How is the world letting this go on!


How is the world letting this go on: how is the world letting the israelis exterminate the Palestinian people; how do WE live after all of this?

01 The question: How can this be the case?
02 Short video from Gaza as a summary
04 Hear the Isra-lic voices
05 They set fire to aid delivered
06 What happened to Dr Adnan al Bursh?
07 A probable answer



At some point those who orchestrated or supported this genocide will have to face the music. Which, unfortunately, will not bring back those innocent souls who have been murdered by these racist genocidal psychopaths.
This marks the beginning of the end for the Occupation. History has shown that the greater the crime, the closer they are to collapse.
How are the IDF soldiers the same species? I don’t believe they can be human. What we have witnessed is compounded horrors by the support of the USA
I don’t understand
I understand the corrupt Washington politics and the war machine profitable situation for politics but I really believed
We were better than this
Its disturbing and disgusting
The inhumanity
The ones saying it’s not a genocide will live in the same ignorance they lived until now, until it will be their turn. At that point they will expect mercy, understanding and salvation.
This is totally f****d up! Israhell must be stopped!
There is no plausible deniability for Starmer or Lammy. We need to send them evidence every single day so they can never deny that they knew about the war crimes, torture, starvation and genocide. All aided and abetted by the UK govt.
because the western world is governed by corrupt gangsters who support the zionist colonial settler project. They do this because they are paid and blackmailed by lobbyists. Israel is a money laundering operation.
It’s beyond my understanding. I don’t know how we get over this. I really don’t. Feels like we are ALL living under Zionist occupation. in truth, we probably are. 

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, a Western outpost in resources rich West-Asia, based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a sectarian deviation from orthodox Judaism.

Isra-lic Zionist Jews have constructed a system of racial supremacism around which their state is oriented, like many other colonialists have done in the past. It is a crime and surely the final nail in the coffin of Western moral legitimacy. Its consequences are uncertain.

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's current war against Palestinians

[Why Isra-l and not Israel?]
The ”EL” in Israel, which means God (G-d), is not becoming a genocidal, colonial settler regime, they have nothing to do with God, and God has already turned away from them.



“People in Gaza deserve death. A hard, agonizing death. There are no innocent people there”

“We should have seen a lot more revenge, a lot more rivers of Gazans’ blood”

– Isra-lic journalist, Channel 12, the most watched TV channel in Israel.


Isra-lic militaries with ‘high morals’ set fire to aid delivered hours earlier!

🇺🇸: Israel is not deliberately preventing aid

🇮🇱 Media: Israeli soldiers prevented people from getting aid then set fire to it. @AssalRad


[News from the most moral army!]

Sky News reports that Dr Adnan al Bursh was likely raped to death by israelis while held in custody: raped to death! where’s the f***ing outrage?

From the video

”He had clearly been assaulted with injuries around his body.
He was naked in the lower part of his body.
The prison guards threw him in the middle of the yard and left him there.”


An Answer

The leaders of the West, primarily those of the United States of America, our convinced that brown lives, especially Muslim lives are less valuable, in other words they are racists.

On top of that they are paid by the Isra-lic support groups, AIPAC donate to the politicians of their liking – those who most vehemently Support the colonial settler regime in West Asia.

After 75 years of the existence of the state of Isra-l diplomatic, economic and kind of other relations, not the least intelligence coopertion, between the Western and this racist messianic settler colonial regime have become very close relations.

But the real answer is:
Where normal people have a heart, the people we are dealing with here don’t have it, instead what they have is but an empty hole.

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Last updated on 2024-11-18 by w3admin

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