November 2021 archive

The Reform of the Modern Mentality

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. = Last updated on 2021-12-21 by w3admin

Why Intelligent Design is the most plausible scientific theory?

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. = Keywords from the annotation page [ link] Beginning  Big-Bang Theory  boundary constraints  causality  chaotic  DNA  Einstein  evidence  finetuning  God  hypothesis  illusion  implications  intelligence  Intelligent Design  life  materialism  mathematics  mutation  Newton  Ontology  protein  Quantum Cosmology  Quantum Mechanics  Quantum Physics  random  …

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When powerful leaders side with Zionist supremacists

= The blessings and peace of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. =– There is no might, power, or movement except with ALLAH – Last updated on 2021-11-24 by w3admin

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