’s no freedom
The Global South is rising. It is energetic, it is wise and eloquent, it has morality on its side, it is not keeping its mouth shut anymore. We are living through a fascinating global political correction, and it is a great pity that at this hour the West and Jewish leaderships have chosen cruelty and selfishness over egalitarianism and solidarity, and some humility.
@alon_mizrahi 2024-03-14
– – responding to the above OP – –
Bruno Maçães
A stunning exchange in Berlin between Scholz and Anwar Ibrahim. We live in a new world. Germany just didn’t get the memo. The contrast in public speaking ability also striking.
– – responding to the above OP – –
Ali Abunimah
It’s good to see Anwar Ibrahim, one of the leaders from the civilized world, teach a lesson to the barbaric Germans. But there’s no hope that the child-murdering regime in Berlin is capable of absorbing it or changing its brutal and savage ways.
Yes, atrocities did happen, but no "40 beheaded babies" and no "mass-rapes", (there is no evidence to this date for even 1 rape) nothing compared with the almost daily gruesome massacres and warcrimes by the IOF in their genocidal warfare.
However, there has emerged lot of information (from Isra-lic media and independant analysts), that many, if not most of the 1200 dead were killed by the Isra-l Occupation Forces (IOF) as they enacted the Hannibal directive: killing their own, together with their hostage-takers.
Part A Part B Part C
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Last updated on 2024-03-14 by w3admin