What really happened on Oct 7, 2023


The Zionist regime is an evil regime that is committing the most savage war crimes!

NB: Atrocities were committed against Isra-l civilians on October 7, by the Palestinian resistance.

However, October 7 should never have happened. The reason that it did happen is because of the Zionist lobby in the USA and Western states who deny the Palestinian any rights and dignity, robbing them of the future and treating them as third class citizens if even that. after what has happened in Gaza the mask has fallen off.

All of the Isra-lic propaganda lies have been debunked! (Remember the 40 beheaded babies lie?!)
It has become clear, that at least half of the 1200 dead where killed by the IOF (Isra-lic Offensive Forces).

For evidence, see: What really happened on Oct 7, 2023:
Part APart BPart C, )

How can anyone believe the lies of a psychopathic entity, committing a (plausible) genocide in front of our eyes?

That said, the worst, unimaginable atrocities are committed to this day by Isra-l itself, since October 9, 2023. The number of victims in Gaza and the West Bank has risen into the 300,000s.
Isra-lic bloodlust must be stopped. Zionist Isra-l has to be dismantled!

… and what the Zionist settler regime will not tell you.

Isra-l is a Jewish supremacist state, a Western outpost in resources rich West-Asia, based on a messianic settler ideology, which is a sectarian deviation from orthodox Judaism.

Isra-lic Zionist Jews have constructed a system of racial supremacism around which their state is oriented, like many other colonialists have done in the past. It is a crime and surely the final nail in the coffin of Western moral legitimacy. Its consequences are uncertain.

[The Racists' Revenge until Extermination]
The theological underpinnings of Isra-l's current war against Palestinians

[Why Isra-l and not Israel?]
The ”EL” in Israel, which means God (G-d), is not becoming a genocidal, colonial settler regime, they have nothing to do with God, and God has already turned away from them.

1. Available info-pages: o, A, B, C

Part o, quoting the ‘official story of Oct 7’ by Caitlin Johnstone @caitoz
Part A is this page here.
Part B & C have more info, with latest updates on C, inshaAllah.

2. Clarification

To clarify first the following regarding Gaza/ Palestine:

– 1. There are not 2 parts in a war: they are not equal, one is the occupier, the other is the occupied.

– 2. According to HRW, Amnesty, BTSelem, a.o. Israel is an Apartheid state. Apartheid is a crime against humanity, it is a deeply racist endevour, where the weaker group is considered less human, if human at all.

– 3. To criticise Israel for the crimes they are committing (policy, daily humiliations, house destructions, bombings, shooting to kill, night raids into homes, kidnapping of children, minimising food intake and/ or water supply for Gazans, cutting down olive trees in the Westbank, digging up water pipes, destroying schools built by the EU, …) is equally self-evident as criticising Greenland or Grenada. It has nothing to do with hating Jews (anti-semitism).

It is impossible for fighters with light arms to destroy houses to rubble! So who did this on Oct 7/8, 2023 ?

Israel has never explained how Palestinian fighters who crossed from Gaza on 7 October could have caused mass destruction to Israeli homes, as seen here in Kibbutz Be’eri, with their light weapons. There’s mounting evidence that heavy, indiscriminate fire by Israeli forces killed Palestinians and Israeli civilians alike. Ziv Koren Polaris

On October 7, 2023 atrocities against civilian Israelis happened and everyone, every Palestinian will be judged in the Higher Court of Justice, just as everyone from the Zionist settler regime will be judged accordingly. This judgement may involve punishment or forgiveness, and this is God’s affair, not ours.

3. Responsibility

However, no whitewashing can distract from the fact that the main responsibility remains with the Zionist settler regime, quote Omer Bartov:

NB Islam and Muslims never had a problem with Christians or Jews as 'People of the Book', the problem however stems from Zionism, racism and neo-colonialism from before 1948 after.

If you keep over two million people under siege for 16 years, cramped in a narrow strip of land, without enough work, proper sanitation, food, water, energy, education, with no hope or future prospects, you cannot but expect outbreaks of ever more desperate and brutal violence.
The Hamas Attack and Israel’s War in Gaza – Council for Global Cooperation

And Jonathan Cook @Jonathan_K_Cook writes:

It was the blocking of all non-violent means for Palestinians to liberate themselves from an ever-deepening, ever more violent occupation that led to the 7 October breakout from Gaza. That prison break may have been bloody, it may have included many atrocities, but it was entirely predictable.

Chiefly responsible for it are Israel, and the western political and media class, who ignored and smeared Palestinians, human rights groups and solidarity activists, as they now smear an innocent chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.

It should not be a secret to all those Isra-el loving EU-leaders including Biden, Trudeau or von der Leyen ("Israel- we stand behind you”) that according to international law genocide of a people or a group of people is a crime where no bystander – especially in government positions – is absolved from such crimes against humanity.

Regarding what really happened that day: we have by now ‐ over 1 month later – much evidence to be able to seriously question the version provided by the Zionist settler regime.

They struggled hard to poster these horrific killing events as their justification for the massacres and the genocide that they brought / still bringing on 10s of 1000s of innocent Palestinian civilians.

And they also – for everyine to hear and see – their intent on genocide.

The crucial point here is that Hamas did not kill all those people. We don’t know the sum total of Israeli civilians (Isr. said 1400, then 1200, then… )

We don’t know how many Israeli civilians of those killed, but

What we do know is that many Israeli civilians were killed by their own Isra-el army including Hamas fighters in irresponsible crossfire, by tank shell shot into the Kibbutz houses or by the machine guns from their US-provided Apache helicopters, [fn Apache]

[fn Apache]: in true colonialist speak, you don’t only destroy a people in this historic case the Apache tribe, who btw were the terrorists of the day, you then use their name for your useless warmachines, the helicopter, thereby trying to completely erasing them.

4. Related external sites and videos

(List will be expanded, inshaAllah )

A quite thorough overview of what has come to light.
Israel admits burning hundreds of people on 7 October | The Electronic Intifada
Caitlin Johnstone | Substack

Latest Articles at Caitlin Johnstone’s Substack ( 2023-11-28 — 21)

War Is Not Abstracted Anymore (Elon Musk in Israel)
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Never Stop Being Shocked By The Depravity Of The Empire
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This Is The Real Face Of The US Empire
“From The River To The Sea” Is Genocide, But Actual Genocide Is Not Genocide

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Last updated on 2024-12-04 by w3admin

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